
I had Stats and Logic in college and the only reason I passed was because of an extra credit assignment that accounted for 1 test score. The teacher went to each student and had them draw out a colored marble. There was only one or two blue marbles out of 30 or 40 white marbles. And each student would draw one marble after he shook it up. If you got the blue marble you got a free 100 on any test. Welp. I was 28 or so. No one had grabbed the blue marble. I reached in that MF'er and pulled it out.

Free 100. and passed the class because of it.

Do you still have that marble? Because I've heard it said several times that Willy has lost all his marbles.
Do you still have that marble? Because I've heard it said several times that Willy has lost all his marbles.

No, but I told the teacher in front of the class when I pulled out that marble, that I had better luck pulling crabs off a dirty toilet seat before I could win anything meaningful in my life.

The teacher and class raised their eye brows on that statement.
Once I got past the "your brain evolved from a reptile" bullshit that was a really good article.

I'm going to condense it into the six main points and copy it down. Thanks for sharing it.

Yeah, I can understand what you mean by that. But glad you enjoyed the article. I use it sometimes when I talk to my clients as frame of reference
Y'all came up with some really good ideas last might about the old folks home. It would be kind of like animal house for olds.

Happy Friday.
We should carefully plan this animal house for olds.

We could start a non-profit org and raise $$ to realize our dreams! Who among us has fundraising experience? Who here, aside from me, has investing expertise?

The "D"! Yes!
Nope. You publicly addressed your love for Jason Williams earlier, and I for one will not forget it.

And another thing about this peckerhead...did he just declare himself "Jay"? Was he not Jason Williams at Duke?
Coach K is their coach.
They get All-Americans to return to school instead of going to the draft.
UK has borderline guys enter the draft constantly (guys that shouldn't).
They're gonna get Bolden.
2016-17 was supposed to be UK's year, UK in the spotlight, etc.... Jefferson returns, Allen returns, they get Bolden. Now it's gonna be Duke.
Cal's "best recruiting class ever at UK" isn't even gonna be the best in the country. How ****ed up is that?

I just hate em. I really wish nothing good for em. I want em all to die.

Totally agree. Damn, do I hate them.