
Why would any guy ever get tested for herpes? If you find out I would think it would create a conscience.

I think mislabeling it jock itch is a much better play.

Then you have the option of saying you had to break up with the last 5 girls you dated because, "they was dirty bitches that had the itch, and I ain't bout catchin that shit."
I say this because I have a douchebag friend (who is similar to how Spear post) who has broke up with 3 girls because he found out they had herpes, and called them dirty bitches.

Most of them seemed like decent girls until he dated them and I was always amazed that he never could figure out that he may be the one giving it to them.
Turned pink due to there being a bunch of blood in it. I remember calling my wife from a pay phone. She had just graduated from nursing school. She diagnosed me over the phone and told me to chug all the water I could. It seemed wrong to me at the time, but it helped a ton. After I made my connection in Dallas and took off, I took the longest piss of my life in the first class John on the plane.
Once, in early 1984, I drank a beer from a glass at the Giessen, Germany train station while waiting on a connecting train. Began pissing blood later that night. Doctor thought the beer may have contained tiny glass particles.
Good morning DL herpes and chalmydia survivors.

Rain and storms have moved on. Going to be cooler but not rainy.

Need to mow two yards today or tomorrow. Two more Saturday or Monday.

Spring Break next week. Looking forward to that.

Have a good, safe and STD free day.
Guess I didn't drink enough water last night, pee is fire orange today

Hydration, hydration, hydration. It's the key, Willy. You're better than that.

everyone been picking Duke lately for Bolden, but it just makes sense to me that he picks UK. I wouldn't say it on Rafters officially because I like to have too much fun with situations like this, but dude was rumored to wanna commit to UK back last fall and Cal asked him to wait. Cal's the best recruiter in the country. UK has a fairly GLARING need for a post up big man. Cal's success with bigs is unmatched in the college game. Bolden just spent 4 days getting battered with pro UK propaganda from the other 4 recruits in Chicago. His AAU coach and primary mentor other than his parents also coached Julius Randle and is very pro-Calipari. He said he's talked to a few of UK's former players about what it's like to play at UK (may have done this for Duke... most likely did).

Everything that makes rational sense points to UK other than education. His parents want Duke based on that and even Bolden admitted "it's because they never played sports and don't see things the way I do" meaning he's not in agreement with them.

In the end I think he makes the decision he's been wanting to make all along and picks UK.

I think UK gets Bolden, returns Briscoe and Lee, and we go into the summer all :boxing:

I hope you're right. I hope it's a case of throwing people of his scent.
Man buns...WTF is up with man buns? Anybody have or ever had a "man bun"? Seems to be the fad of the day. I figure at my age I don't have enough time to grow me one, so I wonder if "man bun wigs" would have a market...I could be onto something here, man bun wig, for the man who can't grow the bun but wants the fun...You ever had a man bun dondaddy?

When I was single, various times, my constant fear was stds. Not really sure how I came away unscathed. I was a man whore.

When I was in my early 20's, I just kinda figured out how to "bed" women. Not talking about roofies, like our creep boi from memphis, but actually talking to them. The biggest secret, (meh), is to not make them feel uncomfortable.

Sounds simple, but most people are a huge pot of insecurities. They then want people to be ok with how messed up they think they are. The key, is that almost 99.99% of people are really messed up to some degree. Once you make them feel normal,
the trust begins. But they will give you opportunities to see if you judge them. They are very small windows, but at all times, you must let them know, its ok (not in a patronizing way).

My favorites were whores. Not $$ whores, but young, go to bars, looking to get laid and enjoyed sex. Now the key is to let you know that you are ok with this behavior, and do not judge them. You can do whatever you like in the bedroom later.

I mean obviously, there are other techniques as well as making them laugh, making them engaged, making them feel like they are in a moment, but thats all technique. Also, its what worked for me.

I am a big man that batted out of my league for years based on this.

Also, you must been seen with hot chicks. This is paramount. One fat chick will ruin your rep for at least 3-6 months. The desperation of banging a fatty will cling to your person like cheap cologne. Women can smell it a mile away. When you are with a hot girl (may be a friend or not), other girls look at girls. Not you. They hate other women. If they see you with a hot girl, they will think, f*ck that b*tch. Im gonna screw her man. I know it sounds crazy, but women are jacked. Ive slept with a lot of women just from their friends alone. Women are in constant competition, use it to your benefit.

That being said, happily married, and no other woman does it for me like my wife. Sounds gay, but after our first date/hanging out, I knew I was going to marry her. It was a rocky road, and we were off and on for years, but finally, we both settled down. Took years of changing to make it happen. I believe that each person has a purpose in life, and that is to overcome great struggle. I am not sure how many struggles, or why we need to learn the lessons, maybe a past life (I dont believe in past lives, I just use those words because I lack the vocabulary to adequately describe what I mean). I believe that my wife and I over came one of our great struggles. Hopefully, I can get past the one now. Fear. Fear of losing my children (death), but thats another post.

When I was single, various times, my constant fear was stds. Not really sure how I came away unscathed. I was a man whore.

When I was in my early 20's, I just kinda figured out how to "bed" women. Not talking about roofies, like our creep boi from memphis, but actually talking to them. The biggest secret, (meh), is to not make them feel uncomfortable.

Sounds simple, but most people are a huge pot of insecurities. They then want people to be ok with how messed up they think they are. The key, is that almost 99.99% of people are really messed up to some degree. Once you make them feel normal,
the trust begins. But they will give you opportunities to see if you judge them. They are very small windows, but at all times, you must let them know, its ok (not in a patronizing way).

My favorites were whores. Not $$ whores, but young, go to bars, looking to get laid and enjoyed sex. Now the key is to let you know that you are ok with this behavior, and do not judge them. You can do whatever you like in the bedroom later.

I mean obviously, there are other techniques as well as making them laugh, making them engaged, making them feel like they are in a moment, but thats all technique. Also, its what worked for me.

I am a big man that batted out of my league for years based on this.

Also, you must been seen with hot chicks. This is paramount. One fat chick will ruin your rep for at least 3-6 months. The desperation of banging a fatty will cling to your person like cheap cologne. Women can smell it a mile away. When you are with a hot girl (may be a friend or not), other girls look at girls. Not you. They hate other women. If they see you with a hot girl, they will think, f*ck that b*tch. Im gonna screw her man. I know it sounds crazy, but women are jacked. Ive slept with a lot of women just from their friends alone. Women are in constant competition, use it to your benefit.

That being said, happily married, and no other woman does it for me like my wife. Sounds gay, but after our first date/hanging out, I knew I was going to marry her. It was a rocky road, and we were off and on for years, but finally, we both settled down. Took years of changing to make it happen. I believe that each person has a purpose in life, and that is to overcome great struggle. I am not sure how many struggles, or why we need to learn the lessons, maybe a past life (I dont believe in past lives, I just use those words because I lack the vocabulary to adequately describe what I mean). I believe that my wife and I over came one of our great struggles. Hopefully, I can get past the one now. Fear. Fear of losing my children (death), but thats another post.

That's old school there brother, today's generation is that of giving up or the **** it attitude, I will find somebody else. No loyalties in today's world and if there is, it's very rare. We all talk the big game and oogle over some pics but in reality I could not perform with another as long as I'm married..It takes years and years to build a good solid marriage foundation but only minutes to ruin one. Everybody makes mistakes, but it takes a good person to realize what they have done and start that foundation over again a grain at a time. The grass is always greener some say but remember, grass grows greener over a shit tank too..I admire your loyalties.
That Megan Trainor biotch is turrible. She complains about dudes not hitting on her anymore, now that she's famous. Then writes a song like this ...

My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no!

Plus she's (relatively) a fat cow (for a famous person).
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers, Lurkers and Philosophers.
  • 68°F in Johns Creek, GA. A little overcast. IFR. Another weather cell bearing rain on the way.
  • Blood Sugar = 112. Feel more normal. But I'm hungry.
  • Thank you, 55.
  • Toking make your hair grow long for some reason.
  • Zoysia looking good.
  • The rain has knocked down a lot of the pollen.
  • Lots of blooms. About as good as it gets.
  • Always tip your garbage pickup guys at Christmas. $10-20. Then, they will bend the rules and take anything that you set out there.
  • Back still sore. It will be back to normal next week. Still walking like GM.
  • We need to spend about $1,000 on taking down a few of these 100' pine trees.
  • Oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries for breakfast. No honey buns.
  • Over.
it's a 16 mile drive for me to get to work. I spend 3 miles of that on the interstate. Today, in that 3 mile stretch, it took 45 minutes. At two different points I got tired of holding my foot on the break and put the car in park. There was a crash at the exit I usually take to get off the interstate that had it backed up for miles. It's 4 lanes on that side.

Made me 45 minutes late to work, miss seeing my first patient, and I've been pissed off to start the day. Does it make me a dick if I hope the people that made probably a couple thousand people late have a shitty weekend? I'm sure they probably are.
No, I feel the same way. Put them in front of the camera and ask "Just, HITF did you do this you ************."