
Remembering old Sigonella stories and one that is sort of "The blind leading the blind." goes this way. An ex Italian prisoner of war Jake, who was sent to a farm in Nebraska and bitched about them not providing him enough wine in WW2 worked in the motor pool. A chief on the base was getting married to a local. Jakes son asked me to go to the wedding and reception to keep Jake sober.

Being the respected nice guy I am I agreed. Jake showed up in his Fiat with 2 liter bottles of diego red. We drank one on the way to the church and the other during the ceremony. There were stories told about us dancing on the tables at the reception while knocking over what bottles we didn't drink. Jake's son never asked me to go with his dad any place else.
Meeting up with some former colleagues tomorrow evening from my last job. Looking forward to it.

Got a free Stone beer glass at Flying Saucer tonight at Beverly's retirement party. Heh, good stuff.

One more beer and I'm outta here. Days are longer at work, but like I told our director today, I'm happy we have the new manager.
Pee update:

From fire orange to a mild pissy yella
Nearly 17 years ago, I got hit with a bad kidney infection, only I didn't know what was happening. I had to go to Sweetwater, TX for work. On the flight down, I felt like I had the flu & a bad back ache. Made it through the week. In the airport about to come home & I started having to piss all the time.

Started having orange & pink piss. It burned pretty bad. I was sure that I had some kind of fatal dick cancer.
Nearly 17 years ago, I got hit with a bad kidney infection, only I didn't know what was happening. I had to go to Sweetwater, TX for work. On the flight down, I felt like I had the flu & a bad back ache. Made it through the week. In the airport about to come home & I started having to piss all the time.

Started having orange & pink piss. It burned pretty bad. I was sure that I had some kind of fatal dick cancer.
Had you been any place you shouldn't have been?
Nearly 17 years ago, I got hit with a bad kidney infection, only I didn't know what was happening. I had to go to Sweetwater, TX for work. On the flight down, I felt like I had the flu & a bad back ache. Made it through the week. In the airport about to come home & I started having to piss all the time.

Started having orange & pink piss. It burned pretty bad. I was sure that I had some kind of fatal dick cancer.
Too much brother Willy. I knew it.
Dunno, I'll smell the floor around the toilet and get back to ya on that

93- damn bro. Sounds shitty. Pink piss? Never heard of that
Turned pink due to there being a bunch of blood in it. I remember calling my wife from a pay phone. She had just graduated from nursing school. She diagnosed me over the phone and told me to chug all the water I could. It seemed wrong to me at the time, but it helped a ton. After I made my connection in Dallas and took off, I took the longest piss of my life in the first class John on the plane.
"Herpes!" "Damn Doc how the hell did I get that?" "Just looks like a nasty ass pimple to me!" "Hurts like hell though." " You just nailed the wrong woman is all, good thing you didn't go down on her!" "Damn Doc , what the hell is this on my tongue?" Sailors nightmare or true story?