
Forecasted wind speeds at the summit of K2 are expected to be gale force winds, Friday thru Monday, with sustained winds of 75 mph on Sunday morning. Coupled with heavy snow over that period, the wind chill goes as low as -76.

That's warmer than it was in late January when wind speeds exceeded 100 mph and wind chills of -105
Yikes! Currently 71°F here in Austin with very light drizzle.
not sure why somebody was being down on Govt cheese earlier. That band had a pretty big following in the western KY area.

Tommy Womack of govt cheese used to go to the same church that I went to as a kid. His dad, JC, was an elder in the church.

Go to cheese, the food, was pretty good if you could get it. We had a family friend that worked for the county and somehow has access to the stocks of the cheese. Always had cheese and crackers at their house.

Gov't Cheese is a band? What kind of music?

Ate so much of that crap as a kid that I got sick of it. Now on the occasions that I went to my grandparents, my grandfather would buy blocks of mild cheddar...I could tear that shit up daily!
Gov't Cheese is a band? What kind of music?

Ate so much of that crap as a kid that I got sick of it. Now on the occasions that I went to my grandparents, my grandfather would buy blocks of mild cheddar...I could tear that shit up daily!
They were an alt/pop band out of Bowling Green in the late 80s/early 90s. I actually never listened to them, but I remember hearing their name a lot. I always thought it was funny that some kid from my church had become a local rock star.
After many hours of thought, I have come to the conclusion that out police chief is a spinless pussy...Police Chief Pussy...not Pusser but Pussy..


Finished painting the back side of my garage yesterday...looks great..still have two more sides to do..
Lawn mowed yesterday as well as several little jobs I been wanting to do
Downsized my garden last year so I sat out many old tomato cages for garbage last night..This morning they were gone..Usually after midnight on garbage night the drunks and / or crackheads drive through the subdivision scoping for scrape metal. Not sure why they always come late into the night browsing for scrap shit, maybe embarrassed about their situation or maybe they are vampire like and only come out at night, however if that's the case, how do they sell their metal take because they are not open at night..
Rainy here today so I reckon I will do some house chores and laundry..
Wife has spring break next week. Going to hit up Bowling Green for a day to visit some of her family then maybe to Tunica and to Memphis for some Beale Street blues music...
Took the bike out yesterday afternoon for a ride..a lil nipplely in short sleeves...

Have a good day pecker wads!
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Middle kid is #ALLIN on this next recruiting class. Reminds me of the oldest son with the Wall/Cousins class. Pretty cool to watch. He's making signs and rosters and talked pretty much nonstop about Fox/Monk/Bam since the dunk contest the other night. Yay sports.

Rain. Haven't had to mow, but did get some weeds eaten yesterday. Should start growing like crazy with this rain.

Not much to report around here. Spring break is about over. Gonna be rough getting up on Monday, but I'll survive.

Firefox browser for iPad has updated and screwed up the posting box on Catpaws ... Back to Chrome.

Stay classy, the D.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers & Lurkers.
  • 66°F in Johns Creek. Cloudy. IFR probably. Rain coming they say.
  • Blood Sugar up to 137. Had a dab of QB's Baked Beans yesterday. What will it hurt? It hurt.
  • Keurig Green Mountain Dark Magic. None of our employees drink coffee. Just my son & I.
  • Tom Leach Show gone.
  • Mack Jones going.
  • Wednesday. Hump day again for some.
  • Over.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers & Lurkers.
  • 66°F in Johns Creek. Cloudy. IFR probably. Rain coming they say.
  • Blood Sugar up to 137. Had a dab of QB's Baked Beans yesterday. What will it hurt? It hurt.
  • Keurig Green Mountain Dark Magic. None of our employees drink coffee. Just my son & I.
  • Tom Leach Show gone.
  • Mack Jones going.
  • Wednesday. Hump day again for some.
  • Over.

Thursday, buddy.
Forecasted wind speeds at the summit of K2 are expected to be gale force winds, Friday thru Monday, with sustained winds of 75 mph on Sunday morning. Coupled with heavy snow over that period, the wind chill goes as low as -76.

That's warmer than it was in late January when wind speeds exceeded 100 mph and wind chills of -105
Where do you live? What time is it? What kind of work do you do?