
the San Francisco brand k-cups really suck. Horrible, overroasted coffee. I bought a 100 from costco for 13cents a pod. I'm stuck finishing off that crappy joe. Costco's Pacific blend is far better, but I'm a huge fan of the donut shop.
The donut is my son's favorite. Not strong enough for moi. I like the Dark Magic. That might be too strong for you. Different strokes.

If you add Ketchup you're a loser!
Sure would've been nice if they put Monk and Fox together in the back court tonight but noooooooooooooooooooo.Still, this group is different from what we've seen the last couple classes - their isn't a passive one in the bunch - this is a class of Alphas that won't back down from anything.

I fully expect Bam to kill someone (or at least put them in a medically-induced coma) simply by dunking on them in such a violent manner that they simply don't survive the encounter.
I enjoy walking.

<---- snooty, railing, perky. Good word day.

Work almost done. Newbord pics at the JC Penny with the wife, baby, and myself. Can't wait to be put into awkward poses and be told to stare at my baby all weird like while someone takes a picture of it to be documented for all time.

Lol you gotta do something that would make that awkward family photo site blush...

Like recreate the birthing scene but you and the wife switch roles in the name of "equality" and you're laying there with your butthole stretched out and the baby all covered in shit and the mama is snapping pictures and crying. Something like that
Lol you gotta do something that would make that awkward family photo site blush...

Like recreate the birthing scene but you and the wife switch roles in the name of "equality" and you're laying there with your butthole stretched out and the baby all covered in shit and the mama is snapping pictures and crying. Something like that
Lol you gotta do something that would make that awkward family photo site blush...

Like recreate the birthing scene but you and the wife switch roles in the name of "equality" and you're laying there with your butthole stretched out and the baby all covered in shit and the mama is snapping pictures and crying. Something like that
Willy would absolutely LOVE this situation.
I thought of a new weight loss/get healthier plan.

Walk, movement and exercise
Eat veggies, fruits, non processed foods as much as possible. No cokes and junk
Drink lots of water

Whatcha thing D? Think I may be on to something?[/QUOT

Your diet and exercise plan is as healthy as it gets. Watcha think D? Well, that has to be perfect example of an oxymoron, right? But living without fried food and beer and whiskey has been unheard of in my family for decades. Of course skinny people in my family has been unseen for decades also. With the exception of long skinny looking newborns at times.
White Elephant: The City of Atlanta thought it would be a good idea to build a trolley car track and a couple of trolley cars. So they built it. It cost $69.2 million dollars. Operating the system cost 5 million per year. It was free at first. Jan. 1, 2016 they started charging $1.00 to ride it. Since then $25,000.00 in tolls have been collected. Government. SMH.