
I thought of a new weight loss/get healthier plan.

Walk, movement and exercise
Eat veggies, fruits, non processed foods as much as possible. No cokes and junk
Drink lots of water

Whatcha thing D? Think I may be on to something?

Except for a few too many beers on Fri/Sat/vacations, I've pretty much followed that exact same diet. The key is output must exceed input and requires generous amounts of time.
Should've charged $2,800 per at least recoup the building cost. Then you'd only need 13,698 or so to ride each day at a dollar. Problem solved.
It is unbelievable that the City Council approved this project. We don't have enough police officers and firemen. The sewer system is antiquated and will cost like 100 million to be up to par. There is no shame. This is criminal.

Except for a few too many beers on Fri/Sat/vacations, I've pretty much followed that exact same diet. The key is output must exceed input and requires generous amounts of time.

honestly, i thought this was a far better diet:
my missus let's me bone her as many times as I want, as long as I eat nothing. Every time I eat something (tootsie pop, cheeseburger, pussy...) I lose boning privileges for next two days. she didn't seem to go for it though
honestly, i thought this was a far better diet:
my missus let's me bone her as many times as I want, as long as I eat nothing. Every time I eat something (tootsie pop, cheeseburger, pussy...) I lose boning privileges for next two days. she didn't seem to go for it though

I'll bet she had tempting snacks set out everywhere in the house.
Live just across the Wilson Co line on Central Pike. Percy Priest is a 3 mile drive away. In-laws have a boat docked at Elm Hill marina. So yea... I'm pretty close. Take Bell Road over the dam every day going to work.

I left there in '86. I loved it there and kinda regret leaving. I loved Percy Priest Lake. Southern California was calling though. I had lived in SoCal before and decided to move back. Spent the next 20 years there and retired to Phoenix about 8 years ago.. I can't stand cold weather or humid summers.
not sure why somebody was being down on Govt cheese earlier. That band had a pretty big following in the western KY area.

Tommy Womack of govt cheese used to go to the same church that I went to as a kid. His dad, JC, was an elder in the church.

Go to cheese, the food, was pretty good if you could get it. We had a family friend that worked for the county and somehow has access to the stocks of the cheese. Always had cheese and crackers at their house.
Yeah but c'mon ATC, fess up, they're not real snacks are they? Prolly stuff like wheat germ and raw twine muffins, or sesame seed and kale roll-ups, amirite?

Close. Whole-wheat mini bagel with peanut butter. Fruit slices, etc. However, yesterday someone brought in donuts and I scarfed down two. Today, I gobbled down a couple breakfast tacos our new manager brought in. I called her "The Sheriff" and got some dirty looks from lazy co-workers. [laughing]

I stay active, so it all burns off without much problem.

I was thinking of starting a worm farm myself.

I'm glad you eat donuts and your coworkers call you Cookie Monster. I was starting to think you were not human.

I snack like a fool, but not like the guy on our baseball team we called Snacks who was known for pulling out subs, hot dogs, chips, hostess cakes, etc, he would stash in his bag before games. Brilliant guy Snacks was.
not sure why somebody was being down on Govt cheese earlier. That band had a pretty big following in the western KY area.

Tommy Womack of govt cheese used to go to the same church that I went to as a kid. His dad, JC, was an elder in the church.

Go to cheese, the food, was pretty good if you could get it. We had a family friend that worked for the county and somehow has access to the stocks of the cheese. Always had cheese and crackers at their house.
Maw Maw and Paw Paw used to get that Commodity Cheese. It was delicious. Paw Paw didn't have any teeth. He gummed every food to death. The were pooooooooor.
Maw Maw and Paw Paw used to get that Commodity Cheese. It was delicious. Paw Paw didn't have any teeth. He gummed every food to death. The were pooooooooor.
My grandparents on my moms side would have liked govt cheese. They were poor share cropers. Probably lived too far out in the sticks to get any though. Mom said she didn't go to school one year because they were so far out (no busses).
Forecasted wind speeds at the summit of K2 are expected to be gale force winds, Friday thru Monday, with sustained winds of 75 mph on Sunday morning. Coupled with heavy snow over that period, the wind chill goes as low as -76.

That's warmer than it was in late January when wind speeds exceeded 100 mph and wind chills of -105

Damn. Is that where you live Steve?
The little town I grew up in if you got the cheese, butter and flour you had to work at something for the city. My friend who only had a mother with no income had to ride the city garbage trucks on weekends and some times after school helping them. He graduated high school and got the same job as a city employee and put two kids through college on that job. I am very proud of that town.
Forecasted wind speeds at the summit of K2 are expected to be gale force winds, Friday thru Monday, with sustained winds of 75 mph on Sunday morning. Coupled with heavy snow over that period, the wind chill goes as low as -76.

That's warmer than it was in late January when wind speeds exceeded 100 mph and wind chills of -105