

That's the biggest GD areola that I have ever seen.
For those who go to church, do you carry there or have people who do?

As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, no, we don't carry nor do we have anyone that does. Our congregations are kept pretty small though and we don't take up any collections so we probably wouldn't be a very good target anyway.

More likely to get shot knocking on some random D-Leaguer's door anyway. [banana] (probably maverick1)
Still have 2 of my wisdom teeth. Getting the other two was fine till dry socket set in. That. Is. Not. Fun.

Was gonna get mine pulled years ago, but heard so many horror stories and the Dental facility on base was less than impressive. The Dr. described what they were going to do and it sounded more like torcher than surgery...I said "see ya!"
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Only kids I've known to go to NKU have come back to UK the next year. A lot like WKU in that aspect. Not sure why. Don't hear much of that with Murray, UL or Morehead.

WKU and UK have very similar freshman retention rates and almost identical transfer rates. It's very rare for someone from WKU to transfer to UK (I think somewhere between 10-20 students per year), and the number of students from UK to WKU is about 20-30 per year. Almost zero difference in transfer rates.

If you were trying to take a swipe at WKU, I think you should look elsewhere.
WKU and UK have very similar freshman retention rates and almost identical transfer rates. It's very rare for someone from WKU to transfer to UK (I think somewhere between 10-20 students per year), and the number of students from UK to WKU is about 20-30 per year. Almost zero difference in transfer rates.

If you were trying to take a swipe at WKU, I think you should look elsewhere.

Wrong thread pizza boy, find another way home!
Good Morning D, hope the day finds you well. I saw some of the back and forth on posts. I wanted to clarify a few things for the board and make some generic comments on life.
  • I am many things, but classy isn't one of them.
  • "No sex" for the month leading up to the wedding is one of the most BS things the wedding industrial complex ever invented. more so than diamond rings. Re-virginizing is an idiotic concept.
  • My old boss was publicly shamed in the press and will likely get fired. yikes!
  • SF Keurig coffee still sucks
You were posting just fine until you dissed the Keurig. What do you find wrong with it?
WKU and UK have very similar freshman retention rates and almost identical transfer rates. It's very rare for someone from WKU to transfer to UK (I think somewhere between 10-20 students per year), and the number of students from UK to WKU is about 20-30 per year. Almost zero difference in transfer rates.

If you were trying to take a swipe at WKU, I think you should look elsewhere.

are the whores worth stabbing on WKU's campus?
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, no, we don't carry nor do we have anyone that does. Our congregations are kept pretty small though and we don't take up any collections so we probably wouldn't be a very good target anyway.

More likely to get shot knocking on some random D-Leaguer's door anyway. [banana] (probably maverick1)
It's not like all that, but set off the alarm and you die.
Dude make sure the oral surgeon gives an injection of steroid after the procedure. This will greatly reduce post-op inflammation. Also, use the ice packs regularly for the first 24-36 hours to reduce swelling.

I had all four removed at the same visit when I was 19, didn't get a steroid shot, didn't use ice, and my face swelled up like a volleyball with 500 lbs of air pumped into it.

Oh crap, things just got REAL. Thanks for the advice about the steroid injection - I'll definitely talk to the Doc about it.