
For those who go to church, do you carry there or have people who do? We've had some really weirdo's pop in and some to act extremely mad when we offered gas, food and a place to stay instead of money. We are close to I65 so we get a lot of people looking for help. Church may seem like a weird place to carry, but if I were a robber, I'd definitely rob churches during services. And there have been instances or shootings etc at churches.
When I used to go to church, I remember thinking about how vulnerable everyone is in that setting. Something bad is probably the last thing on people's minds.

I don't carry. I've been thinking about getting the license for it, but still not sure.
When I used to go to church, I remember thinking about how vulnerable everyone is in that setting. Something bad is probably the last thing on people's minds.

I don't carry. I've been thinking about getting the license for it, but still not sure.

Was always in the back of my mind that someone would barricade the doors locking everyone in and set the place on fire or just open up on everyone from inside.
Morning you bunch of knuckleheads. Three at home today with bacterial and/or viral. temp Two tested for gram neg...both ok. But all three with temps, more so the bacterial one. So here we go.

Hey havn't had time to look back. Don said something about LEK doing good by the d. Special thanks to LEK. Back to future city clinics. More later. FCC.
Hope they all get better soon. Chicken soup for y'all.

LEK responded to some guy that started another thread to troll the D & gyero. He ended up coming in here throwing around insults. Some of the stuff in the thread that he started is pretty funny though.
Was always in the back of my mind that someone would barricade the doors locking everyone in and set the place on fire or just open up on everyone from inside.
I always pictured someone in the congregation just standing up, puling a gun & shooting the preacher. I think something like that actually happened a few years ago.
~$2.07 here in Raleigh at most places.

There is a gas station as you head north out of downtown that always has gas that is ~.10 - .15 less than anywhere else in town. It's situated right where Capital Blvd opens up to a 4 lane road with people driving like 55 mph and its right before an off-ramp to Wade Avenue. People will literally park in the middle of the damn road waiting in line to get there. Causes a ton of accidents. Drives me bonkers.
My mother attended a small country church in Lewis County the last 30 some years of her life. She carried a loaded S&W 38 with an extra box of shells in her purse along with a small bible. Lots of people came by looking for food, money and other needs. I asked her why she carried the gun in church and she said "Because some people, you need to be prepared for." Funny thing is that those people knew she was packing and that church never had any trouble with them like others in the area did.
Yep...good old Mercer County. Swore when I left that I would never return and has a funny way of working out.

The Amish/Mennonites seemed to be taking over, guess they didn't care much for Casey County.
We used to eat at the Townhouse Restaurant (it was across the street from the Fayette County Court House), and everyone was in there every morning and for lunch. The owner was Wilson Robinson (country dude from Harrodsburg.) Horace was the cook. Soul Food. Lots of fun there. One day I saw a bug in my food and told him about it. "Damned if it ain't." Took his apron and got the bug. Turned around and went about his business. His wife was Evelyn. They had a Downs little girl.
Good Morning D, hope the day finds you well. I saw some of the back and forth on posts. I wanted to clarify a few things for the board and make some generic comments on life.
  • I am many things, but classy isn't one of them.
  • "No sex" for the month leading up to the wedding is one of the most BS things the wedding industrial complex ever invented. more so than diamond rings. Re-virginizing is an idiotic concept.
  • My old boss was publicly shamed in the press and will likely get fired. yikes!
  • SF Keurig coffee still sucks