
It's also the basis of my thesis "Watching my neighbors' daughters grow up from their late teens to adulthood" which has been in progress for the past 10 years or so.
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I did. It's for all of us that bang your mother.
Remember the Warrior and The Gatherer? Great troll efforts, some of my favorites. This guy could be the same person for all we know.

Sometimes I get leary when I start sensing some intellect behind all of the stupid. Or maybe I just believe people aren't really that naive and dumb...and I will never apologize for believing in my fellow man damnit!
Remember the Warrior and The Gatherer? Great troll efforts, some of my favorites. This guy could be the same person for all we know.

Sometimes I get leary when I start sensing some intellect behind all of the stupid. Or maybe I just believe people aren't really that naive and dumb...and I will never apologize for believing in my fellow man damnit!
Now we're getting somewhere.
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I'll just say I've been around for a long time.
I recognize a writing style and will assume you've had several incarnations on this board.

The avatar is a little strong though. I'd change that to something overly UK centric and it would help. Keep it simple.

Or scrap this character and start again. Either way I always appreciate a good troll effort, especially ones that get north of 1000 post before getting sniffed out.

You do have the option of coming clean and just being a regular poster too. You'd probably be better received on the Paddock with a former troll background than you'd crazy as that sounds.
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I recognize a writing style and will assume you've had several incarnations on this board.

The avatar is a little strong though. I'd change that to something overly UK centric and it would help. Keep it simple.

Or scrap this character and start again. Either way I always appreciate a good troll effort, especially ones that get north of 1000 post before getting sniffed out.

You do have the option of coming clean and just being a regular poster too. You'd probably be better received on the Paddock with a former troll background than you'd crazy as that sounds.

We'll see.
I recognize a writing style and will assume you've had several incarnations on this board.

The avatar is a little strong though. I'd change that to something overly UK centric and it would help. Keep it simple.

Or scrap this character and start again. Either way I always appreciate a good troll effort, especially ones that get north of 1000 post before getting sniffed out.

You do have the option of coming clean and just being a regular poster too. You'd probably be better received on the Paddock with a former troll background than you'd crazy as that sounds.
Great post.
I will admit to being amazed how small this world is. A random forum and I run across someone who served in the same part of the world I have in different eras. Someone who actually got married in an old castle I lived next to on an island. I can't describe how good a feeling that is. The common bond being the bluegrass state makes it even better! Thanks D-league!
Don, I've been much more civil with them than they have with me.
We are not used to this sort of thing. Our atmosphere around here is not conducive to the usual message board bullshit. I don't post well like the young guys. I'm old and out of date on everything. Most of the guys on here are good men. We just bullshit and enjoy ourselves, most of us. If you would like to join us, you will have to start over IMO. I don't know what else to say to you.
But you recognized a writing style.
It was wishful thinking , hoping it was the Gatherer returning. I went back a read some of your stuff and you're aren't that good. You did get north of 1000 post though so I have a little bit of respect for the effort and im sure you've cracked a few smiles reading responses (and that's what it's all about). Take care.

Now we can get back to LEK belittling people, Willy perving, Don giving updates and Jason reliving glory days, telling us what time he worked out and the muscle group he worked on.
Don knows who I am. We been posting together for years. He knows I'm protecting the thread. You can't attack people, then scream murder when attacked back.

Doesn't matter, you won't be posting in this thread much longer under this handle.
BS. You guys attacked me when I first came to the Paddock. I made a thread and you came over from your thread and crucified me. I did not attack anyone.
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I've had a troll account on the cards board since 2009.
You have the intellect to pull that off though.

Hell I started out as a troll for a few hundred post. I'd make up fake recruits and watch people research guys like Rodrigo Silva I'd dig up from the internet and some of the posters would have them penciled in to start the next season.

I ended up liking the board though and just became myself. Funny thing is everyone liked me as a troll and accused me of trolling when I'm myself. Odd.
You have the intellect to pull that off though.

Hell I started out as a troll for a few hundred post. I'd make up fake recruits and watch people research guys like Rodrigo Silva I'd dig up from the internet and some of the posters would have them penciled in to start the next season.

I ended up liking the board though and just became myself. Funny thing is everyone liked me as a troll and accused me of trolling when I'm myself. Odd.

Sometimes I think the entire Paddock is just one person with hundreds of accounts trolling everyone.