
haha... gets me every time. Love it.

I correct the wife every time she says it and will til the day I die.

- "which way makes sense? Saying 'I COULD care less' or 'COULDN'T care less'? Think about what you're saying."
... thinks for 5 seconds...

Me: o_O
I DGAS when some one says that.
Wife messes up phrases and idioms like that all the time.

Example 1: She'll use "shoot myself in the foot" as a replacement for "put my foot in my mouth."

Example 2: Uses "I've got your number" when trying to communicate "I see what you're doing."

There are others.

Drives me up a wall, but I can't ridicule her to her face, so I must do it to online strangers.
baseball was my life from the time I was 7 until I was done at 22. Played basketball also, made All-Star teams for both growing up, played all over KY against other really good teams in tournaments, won a lot of tournaments, etc. But baseball was my baby. As soon as I was done PLAYING, I left it behind. It's so boring and hard to watch. Just can't do it.

Being at a live game is so much different, however. Just enough distractions to keep your mind busy as you wait the 30 seconds between each pitch. Having some cold brewskies doesn't hurt. Thank God for the Nashville Sounds.
What was your Batting Average, ERA, Slugging %, OB %, etc?
Wife messes up phrases and idioms like that all the time.

Example 1: She'll use "shoot myself in the foot" as a replacement for "put my foot in my mouth."

Example 2: Uses "I've got your number" when trying to communicate "I see what you're doing."

There are others.

Drives me up a wall, but I can't ridicule her to her face, so I must do it to online strangers.
Maybe she is just entertaining you with that Archie Bunker stuff.
Can you baseball dudes still throw overhand? Have you tried?
Maybe 10/12 years ago #3 was playing kid baseball, and being a former left handed pitcher, tried to help him with his hitting with live pitching. I could still do it a little bit, but I hit him a couple of times, and the whole thing nearly killed me.
I was a super unconfident, husky, undersized kid when I played baseball. Loved the game but being awful at it made me not enjoy it and I stopped playing. If I had known then about the mechanics and stuff it took to be a good players, I would have done well. I was a smart kid then, and could have applied it to the sport, but just didn't because I had so very little talent. Sucks. I'm not talking about being a college player or anything, but I definitely could have kept playing had I studied it a little more.
Speaking of awkward hospital visits:

Many years ago I had hernia surgery in the small town where I grew up. Completely shaved with my privates laid out for all to see, they rolled me into the operating room where I immediately realized that I had gone to high school with two of the nurses. My only words before the anesthesia really kicked in were, "sure is cold in here" which at least made the entire room burst into laughter.

On the reverse side, as I walked out from my in-office vasectomy, my wife holding my 6 month old son looked at me and said "how did it go?" In my highest pitched voice I replied.. "it went great, everything is fine." Poor guy sitting in the waiting room eyes almost popped out of his head.
I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks
Slow-movin' trains and rain
I love little country streams, sleep without dreams
Sunday school in May and hay
And I love you, too

I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends
Birds of the world and squirrels
I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups
Old TV shows and snow
And I love you, too

I love honest, open smiles, kisses from a child
Tomatoes on the vine and onions
I love winners when they cry, losers when they try
Music when it's good and life
And I love you, too.
That's ironic. Was just talking about this song this morning. My co worker hates it and I play it from time to time to get under his skin. :) But to be fair, he's just not a country fan.
Gonna be funny as hell when it's revealed that it was Apple.

When the FBI first asked Apple to get them into that phone they should have just quietly done it. No one would have known it and they could have maintained the illusion that it was unbreakable. They had to raise such a stink about it that everyone now knows it is possible to get in. Stupid.
Went to the old schlong Doctor yesterday. Everything was cool. Took finger number three from a virtual stranger in the past 1.5 months, and he said nothing to worry about. Glad everything was ok, but he said he was surprised I was referred at all .... So goodbye $45 and whatever ass virginity I had left ... I will never for the life of me understand how someone gets involved in urology as their speciality, except for job security purposes.

$45? Must have been a co-pay. You couldn't get a drink of water in a doctor's office for $45.
- I like baseball, especially this time of year. Helps me get through the "dead zone". I am drafting my fantasy team. Going to the park with my son to shag fly balls, watching the annual viewing of Moneyball, buying a couple packs of baseball cards, etc. Then the grind starts and doze off until about the all star break. Cards should be decent this year, but I don't think they did enough to keep pace with the Cubs. :baseball:

- I think you have convinced me that I had food poisoning. I am pretty upset about it too, because I am almost positive I'll never eat there again.:weary:

-Has any coach in the country done less with more than Bill Self? My answer is no, there's not. :confused:

-Ready for the McDonald's game. Although I kinda feel Bolden is starting to lean toward Duke. I have no information. Matter of fact, I was hoping Spears could fill us in on the latest. Anything new Jason?
The boys that had fathers that taught them how to play ball were always miles ahead of the kids that didn't have that. I coached baseball when our son was playing, and there we a lot of families that would drop the kids off to me, never watch the games and never thank me. I felt like a babysitter sometimes.
Can you baseball dudes still throw overhand? Have you tried?

Yes. Can still throw a decent curve ball too. I wasn't as gifted as Jason though, never touched 80, but could hit spots and was always a pitch ahead of the hitter. Jason = Nolan Ryan Me = Greg Maddox ;)

Wasn't the best hitter, but could lay down some wicket bunts and make my way around the bases.
I played two seasons of t-ball. Dad bought a boat during my second season, and going to the lake on a 100° day was much better than standing around in a big dusty field.

I enjoy a major league game once in a while as a place to drink beer, but I'd rather drink beer at the lake.
$10.00 for one beer turns me very off.
The boys that had fathers that taught them how to play ball were always miles ahead of the kids that didn't have that. I coached baseball when our son was playing, and there we a lot of families that would drop the kids off to me, never watch the games and never thank me. I felt like a babysitter sometimes.

I ran the sports leagues for the military and civilian population on a Naval Base in Sicily in the early 70's. Little League Baseball was by far my favorite. I have one regret during that time because although I also coached a team I refused to coach my two sons because I felt that there was a chance I would be too hard on them. I also didn't want them to take the chance of hearing that I was playing favorites with them.

My sons also played football and basketball on teams there also. Sitting here thinking back on it I remember them gloating a bit when their team beat mine. Good memories though, sports, you and your sons. Sitting in a big league stadium watching a game and having a beer with them is pretty big time also. Who brought baseball up? My thanks to them
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I ran the sports leagues for the military and civilian population on a Naval Base in Sicily in the early 70's. Little League Baseball was by far my favorite. I have one regret during that time because although I also coached a team I refused to coach my two sons because I felt that there was a chance I would be too hard on them. I also didn't want them to take thae chance of hearing that I was playing favorites with them.

My sons also played football and basketball on teams there also. Sitting here thinking back on it I remember them gloating a bit when their team beat mine. Good memories though, sports, you and your sons. Sitting in a big league stadium watching a game and having a beer with them is pretty big time also. Who brought baseball up? My thanks to them


Holy crap! You were stationed in Sig?! I was there from 99-2008. I coached a little league team with my chief in 2000. I enjoyed the hell out of teaching a kid to hit, or pitch.
Holy crap is right. Was the Top Four Club still adjacent to the ball field?

So when I was there, NAS 1 had an officers club and the ball field off to the side a bit. NAS 2 had the field across from jox sports bar, and HC-4. No telling what that place looked like when you were there. From the time I got there until I left, it looked completely different.

So cool to talk to a fellow Sig'er! You made my day, Fred. :smiley:
So when I was there, NAS 1 had an officers club and the ball field off to the side a bit. NAS 2 had the field across from jox sports bar, and HC-4. No telling what that place looked like when you were there. From the time I got there until I left, it looked completely different.

So cool to talk to a fellow Sig'er! You made my day, Fred. :smiley:

When I was there the NAS 1 Galley was across from the club and the ball field ran close to the bowling alley. Base housing was across from the ball field. You had to be around when the Italians kept some Delta guys and their dogs on the plane while they played games? Early 2000's if my memory is right.
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When I was there the NAS ! Galley was across from the club and the ball field ran close to the bowling alley. Base housing was across from the ball field. You had to be around when the Italians kept some Delta guys and their dogs on the plane while they played games? Early 2000's if my memory is right.

Yeah, all that housing got tore down and they made a huge NEX/Commissary/Food Court. The entire NAS 1 area looks completely different. The only building I believe that was still standing when I left from the old stuff was the Officers Club. We had our Christmas party there in 2000, I think. Look up some pictures on google, it's amazing the difference in the place.

I don't remember hearing about the Italians/Delta guys. I got out in 2002, and stayed as a contractor until 2008. I do remember the lock down after 9-11, and the Italians had some big ass/bad ass military dog "bear" I think is what they called him. He made all ours look like pups.

Do a google search for Sig flood 2005. The housing complex in a lot of the pics is where I lived, it was right outside NAS 2 across the overpass/bridge.

If you're interested in some pics of the Island/base from when I was there I could email you some pictures, if you want.
Yeah, all that housing got tore down and they made a huge NEX/Commissary/Food Court. The entire NAS 1 area looks completely different. The only building I believe that was still standing when I left from the old stuff was the Officers Club. We had our Christmas party there in 2000, I think. Look up some pictures on google, it's amazing the difference in the place.

I don't remember hearing about the Italians/Delta guys. I got out in 2002, and stayed as a contractor until 2008. I do remember the lock down after 9-11, and the Italians had some big ass/bad ass military dog "bear" I think is what they called him. He made all ours look like pups.

Do a google search for Sig flood 2005. The housing complex in a lot of the pics is where I lived, it was right outside NAS 2 across the overpass/bridge.

If you're interested in some pics of the Island/base from when I was there I could email you some pictures, if you want.
I will take you up on that. I will do the search also. I have a first cousin that retired from Delta in 2010 or so and he will remember the details on that op. He is training the Commando group at Hurlburt field down here in the Panhandle and he and I will toss down a few drinks around 7 tonight. Did you get up to Motta St Antasia much? If that is how you spell it? The old mob guys were still there in 1970.
Yeah, all that housing got tore down and they made a huge NEX/Commissary/Food Court. The entire NAS 1 area looks completely different. The only building I believe that was still standing when I left from the old stuff was the Officers Club. We had our Christmas party there in 2000, I think. Look up some pictures on google, it's amazing the difference in the place.

I don't remember hearing about the Italians/Delta guys. I got out in 2002, and stayed as a contractor until 2008. I do remember the lock down after 9-11, and the Italians had some big ass/bad ass military dog "bear" I think is what they called him. He made all ours look like pups.

Do a google search for Sig flood 2005. The housing complex in a lot of the pics is where I lived, it was right outside NAS 2 across the overpass/bridge.

If you're interested in some pics of the Island/base from when I was there I could email you some pictures, if you want.
Man love. Private. Go. [cheers]


it's a little back atcha Fred. AllanouttheUK will get it.

Nothing beats playing baseball. I can still throw a hose.

My son, 11, is giving it up. Breaks my heart. Sunday he asked to go have a catch. I loved it.

Alas, he can't hit a lick. We've tried. Groovy bats, batting gloves. Lessons. Countless tokens at the batting cage. Buckets of balls at the field.

He's got a good arm, great swing, but I tell you - he's only connected half a dozen times (solidly) out of say 1,000 pitches.

I don't get it.

On to golf. My wife was all-state high school golfer(KY). I played on HS team. She's to teach him this summer come hell or high water. No more frickin video games.
I will take you up on that. I will do the search also. I have a first cousin that retired from Delta in 2010 or so and he will remember the details on that op. He is training the Commando group at Hurlburt field down here in the Panhandle and he and I will toss down a few drinks around 7 tonight. Did you get up to Motta St Antasia much? If that is how you spell it? The old mob guys were still there in 1970.

Awesome! I'd like to hear some of those details when you get a chance.

I lived in Motta when I first got to the island for about 2 months in a TLA...can't remember the name of the place but remember it was right up from a bar "Over the Top"...which was turned into a strip club before I left. I also got married in Motta at the "castle" in 2002. Then when I got divorced in 2007 I moved just outside of Motta.

Only mob guy I remember was a dude that hung out with the owner of the bar below Sig Inn. Shoot me your email address and I will send you some pictures and we can share our Island experiences.

Man this is awesome!

Nothing beats playing baseball. I can still throw a hose.

My son, 11, is giving it up. Breaks my heart. Sunday he asked to go have a catch. I loved it.

Alas, he can't hit a lick. We've tried. Groovy bats, batting gloves. Lessons. Countless tokens at the batting cage. Buckets of balls at the field.

He's got a good arm, great swing, but I tell you - he's only connected half a dozen times (solidly) out of say 1,000 pitches.

I don't get it.

On to golf. My wife was all-state high school golfer(KY). I played on HS team. She's to teach him this summer come hell or high water. No more frickin video games.

Had a girl when I coached little league that was like your son. She couldn't touch a pitch no matter what. I took her to the fence and told her to get ready to hit, but to close her eyes. I threw the first ball up and it of course hit the ground. I said, see you can't hit what you can't see. Then I threw the next one up and she slammed it against the fence. We did this for 30 minutes or so then started moving toward actual pitching and hitting moving back and speeding up. She turned out to be one of the better hitters on the team.

Wish someone would have gotten me into golf when I was young. Great sport and much easier to get a college scholarship than baseball. Not saying golf is easy.