
I've been trying like hell to purchase this stock over the past two days. My broker only allows limit orders on penny stocks. I first tried at 0.32 last Thursday. The stock has since closed at 0.41. 27% increase in one day. Missed it. Perhaps I can get in if profit taking occurs.

TRTC- I'm not sure about them. If I remember correctly they had some issues with licensing in Nevada (I think that's where they are located). Also, it's being ran if I remember correctly, by a national politician's son.
TRTC- I'm not sure about them. If I remember correctly they had some issues with licensing in Nevada (I think that's where they are located). Also, it's being ran if I remember correctly, by a national politician's son.
Thanks for the info, bro. I'll research it more in-depth before pulling the trigger again.
Pulled a perfect shot of espresso this morning.

What's a perfect shot ? [Stumptown Hairbender beans. Mazzer dialed-in grind, Ascaso Pro's proportional integral dirivitive set at 202°, porcelain cup warmed, Poland Spring water, tamped 58mil portafilter basket to 30# of pressure... 27 seconds later, 1/4" crema atop fragrant, delicious Java]


It's the little things in life I love.

Everything else bugs the shit out of me.
Pulled a perfect shot of espresso this morning.

What's a perfect shot ? [Stumptown Hairbender beans. Mazzer dialed-in grind, Ascaso Pro's proportional integral dirivitive set at 202°, porcelain cup warmed, Poland Spring water, tamped 58mil portafilter basket to 30# of pressure... 27 seconds later, 1/4" crema atop fragrant, delicious Java]


It's the little things in life I love.

Everything else bugs the shit out of me.
Sounds like you have that espresso dialed in man. I don't know much about coffee other than I don't like it. Happy for you though. Cooking seems to be ayour passion. It's sort of inspiring.
I don't do recruiting anymore because it's pointless with Cal, but I keep seeing these headlines from one of our young studs talking bout "perfect team" yadayada and we need this guy, or that guy. STFU, kid. That's just how I feel. He obviously ain't done his homework because we've had "perfect" teams go full retard and shit themselves something awful. More than once. The latest is still very fn fresh in my memory. So, kid, stfu and get on campus and start building chemistry because that's what matters. You can have all the perfect pieces but if you ain't clicking it won't matter. You will get beat by some inferior team that's been playing together for years, and it fn blows balls seeing that shit unfold. Close our mouth. Sheesh.

/get off my lawn and ball mf'er
I don't do recruiting anymore because it's pointless with Cal, but I keep seeing these headlines from one of our young studs talking bout "perfect team" yadayada and we need this guy, or that guy. STFU, kid. That's just how I feel. He obviously ain't done his homework because we've had "perfect" teams go full retard and shit themselves something awful. More than once. The latest is still very fn fresh in my memory. So, kid, stfu and get on campus and start building chemistry because that's what matters. You can have all the perfect pieces but if you ain't clicking it won't matter. You will get beat by some inferior team that's been playing together for years, and it fn blows balls seeing that shit unfold. Close our mouth. Sheesh.

/get off my lawn and ball mf'er

Agree with the most of what your're saying, but I can't help but like the kids comments about wanting to play with Ulis. Sounds like the kid gets it and isn't afraid to play with the best and learn from the best.
Did you mean Skal or Noel, instead of WCS? Seems like that would work better. Although WCS was an afterthought his FR year, but was certainly a valuable asset on D after that.
WCS was great when he wanted to play. Butterfly chasing WCS got on my nerves.

edit: Maybe Noel fits better, since he had some hype, but I didn't list him because he got hurt. WCS took plays off, but I don't remember a lot of hype around him.

My point is that we never really know until the season is going or done.
WCS was not a competitor and it cost us dearly in the Wisconsin game.

But he was artistic, goofy, and loved trees and children!


Let's be real, guys. WCS is cool, and talented, but he's somewhere above Lee in my big man rankings. You just can't count on him.
WCS was not a competitor and it cost us dearly in the Wisconsin game.

But he was artistic, goofy, and loved trees and children!


Let's be real, guys. WCS is cool, and talented, but he's somewhere above Lee in my big man rankings. You just can't count on him.

It wasn't WCS alone that cost us dearly. KAT as well didn't show up against the great white hope. I'm not saying WCS was a great or even good offensive weapon, but I haven't seen many guys that could guard the 1 thru 5 as well as him. Offensively he was a bit better than Lee.
WCS was great when he wanted to play. Butterfly chasing WCS got on my nerves.

edit: Maybe Noel fits better, since he had some hype, but I didn't list him because he got hurt. WCS took plays off, but I don't remember a lot of hype around him.

My point is that we never really know until the season is going or done.

Understood and agreed.
- Yup, no shooters in this incoming class. Monk and Fox are athletic drivers, but not shooters. Need to add a 5th year guy who can light it up. . . blah blah blah. Then Monk dropped this. . .

Cal's got this.

- Picked up Zika Virus last weekend. Literally spent Easter weekend in the bed at my Mother-in-laws. No Easter Sunday pictures with the fam, no lunch, no egg hunt. Just lots and lots of :flush::boom::fire:[poop][poop][poop][poop][poop]
I am just now gaining some of my strength. It was brutal.

-No D League baseball league?
I've been trying like hell to purchase this stock over the past two days. My broker only allows limit orders on penny stocks. I first tried at 0.32 last Thursday. The stock has since closed at 0.41. 27% increase in one day. Missed it. Perhaps I can get in if profit taking occurs.
Editas (genome editing) is about to explode as well. best to buy now and to cash out when roche buys them for a few bil
I'll never get over the memory. I was losing about a liter of fluid an hour for about 12 hour period. I lost 10 lbs in about 24 hours. Dehydrated, was about 2-3 hours from going to the ER before I turned the corner. Struggle bus was in full tow.

Of course it really wasn't the Zika, but I can't imagine it being worse than what I had.
I'll never get over the memory. I was losing about a liter of fluid an hour for about 12 hour period. I lost 10 lbs in about 24 hours. Dehydrated, was about 2-3 hours from going to the ER before I turned the corner. Struggle bus was in full tow.

Of course it really wasn't the Zika, but I can't imagine it being worse than what I had.

Oh...well I feel like a dumbass...nothing new.

Food poisoning?

I had a bad case of food poisoning once that made me think I was dying. Took several weeks to feel right again. Got it two days before flying back to the made for a very long trip.
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers, Lurkers and New Guys.
  • 55°F in Johns Creek, GA. Not a cloud. Beautiful. VFR, of course.
  • Blood Sugar = 143. Almost there. Feel better.
  • Back is some better.
  • Mack Jones going.
  • Oatmeal and Blue Berries going. Not great, but what I need.
  • Lots of critters out this morning.
  • QB happy. Some new stools just came in from California. She is giving the kitchen island a re-do.
  • I cannot wrap my feeble mind around Skal going to the NBA. Those guys will humble him like he has never been humbled. I don't know that that kid will ever develop.
  • Bam.
  • Over.
Oh...well I feel like a dumbass...nothing new.

Food poisoning?

I had a bad case of food poisoning once that made me think I was dying. Took several weeks to feel right again. Got it two days before flying back to the made for a very long trip.

It could of been food poisoning, I scarfed down some Taco Hell running into Batman v Superman Thursday night. It hit me Friday. Very well could of been.
Quit taunting me with the blue bell stuff. You'll make me rant...

Let me tell you about my Easter ice cream:

I was tasked with going out and getting the ice cream. There is this new fancy schmancy KY PROUD!!! LOCALLY MADE!!!! I've cream place called Crank and Boom....which sounds like some homo innuendo, but that's not important. What is important is their ice cream sucks crank and balls. I mean, it's better than Edy's and the host of store bought fake ass creams at your local market, but it is far from the Ben and Jerry's/graters/other premium pint creams. I don't even think its ice cream, tbh. I had to check the ingredients because I swore it was a sorbet. It was not. It was their ice cream. Heavy emphasis on ice. It was not creamy. The strawberry ice had no pieces of strawberry. It was was puréed. Good flavor, but lacking in the whole ice cream department. It is simply not ice cream, in my expert opinion. Their ingredient list was vague, and I suspect they're cutting calories because THERE WAS NO NUTRITION LABEL..which is a sure fire way to distinguish a fake ice cream from the real thing. Real creams will shock you when you look at the label. You will think "there's no way that much fat is in one scoop of ice cream!!". That's the good shit. The fake shit will seem not bad at all, I could 3 scoops of this!!! Yea, because it's fake ass bullshit.

Here's the kicker: a pint of Crank and Boom costs 8.99. Yep. I just had to laugh. It's gd a joke of a product, way over priced, and the hens went wild for it. OH MY IS THAT THR PLACE DIWNTOWN!!! IVE HEARD OF THAT!!! O WOW IVE SEEN THEM BEFORE!!! YES!!!!!


But, seriously, support good creams. Don't eat crank and boom. They don't give a shit about the consumer. Rhee should be sued for impersonating premium ice cream.

You can get 3 pints of B&J's for $9. Half gallon of blue bell for $6.

*disclaimer: I'm the type of dude who pays $20 for black market listeria tainted dutch chcate blue bell and only eats half the carton bc I'm boss like that. Ice cream is just what I *used to do*. It ain't no thing.