
It could of been food poisoning, I scarfed down some Taco Hell running into Batman v Superman Thursday night. It hit me Friday. Very well could of been.

When I had mine I had ate a salad from Applebees on base and was supposed to go see a movie afterwards. I got back to my hotel and and went to sleep and about 2 hours later I woke up dying of thirst and more nauseated than I had ever been. I chugged a liter of water and payed dearly for it not even 2 minutes later. Stayed in the bathroom all night and struggled to get to work the next day. I lost almost 15 lbs in 3 days, and I didn't have weight to spare at the time. My appetite was screwed up for about 2 weeks.
Sounds like you have that espresso dialed in man. I don't know much about coffee other than I don't like it. Happy for you though. Cooking seems to be ayour passion. It's sort of inspiring.
I have things on my radar that I'm passionate about:

Clean cars and products to clean cars
Wine (just scratching surface)
Weed (back in the day)
Food: Restaurants
Food: preparation
Food preparation utensils, products, appliances
UK Football
Hand drawing
Calligraphy, handwriting in general
Mechanical Dive Watches
My kids, family.

That's about it.
I have things on my radar that I'm passionate about:

Clean cars and products to clean cars
Wine (just scratching surface)
Weed (back in the day)
Food: Restaurants
Food: preparation
Food preparation utensils, products, appliances
UK Football
Hand drawing
Calligraphy, handwriting in general
Mechanical Dive Watches
My kids, family.

That's about it.

No UK Basketball on your list? Mods, please ban for insubordination and general blasphemy. TIA.
I'll back the Sooners until they screw up but I could care less without the Cats in it. Country music begins and ends with Hank Sr for me. Years back I was sitting on the river bank playing my guitar and a neighbor was sitting listening and singing along at times. He looked at me and said "I've been listening to you play for a half an hour now and haven't heard a Hank Williams song, I didn't know that was possible." It of course is possible but I'm not sure it's legal.
Wife & I got food poisoning from Applebee's once. We both missed work, took our (then 2 y/o)daughter to daycare and had a friend keep our daughter overnight.

Glad to see FCC back in here. He was AWOL for at least a day.

That's a lot of passion Kooky. I like clean cars. I mostly use cheap products though (Meguires).

My boss is irritating as hell.
I have things on my radar that I'm passionate about:

Clean cars and products to clean cars
Wine (just scratching surface)
Weed (back in the day)
Food: Restaurants
Food: preparation
Food preparation utensils, products, appliances
UK Football
Hand drawing
Calligraphy, handwriting in general
Mechanical Dive Watches
My kids, family.

That's about it.
You are a busy boy.
haha... gets me every time. Love it.

I correct the wife every time she says it and will til the day I die.

- "which way makes sense? Saying 'I COULD care less' or 'COULDN'T care less'? Think about what you're saying."
... thinks for 5 seconds...

Me: o_O
I just keep it simple and say, "I don't care.".
I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks
Slow-movin' trains and rain
I love little country streams, sleep without dreams
Sunday school in May and hay
And I love you, too

I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends
Birds of the world and squirrels
I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups
Old TV shows and snow
And I love you, too

I love honest, open smiles, kisses from a child
Tomatoes on the vine and onions
I love winners when they cry, losers when they try
Music when it's good and life
And I love you, too.
I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks
Slow-movin' trains and rain
I love little country streams, sleep without dreams
Sunday school in May and hay
And I love you, too

I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends
Birds of the world and squirrels
I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups
Old TV shows and snow
And I love you, too

I love honest, open smiles, kisses from a child
Tomatoes on the vine and onions
I love winners when they cry, losers when they try
Music when it's good and life
And I love you, too.
Tom T
I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks
Slow-movin' trains and rain
I love little country streams, sleep without dreams
Sunday school in May and hay
And I love you, too

I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends
Birds of the world and squirrels
I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups
Old TV shows and snow
And I love you, too

I love honest, open smiles, kisses from a child
Tomatoes on the vine and onions
I love winners when they cry, losers when they try
Music when it's good and life
And I love you, too.

Sing it Tom.
baseball was my life from the time I was 7 until I was done at 22. Played basketball also, made All-Star teams for both growing up, played all over KY against other really good teams in tournaments, won a lot of tournaments, etc. But baseball was my baby. As soon as I was done PLAYING, I left it behind. It's so boring and hard to watch. Just can't do it.

Being at a live game is so much different, however. Just enough distractions to keep your mind busy as you wait the 30 seconds between each pitch. Having some cold brewskies doesn't hurt. Thank God for the Nashville Sounds.
Good stuff. Loved playing baseball. Played all leagues growing up. A true passion and just fun. That's what we all did then.
Went to the old schlong Doctor yesterday. Everything was cool. Took finger number three from a virtual stranger in the past 1.5 months, and he said nothing to worry about. Glad everything was ok, but he said he was surprised I was referred at all .... So goodbye $45 and whatever ass virginity I had left ... I will never for the life of me understand how someone gets involved in urology as their speciality, except for job security purposes.
Went to the old schlong Doctor yesterday. Everything was cool. Took finger number three from a virtual stranger in the past 1.5 months, and he said nothing to worry about. Glad everything was ok, but he said he was surprised I was referred at all .... So goodbye $45 and whatever ass virginity I had left ... I will never for the life of me understand how someone gets involved in urology as their speciality, except for job security purposes.
I need to get this and the ole colon checked. Just wish they'd come to the house and do it. I'd feel better about getting violated in familiar surroundings.
Played from 7-18, ankle injury ended my playing days.
Pitched, 1B, 3B, SS, CF, LF

Remember playing against the old Harrodsburg High when Craig Yeast was there. I watched him run down a ball that no human should be able to catch. He tripped over at least 2 mole hills along the way and still made the catch look routine.

Playing was fun, and I loved it more than anything, but I can't stand to watch it on TV or live. To me it's what golf is to most people.