
Lazy day for me. Barely got out of bed in time to make my 9:40 haircut appointment. Spent the rest of the day in my recliner. Laundry going. Read this and the ketchup thread.

Balls in a knot, haha.

Still a few weeks away from mowing. No energy.

All that food that Don mentions sounds awesome. In college I had a few weeks that I only ate Snickers bars and drank beer or Koolaide.
-Have a few years before my balls hang low and wobble to and fro or whatever the hell is happening to you guys.

-Very, very poorly played a round of golf earlier for the first time in a bit. My God, I suck right now. Microcosm: skulled the living hell out of an 8 iron on a par 3, massive hook 20 feet off the ground going like Mach 3 that somehow hit the flagstick, cracking the sumbitch a little bit upon inspection, and deflected like 60 yards into this very small pond/recessed area that's not even really part of the's just where all the cart boys piss or something.

Still a good time.

-Baby had a pretty much unreal huge chicken vindaloo blowout diaper earlier that was a lot of fun to change/clean up. Really hoping they continue to be like that! She smirked the entire time. She's evil.

-Tar Heel friends remarking on Tom Crean's creepiness as astonished/disgusted first-time viewers has made me [laughing]. Yeah...he's weird as shit, guys. Keep up. And also, get sanctions. Thanks.

-How much bad crap is that constantly-chewing-on-weiners-looking Goodman going write about Fox next year? Probably already has a lot of lazy stock pieces/one-liners in the hopper, fuming and drinking a Zima.
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Lazy day for me. Barely got out of bed in time to make my 9:40 haircut appointment. Spent the rest of the day in my recliner. Laundry going. Read this and the ketchup thread.

Balls in a knot, haha.

Still a few weeks away from mowing. No energy.

All that food that Don mentions sounds awesome. In college I had a few weeks that I only ate Snickers bars and drank beer or Koolaide.

Hit the Post Reply too quickly. Just going to say that 09:40 is too early for me to get my haircut. I don't like early appointments.
Austin, it was just what I needed. I'm ashamed that I have been eating wrong for so long. I knew better. I'm way short of willpower.
All of us are short in that respect.

Watched Dr. Oz on Friday, as I was off from work. Great show, by the way. He elaborated on the notion that the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined processed meat is a carcinogen. Red meat may also fall in that category. Colon cancer risks are higher for those folks consuming abnormal amounts of both. We eat too much steak, as my old lady is on a protein kick, but she usually serves me grilled or roasted chicken.
Oklahoma up 48-20 at half. I'd be ok at this point with them winning it all. But they won't cause I just jinxed them.

On deck. Very nice.
Not watching, but it sounds like they shot the lights out.
Go Sooners! Oregon could still storm back. TAMU proved it.
Austin, not sure of the validity of Dr Oz. But yeah, grilled, baked, fried foods ain't good. Steamed only way to go. If I understand it correctly our amylase in our saliva has to break down certain types of cooked meat in order for us not to be poisoned by it. Evolution at its work
Austin, not sure of the validity of Dr Oz. But yeah, grilled, baked, fried foods ain't good. Steamed only way to go. If I understand it correctly our amylase in our saliva has to break down certain types of cooked meat in order for us not to be poisoned by it. Evolution at its work
Agreed. Dr. Oz is more populist, although his basic info has merit. You are right, Western diet is hosed. I visited the UK in 2010. Little has changed. Germans still love their sausages (Wurst). My German ex-old lady can make a beautiful Mettwurst mit Zwiebeln (ground pork with onions - see pic below). Heck, 3 months after my colon cancer surgery in 2012, I gobbled that shit down like a lunatic during a visit. Not good.

Looked in the mirror today while I was trying on jeans ... and saw my dad looking back at me. Not a great sight ... Gotta do something about that. Love him, but he has wrecked his body. Outlived most of his friends and relatives, doh.

Tourney kind of sucks now that UK isn't in it. I kinda get what the rest of the south and most of the US think about it.

Church x 2 and dinner with the folks. Stay up late tomorrow BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TO WORK ON MONDAY.
Yep, the char is primarily a chemical called a "benzopyrene," that and "the dose makes the poison" are all I remember from toxicology.

Oh, I also remember the "LD" concept, like LD50, LD 90, etc... Also, cytochrome P450 rocks y'all.
I remember those concepts and being pissed off a lot in that class. The first third of the class was a review of organic chemistry, which would be fine, except I never took organic in undergrad.