
Yeah, main thing with mine is temp control. Never seems like it's at the temp the display says it is, but after a bunch of practice we found the right level.

I've heard good things about GPens except that they are kind of a pain as far as frequency of cleaning / maintenance, which may or may not be accurate. PAX 2 might be coming up for me soon, stupid price tag though which is my primary hurdle.
I wonder if Speers is knee-deep in baby shit n puke yet?...This chart is on the up n up until they get older, now my boys are "all mom" ( boys should be) unless mechanical issues of any sort upset their daily routine, then it's dad, IE my oldest called last night to see if I had any glue that would work on something resin, (something must have broke) I did not have anything however if I did my son would have passed 15 stores to come borrow my 3.00 tube of glue...

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Ok Beyoncés...

If you know a little about me by now, you'll know:

A) I'm NOT handy
B) I love primo coffee

So, the wife breaks the power knob clean off of my discontinued, but highly-beloved perfectly-maintained KitchenAid Proline Coffee Maker. We have side warming plate, extra ionizing water filters, and 2 carafes as well...

So, I try the ol crazy glue / baking soda concoction to try to weld the knob onto shorn post. FÜCK YOU¡!¡!... I also have a temper. Can't get glue to take. So I get pissed because I'm all in on this machine. This is my second one. It is awesome... Meets 200° at the brew head,has program timer, 14 Cup capacity.... There still is no other product like this on the market.

Bless her heart, wifey tried to do a glue session after I charged away cursing and screaming. But unfortunately, she used WAYYY TOOO MUUUUCCH glue and basically fused the entire joint rock solid all around - making it impossible to turn and power up. Ass hat.

So then, I remembered the other old machine sitting rusty in the pantry. I told her we should keep it for spare parts years ago, did she listen? Was it still there? Yep.

But this wouldn't be easy. Removal of electronics, circuits gaskets get to the backside of the knobs would require tiny Chinese hands, killer tools and patience. I have have none of the above.

Making a long, boring story immediately shorter. I fixed the mouthertoucher and perhaps saved my marriage as I was going to kill her if this shit wasn't gonna get resolved. 3.5 hours, swollen fingertips, hot mouthertoucher ing Joe brewed perfectly.


Science Break:

Located in the constellation Ophiuchus (The Serpent-bearer), this image of a star field shows dark patches suggesting no stars lie within them. But the dark areas are dense dust clouds that make up a dark nebula known as LDN 1768 that obscures the stars behind.

In dark nebulas such as this, new stars form out of the gas and dust of the cloud. Not energetic enough to emit visible light, these protostars generate radiation at submillimeter wavelengths which can be detected by special telescopes. Given time these protostars will shine with visible light, and also blow away remaining dust and ionize the surroung gas into a spectacular display known as an HII region.
I freakin' hate Jim Boehiem. Can't stand to even look at him much less hear him talk. So of course…Syracuse advances. So does UNC and Notre Dame. Well, at least IU is getting blown out. But even then…it's by UNC. Can't freakin' win for losing.

Somehow I just know Speers is to blame for these travesties. I just haven't found the link yet. Damnit, Speers!
Geography Break:

The second Longest geographical name that is accepted in the world is “Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu” (85 letters) which is a hill in New Zealand – it is a maori phrase which translates to “place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as land-eater, played his flute to his loved one”.

It was the longest until recently (though the Guinness Book of Records still regards it as the longest); it has most likely now been supplanted by Krung thep maha nakorn amorn ratana kosinmahintar ayutthay amaha dilok phop noppa ratrajathani burirom udom rajaniwesmahasat harn amorn phimarn avatarn sathit sakkattiya visanukamprasit in Thailand (163 letters).


Damnit, Speers!

Of course I see no pics of fat cavemen. Because i see no pics of cavemen at all. Just seen drawings of what people thought a caveman might have looked like. Or some primitive self portrait cave drawing…where of course the fat bastard of a cave dweller didn't portray his real fat self. Everyone knows you add at least 50 lbs to whatever pic the caveman carved into the cave wall. That's scientific fact. Duh.

Besides, the average life expectancy of a caveman was about 32 years old. Now, given that's mostly because a good portion of them died from some (then) untreatable disease at age 4 or because he got eaten by the very same T-Rex he was hunting while at age 23 because the poor bastard was too dumb to invent a semi-automatic weapon.

In closing, if I were a caveman given those particular circumstances…eff eating healthy. I would have drank wine 24/7 and eaten 4 square meals a day each anchored by fried pterodactyl wings...with my only exercise consisting of chasing cavewomen.

Because America is consumed of fat ****ing lard ass piece of shit enabled "give me everything" unmotivated emotionally wrecked diabetic fatass mother ****ers. Some people are born with problems, most people develop em because they're lazy and said lardass.

Every time I get a patient that's obese and has an order for reducing back/hip/knee/ankle pain I roll my goddam eyes. Deep down... I don't wanna help you. I want you to live with your shitty life choices. But getting a pay check and things like that...

Exercise, eat right. It's not hard, lardasses. How many pictures of fat cavemen do ya see? They ate healthy and worked. What a novelty.
+1. Totally agree.
Canidate for surgery but the surgeon said as active as I was for a 63 year old, and if I was his dad, he would not recommend it. Did you see in the cheeseburger thread where one of the little gyreo kids got after me? FCC.

I think the doctor is basically telling ya to stay active. So ya gottaa stay active.

No, I didn't see it man. I haven't read it all. Don't let peoples anonymous message board words get at ya FCC. That's what the Paddock feeds on. Apparently condiments can get people emotionally charged up. hahaha
I let you in on a secret. He's only posting that to get a reaction.

He probably does think you're terrible, but look at the thread. He's a grown man who eats cheese and mayo on everything. He will defend it sure, but we all know that's objectively a terrible take. Only children eat like that. But he likes it. Either way, it's not something he's taking seriously.

What does it matter if you like ketchup, cheese, dickcake(not you, anyone)? It doesn't. He's bronco enough to know that. So what he is doing is creating a silly thread, and defending it like you would religion or whatnot.

You are getting caught up in the joke. Normally, I don't like to break the veil of a running joke, because I think one should figure it out, but he's not really attacking you, though I know it seems like it.

Your a veteran poster on the paddock. You've seen how a lot of us are jackals. This is the place where if your toothpaste is Colgate and not Crest, then you're a dirty low life peice of shit who should die and never ever leave an opinion again.

So really, it isn't personal.

Thanks LEK. Certainly you are right. I should have never responded or really even posted. And when I did, I should have expected that. Thanks for your support. Hey, by the way how's the little one healing up? FCC.
Google is the best. I was trying to think of the name of the movie Ex Machina, but couldn't come up with it. Googled "Hot robit movie" [sic] and Goggle knew exactly what I meant.

SPRING BREAK!!!! (34° outside ...)


No on left to root for, really. Guess I'm #ALLIN on #TeamVOVO (Virginia, Oregon, Villanova, Oklahoma).

Oregon winning would be awful cute of them.
Hey guys, back in the day, I had a good one hitter water bong that did the job. Speaking of jobs, 1.5s worked well too. So, I thought the water bong was very efficient. Keep clean water, no problem. So what's with this vaping thing? FCC.
Vaping. Ask your kids. Guarantee you they know about it. The drugs come out at school at about age 12.
I freakin' hate Jim Boehiem. Can't stand to even look at him much less hear him talk. So of course…Syracuse advances. So does UNC and Notre Dame. Well, at least IU is getting blown out. But even then…it's by UNC. Can't freakin' win for losing.

Somehow I just know Speers is to blame for these travesties. I just haven't found the link yet. Damnit, Speers!
Went to bed early. Woke up, saw the game listed, clicked it and UNCheaters was handling business. Slept like a baby.
Because America is consumed of fat ****ing lard ass piece of shit enabled "give me everything" unmotivated emotionally wrecked diabetic fatass mother ****ers. Some people are born with problems, most people develop em because they're lazy and said lardass.

Every time I get a patient that's obese and has an order for reducing back/hip/knee/ankle pain I roll my goddam eyes. Deep down... I don't wanna help you. I want you to live with your shitty life choices. But getting a pay check and things like that...

Exercise, eat right. It's not hard, lardasses. How many pictures of fat cavemen do ya see? They ate healthy and worked. What a novelty.

You mean to tell me I have lost 50 + for nothing? I could be getting a check? What check? How much? Sign me up and point me to the closest drive thru.....But I for one gotta tell ya ...YOUR ****ING WRONG...not everybody's (me included) weight issues are from being a lardass. I for one worked 33+ years running up and down stairs (up to six stories) toting either a 50lb toolbox or fire hose in full turnout gear, that's not prancing the halls of some geriatric center pushing walkers around. Physical work it's called...Yeah my knee was shot, yea my back hurts, and yea my hip is shot, not to mention the other wear and tear PHYSICAL work can do to a man, not counting the depression that comes with it.. Free check? Well it's like this, I probably have paid a whole lot more in social security and taxes for that matter than you and even though I AM ENTITLED because of monies I have paid in I don't draw a dime. Pisses me off that Obama backed illegals can get it without paying a dime in ever but that's the system. I may have taken that wrong but to label everybody that's overweight a lazy lardass is wrong..So yea, I do take offense..I had your mindset until I ****ing lived it..big big difference seeing things from the other side of the fence.
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  • Morning, D-Leaguers.
  • 57°F in Johns Creek, GA this AM. Overcast. IFR. We're getting some rain today.
  • Blood Sugar = 175. Progress. Hungry. My body is adjusting to no good food. No candy bars.
  • Keurig Dark Magic going down. Helping me wake up.
  • #3 didn't come home this weekend dammit. He's in Ranger School. God, I miss that boy.
  • Product for you. If the pollen is kicking your ass, try Nasacort, Allergy 24 HR. Start with 2 squirts. Lasts 24 hours. 1 squirt after that. The best I have found. No drip for 24 hours.
  • That's it.
  • Over.
You mean to tell me I have lost 50 + for nothing? I could be getting a check? What check? How much? Sign me up and point me to the closest drive thru.....But I for one gotta tell ya ...YOUR ****ING WRONG...not everybody's (me included) weight issues are from being a lardass. I for one worked 33+ years running up and down stairs (up to six stories) toting either a 50lb toolbox or fire hose in full turnout gear, that's not prancing the halls of some geriatric center pushing walkers around. Physical work it's called...Yeah my knee was shot, yea my back hurts, and yea my hip is shot, not to mention the other wear and tear PHYSICAL work can do to a man, not counting the depression that comes with it.. Free check? Well it's like this, I probably have paid a whole lot more in social security and taxes for that matter than you and even though I AM ENTITLED because of monies I have paid in I don't draw a dime. Pisses me off that Obama backed illegals can get it without paying a dime in ever but that's the system. I may have taken that wrong but to label everybody that's overweight a lazy lardass is wrong..So yea, I do take offense..
Hear hear.
Sorry for the rant...some things just hit me wrong..

Gonna go grocery shopping with the bride, she always cooks Easter dinner for the family.
The girls were just not in sync last night, got drummed by Washington..I guess it was meant to be that no UK team far well in tourney this year..Mitchell done a great job this season with the short bench he had..
South Carolina women got bounced as well. I though it would be Uconn and USC for the title which Uconn will win..
6 week post op check up yesterday..She (female dr is a hottie) said I was doing way above average and to stay with what I'm doing. Go back in 3 month's. She said 85% of her weight loss patients stop having sleep apnea. She wants me to get re-checked after next visit...that would be a plus..
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Sorry for the rant...some things just hit me wrong..

Gonna go grocery shopping with the bride, she always cooks Easter dinner for the family.
The girls were just not in sync last night, got drummed by Washington..I guess it was meant to be that no UK team far well in tourney this year..Mitchell done a great job this season with the short bench he had..
South Carolina women got bounced as well. I though it would be Uconn and USC for the title which Uconn will win..
6 week post op check up yesterday..She (female dr is a hottie) said I was doing way above average and to stay with what I'm doing. Go back in 3 month's. She said 85% of her weight loss patients stop having sleep apnea. She wants me to get re-checked after next visit...that would be a plus..

Fityfi, you're good man. Good poster. Keep on brother. FCC.
Good sunny Saturday to ya DL.

Completely alone today. Spouse in TN visiting. Kids are their mothers till tomorrow. She gave up Easter with them. Color me not shocked.

Much to do today. Have already been cleaning on the house. Always nice to work all week then have to also clean the house. I have such different "what constitutes a clean house" standards than someone I know.

When the frost burns off, will be heading outside to work. Mowing, Weed eating. Filling in a hole in yard a back hoe made. Vacuum vehicles. Cleaning out the shed.

Will watch the 2 games later. Will treat myself to Chinese takeout.

Also working on running CAT 5 cable upstairs hidden instead of across the damn floor. Again, my standards are higher.

I'm a lardass. Eat way too much. Eat way too bad. Not enough movement nor water. It's up to me. No one can do it for you.

I need to work on my attitude today by working hard.
LOL..This was my momma's go to medicine when we kids and got the sick's.. We had a horse, he had the sniffles. Mom had me to take a cotton ball and smear Vicks inside his nostrils several times a day for about 3 or 4 days and I'll be damned if that horse didn't get his get up and go back....My mom was a hoot..
