
[laughing] Thanks, brother! I actually clicked on all of them.

From the last one…


Vote for your ruler
When I first came to your planet and demanded your homes, property and very lives, I didn't know you were already doing so, willingly, with your own government. I can win no tribute from a bankrupted nation populated by feeble flag-waving plebians. In 2008 I shall restore your dignity and make you servants worthy of my rule. This new government shall become a tool of my oppression. Instead of hidden agendas and waffling policies, I offer you direct candor and brutal certainty. I only ask for your tribute, your lives, and your vote.

- General Zod
Your Future President and Eternal Ruler

Bye Duke. Wonder if Ted Cruz goes pro.

Spent an inordinate amount of time last night watching a goose cause traffic chaos out on the street. He was right near a street light looking like this:

Toucher just stood in the middle like "sup, bitches?" while unsuspecting drivers came over the hill and had to quickly swerve. Should have run him over. Those suckers are mean.
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All bow, it's el Presidente. FCC.

For a brief moment this morning I was a bit worried that General Zod might steal my thunder. But then I came to my senses. Zod didn't win in 2008. In fact, he shamelessly bowed out of that race very early like the intergalactic beyotch that he is (always was). And willy is a shoe in for POTUS in 2016. Being the smart and cunning leader that I am, I fully anticipated willy's victory and thusly funneled plenty of laundered dinero into the :americanflag:willy4POTUS:americanflag: campaign. We are thick as thieves now.

Sooooo…the mighty reign of El Kaizer Presidente is safe and sound for the foreseeable future and shall resume its regularly scheduled policies in a timely, yet ruthless manner.
For a brief moment this morning I was a bit worried that General Zod might steal my thunder. But then I came to my senses. Zod didn't win in 2008. In fact, he shamelessly bowed out of that race very early like the intergalactic beyotch that he is (always was). And willy is a shoe in for POTUS in 2016. Being the smart and cunning leader that I am, I fully anticipated willy's victory and thusly funneled plenty of laundered dinero into the :americanflag:willy4POTUS:americanflag: campaign. We are thick as thieves now.

Sooooo…the mighty reign of El Kaizer Presidente is safe and sound for the foreseeable future and shall resume its regularly scheduled policies in a timely, yet ruthless manner.

D League is about to be a lot richer after this campaign is over.
Blessed Good Friday to you all, except any Romans in here.

Spring Break starts at 3:00 this afternoon, ICYMI.

NCAA basketball is now just background noise for couch/iPad time. I'm barely watching.

Singing again and it feels great. Got to use an in-ear monitor for the first time last night. Awesome. Wish I could sing and play an instrument, but whattyagonnado?
Blessed Good Friday to you all, except any Romans in here.

Spring Break starts at 3:00 this afternoon, ICYMI.

NCAA basketball is now just background noise for couch/iPad time. I'm barely watching.

Singing again and it feels great. Got to use an in-ear monitor for the first time last night. Awesome. Wish I could sing and play an instrument, but whattyagonnado?

Funk are you better than this guy? If so, move to Hollywood my friend, you are in..Yes,absolutely on the rack!

Blessed Good Friday to you all, except any Romans in here.

Spring Break starts at 3:00 this afternoon, ICYMI.

NCAA basketball is now just background noise for couch/iPad time. I'm barely watching.

Singing again and it feels great. Got to use an in-ear monitor for the first time last night. Awesome. Wish I could sing and play an instrument, but whattyagonnado?
What kind of tunes do you sing?

Plus, I thought you could play an instrument, like a horn or something.
- Drank too much last eve. Head feels so so. Apologies submitted if I offended anyone here.

- Currently enjoying a cup of Cafe Olé Houston Blend coffee Pedestrian compared to Kooky, but I'm slowly getting there.


- Lawn mowing and weed eating on the agenda later today. Must also work on income tax return. Damned dividends. We're getting a fair amount back this year. I'm gonna start moving some accounts into Roth IRAs soon.

- Y'all behave.
Church stuff. I play trumpet, but not too many opportunities for that. (plus I'm not that good at it, anymore)
You could blow the horn in church. I played trumpet in hs and never had much chance to after that. My freshman year at UK, I played with the pep band for the Lady Cats a few times. It was weird as hell. Seemed like 8-12 band geek/women's bb nerds that got together to do it. I guess someone gave them permission to be there.