
Generally speaking, I'm all about subterfuge/iron-fist-in-velvet-glove-type stuff.

However, in this case, Funk is 100% correct -- we, the other members of the D, need to openly and overtly terminate KS's reign with extreme prejudice. Consider this a literal gauntlet being thrown down.
Okay, which is clearer, this or this?
v approves this post

That is one rich, ugly, talented ************.
Love you guys, but anyone who doesn't believe a true center on a team with a weak and thin front line wouldn't of made a big difference, is cray cray. If anything Skal could of played more 4 (especially when we had injuries at the 4 down the stretch). Skal was much more comfortable playing facing the basket and playing along side Dakari would of allowed him to do so. Doesn't matter because Dakari is rotting in the D league anyway.

This is the toughest time as a UK fan. The dead zone is what I call it. It's the period where we're still getting over the end of the season and still waiting to see who returns. Once we know what the roster will look like and the schedule is released in the summer, the season of hope starts.

Even in the midst of the dead zone, I still have an overwhelming feeling that next year is going to be one of those special years. Duke and UK should be 1 a. and b. I'll take those two teams over the field right now.

I vote this best post of post season. The dead zone. That's it. That's where I am. The dead zone. My family looks at me and they see the dead zone. Help I'm sinking in the dead zone.

I'm with KS on Skal. D leaguers, KS knows his roundball. He's proven that over and over. And DJ would have gotten minutes. All in all, we have the best Coach in college ball and I trust him. But please, get me out of the dead zone. Hat tip to BBH. Because my plane geometry teacher said that realizing the problem is half of the solution. FCC.
That's ridiculous.

You can get an escort of higher quality for $200/$300 an hour easy. Maybe $100/$150 too.

$1300. Please, that vagina ain't worth it.

Last time I was in the L, two escorts tried to get me to spring for $800 for them both. After I finished laughing in their faces, I bought them a drink at the Seelbach bar and showed them how I could pull two amateurs for free. At least they appreciated the drink!
+++++++BREAKING NEWS+++++++++

Mean Machine wins 2016 D-League Fantastical Basketball World Championship of the Universe by dominating the much, much weaker field of hapless, talentless jackals.
The Egg Sucking Dogs wanted me to inform the Mean Machine that an asterisk is next to their 'championship' because the ESD was barred from the field due to recruiting/tampering violations.
+++++++BREAKING NEWS+++++++++

Mean Machine wins 2016 D-League Fantastical Basketball World Championship of the Universe by dominating the much, much weaker field of hapless, talentless jackals.
Tainted victory, KS. I lost my FP leading scorer, Eric Bledsoe, around week 9 or 10. Injury bug hit my team both playoff games, especially the first.

Drunk Basketball. :sunglasses:
I just shat a pile so high that it looked like Mount Everest coming out of that toilet water. Almost took a picture of it. Just needed clouds and happpy little trees around it and it would've been Bob Ross masterpiece
Sounds so beautiful. A must to document. You even added an extra "p" in happy it was such a crowning achievement...

*One Shining Moment* in background.
things are going well. Last night was the first night home and the baby kept crying every time we'd place her in the bassinet. Turns out, she hates it. Loves her nap nanny though. It's a little cushiony reclined thing that keeps her snug. Keep white noise playing in her crib. So in short, she didn't even last one night bedside at the bassinet and is now sleeping 4-5 hours at a time without having to eat in her room in her crib. Felt like ass all day from being up all night helping the wife.

Today was actually pretty nice. Got some sleep, napped, held her, let her sleep on my chest, changed my 2nd diaper... ever. Probaby more of the same tomorrow. She's got a pediatrician appointment in the morning. My oldest dog has also been limping and getting progressively worse over the last week. I've done all the tests on him I know, felt around, nothing bothers him to squeeze, touch, move, etc. Vet ordered pain meds. If it's not better in a couple weeks we'll have tests ran. I just hope it's nothing serious. Usually when a dog limps it's because something's injured and it hurts to touch. Nothing hurts when you move or touch his toes, wrist, ankle, shoulder. No idea.