How will they rule ??!

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Many on here think I'm a wacko lefty which couldn't be further from the truth. I am pretty far right on crime. I am moderate on most issues. I do lean left on social issues involving personal liberties. The government shouldn't be in my pants or doctor's office imo.
You're rights end where mine begin is my rule of thumb.
Oops, I didn't see that one. Disregard my latest whatever post. 🤪 I'm too busy trying to figure out these Dem Loons tonight...

Also, did you watch the F1 race today? I really wish the teams would just let the boys race and set aside the team orders but I get why they do it.
I was watching it, but missed a good portion. IOW - what prompted McLaren to insist that Norris surrender the lead?

Also, Max is starting to become unhinged a little bit. He's coming across as a little desperate if you ask me.
Just throw that in here even tho more appropriate spots will be fond as I continue to catch u in the thread.

If you believe God spared Trump’s life (as I do), he didn’t do it for him to lose in November. Now God may have other things in mind, but clearly the last 4 years have been about exposing the corruption and evil on the left and in the deep state. That imo will continue.

A bit confused as to the first paragraph.

I do also believe Trump is here as a divine calling. I know it.
I didn't forget about third parties. I phrased my criticism of the first-past-the-post system overly poetically. In actuality you don't even need 50.000001% of the vote to screw our country. As you so pointedly reminded us. Repeating this lie will get you nothing except revealed.

Delusional, you say? 🙄
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This derogatory usage of MAGA has always mystified me.

What is intrinsically wrong with the slogan: Make America Great Again?

It's never made any sense at all; to frame it in a negative manner. I mean, I get that that movement has succeeded, but that only speaks to the mushbrains that went with it, without stopping to consider how stupid that it.
We didn't invent it, as you say his supporters did. It's just the name of the movement. The only negatives would be from what it and its supporters say they are. To some they're positives. Many, or it wouldn't be such a powerful political movement.
This derogatory usage of MAGA has always mystified me.

What is intrinsically wrong with the slogan: Make America Great Again?

It's never made any sense at all; to frame it in a negative manner. I mean, I get that that movement has succeeded, but that only speaks to the mushbrains that went with it, none of whom stopped to consider how stupid it was to do so. Doubly so, when the folks that were perpetuating that sentiment, despised America in the first place. LOL
Dems don't care about America...and making the country great. They really don't. Dems HATE America. It's plain and simple. They really do. Just look at SamBoy and Dion. They're typical Dems.
Trump says the elections are rigged. Dems stole the last election.
Why are you all even voting and promoting Trump if this is true?
Dems are in power. Why would this election be any different.
According to Trump's speeches about Dems stealing elections.....Harris will be the next President guaranteed.
Awesome example of “either/or”. You’re more broke than your handle.
This derogatory usage of MAGA has always mystified me.

What is intrinsically wrong with the slogan: Make America Great Again?

It's never made any sense at all; to frame it in a negative manner. I mean, I get that that movement has succeeded, but that only speaks to the mushbrains that went with it, none of whom stopped to consider how stupid it was to do so.
Because it's making the assertion that America sucks now. It's negative and offensive to those of us who love America and already think it's a great nation right now.
It's also confusing to people from a historical perspective.
Make America great again like when black people weren't allowed to drink from water fountains and eat at white owned restaurants in the South?
Make America great again like when we had slave and free states?
Make America great again when we didn't allow women to vote?
Make America great again like it was during the Clinton, Obama and Biden years?
Make America great again like it was during the Vietnam War or Nixon Watergate trials?
Please tell me exactly what years of greatness is he referring to?
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Well congrats on you for taking time out of your busy day this November to stand in line to vote even though it won't be counted. 😂😂😂
That's what Trump says. It's all rigged baby.
Harris 2024 guaranteed!!!
Imagine being so politically retarded you’d actually vote for Harris. That’s just gross. The left’s mental illness takes over even when you’ve got a candidate BOTH PARTIES DONT WANT.

It’s literally in your face but you’ve been reduced to a boot licker and propagandized fool. Wake up Sam.
I was watching it, but missed a good portion. IOW - what prompted McLaren to insist that Norris surrender the lead?

Also, Max is starting to become unhinged a little bit. He's coming across as a little desperate if you ask me.
I don't get that either. Norris is closest in the hunt so why not let him win?

I'm a Honda guy so I'll root for Red Bull but Verp is driving like a little child. I was pulling for Hamilton today. I'm looking forward to seeing him in the Ferrari next season.
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Nah. Just stating facts and turning your ignorant paranoia against you.
Don't vote. It's all rigged. Stay home.
Your vote doesn't matter.
Trump says so.
I didn’t say anything so awesome going for daily double by doubling down on a self-own logical fallacy plus adding another to it in response.

Because it's making the assertion that America sucks now. It's negative and offensive to those of us who love America and already think it's a great nation right now.
It's also confusing to people from a historical perspective.
Make America great again like when black people weren't allowed to drink from water fountains and eat at white owned restaurants in the South?
Make America great again like when we had slave and free states?
Make America great again when we didn't allow women to vote?
Make America great again like it was during the Clinton, Obama and Biden years?
Make America great again like it was during the Vietnam War or Nixon Watergate trials?
Please tell me exactly what years of greatness is he referring to?
As someone firmly in the “they are all crooks” camp, I think MAGA simply means Make America a country that doesn’t chop off teenage boys peckers, promote literal Satanism on broadcast television, and have a 50% rate of broken homes Again.

Or maybe people secretly want to own slaves again. I guess your guess is as good as mine
Because it's making the assertion that America sucks now. It's negative and offensive to those of us who love America and already think it's a great nation right now.
It's also confusing to people from a historical perspective.
Make America great again like when black people weren't allowed to drink from water fountains and eat at white owned restaurants in the South?
Make America great again like when we had slave and free states?
Make America great again when we didn't allow women to vote?
Make America great again like it was during the Clinton, Obama and Biden years?
Make America great again like it was during the Vietnam War or Nixon Watergate trials?
Please tell me exactly what years of greatness is he referring to?
That is just a list of assumptions that YOU made about what Make America Great Again means, not an expressed opinion by those that penned the slogan. So, IOW - you confirmed literally everything I said, in my initial post.
I didn’t say anything so awesome going for daily double by doubling down on a self-own logical fallacy plus adding another to it in response.

Just echoing your own Dear Leader's words.
Stay home. Your vote doesn't count. The elections are rigged. Dems will steal it and hide your ballots.
Harris 2024 guaranteed. Trump says so.
They never refused to concede....Never attacked the US Capitol and tried to remain in power despite losing at the polls. I do know that for sure.

You don't actually know this, it would seem, but a concession is just an informal, and non-binding courtesy. It doesn't mean anything.

And it REALLY doesn't mean anything, when you concede, and then spend the next 8 years complaining about how the election was stolen from you. (Hillary) LOL

And, nothing personal, Sam, but what you "think" you know, and what is fact, are rarely the same thing.
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Bear in mind. Dems didn’t allow Biden any opposition in the primaries. Obviously no debates. Now due to polling the party elite push him out. Have no question that if Harris isn’t polling well, she will be discarded. Very Marxist process they have over there. At least they still allow polling i guess. No wonder Dion loves them.

Yes, you can parrot and copy paste. Nice work, Village Idiot.

Now point out where you think he says he's resigning.

You do speak English, correct, 'educator'?
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Just echoing your own Dear Leader's words.
Stay home. Your vote doesn't count. The elections are rigged. Dems will steal it and hide your ballots.
Harris 2024 guaranteed. Trump says so.
Tripling down on logical fallacies. At this point you’re arguing with yourself. Cute emoji though you must think it’s some kind of comeback after you get rolled? Lmao

Just echoing your own Dear Leader's words.
Stay home. Your vote doesn't count. The elections are rigged. Dems will steal it and hide your ballots.
Harris 2024 guaranteed. Trump says so.
They will absolutely try to cheat. The only question is whether the country is strong enough anymore to stop them. Good luck with your new puppet.
That is just a list of assumptions that YOU made about what Make America Great Again means, not an expressed opinion by those that penned the slogan. So, IOW - you confirmed literally everything I said, in my initial post.
So enlighten me as to when the greatness began and when it ended.

By the way.... Don't vote. The election is already rigged. Your vote won't be counted anyway. That's what Trump says.
What a load of BullSH**!
I'm not hitting on you Marley
Yes, you can parrot and copy paste. Nice work, Village Idiot.

Now point out where you think he says he's resigning.

You do speak English, correct, 'educator'?
I wasn't hitting on you Marley...I was tagging the Village Idiot.
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  • Haha
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Strong has nothing to do with it. Trump says it's already rigged. Just take the day off and watch Kamala rake in the stolen votes. Trump says it's already a done deal buddy.
Our party still gets to choose our leadership Sam. Yours is chosen for you. You’re a Marxist and maybe don’t even have any clue that you are. The “Party” is all that matters.