
I have listeria and I would eat it, TMFS.

Man self checkouts burn me up. If have more than the quick lanes allow you're stuck forever waiting for mf'ers to scan and bag all their shit. Can't they at least hire baggers for the self checkouts?

Don's story pushed me to eat healthy here for a bit. Gonna try and stick with it.
I ain't gon be ******* around no more.
I'm serious about the Glipizide. Glyburide worked for me for about 15 years, then my body adjusted to it and it didn't work as well as it used to. Took it as the combo pill with Metformin. With glyburide, I struggled to keep my a1C around 8. Within 3 months after I switched to glipizide, it was down to 7 and has stayed there since, even with me cheating on my diet (ice cream the main culprit).
No cheating and neglecting for me.
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up 9 now, and ONE!

Don, eating right sucks but works. Spears hope all is going well. I had Yale. Why did I have have Yale? I changed my pick last night after listening to a guy on the Mobile TV station tell why he thought the Baylor team was going to be the first big upset. I belived him and changed my pick.
-Ed Gein was one messed up individual. Watched a documentary back around Halloween on him and immediately regretted the decision.

-Every time I flip over to Purdue/Little Rock I keep expecting to see Colin Raye on the sideline.
