
Posted without comment.

See I knew you were a ****in retard! If one word is misspelled in a sentence you can't comprehend what the sentence was about. I'll be more careful when talking directly to you from now on. Would it help if I spaced all the letters and make them big and bold too?

You know what they say about arguing with a retard? DON'T!

buh bye now.
Who is arguing? I make a post, you get defensive. Anytime you want to log back in under your other username and head back to Rafters, go for it.

Not defensive at all. You just seem to try and put your big boy pants on anytime I post. You really can't read, can you? I don't know how many times I have to say it to some of you stupid sacks of shit, but I have NEVER POSTED HERE! I HAVE ONE ACCOUNT AND IT'S THE ONE I AM USING NOW.
Could you read that, dipshit? Or do you just enjoy wearing your tinfoil hat, and being an internet badass?
Not defensive at all.
So not only are you a ****ing retard but you have a personality disorder too...i pity you and your joke of a family.
Whatever you say, Chief. Unlike you, I don't get all worked up about a message board. Also, it's pretty big of you to continue using 'retard'. Your lack of vocabulary is only surpassed by your lack of character.
  • Good morning, guys and Heshimu.
  • 1 mug of Keurig Dark Magic down.
  • 68°F in Johns Creek, GA. Clear and VFR. Beautiful.
  • Listened to some of the Tom Leach Show.
  • Mack Jones coming up.
  • Sinus headache going. Going to see the doctor. Dread.
  • Over.
I have seen Funky fight..We were at a club one night in Miami, some guy started some shit, Funk hit him 4 times before the guy could blink..Right below his eye looked like chopped liver. Bouncer knew Funk did not start it but ask we leave anyway because punches were thrown..Takes a lot to get Funk riled,usually a walk away type guy, shocked the crap outta me when Funk took the guy down..
told the wife first time I saw our yard and had an anxiety attack that one day I'd rip all the grass up and put down astro turf so I never have to mow that bastard again. One can only dream.

I think about doing that to my yard at least once a week. If I could afford it I would do it...not the backyard though, it's actually good grass, but the front is a pain in my arse!
  • Like
Reactions: wildcatdonf
Gonna lay some 16" x 16" pavers today
Gonna change blades on push mower today and make first cut of the year on front grass..
Will get zero turn ready for service today as well..
down 47 pounds since first of's meltin off
My tally wacker seems larger, as if it was on steroids..Major piss woody this morning, went to bend it down to hit terlet and my feet flew from under me..
I have seen Funky fight..We were at a club one night in Miami, some guy started some shit, Funk hit him 4 times before the guy could blink..Right below his eye looked like chopped liver. Bouncer knew Funk did not start it but ask we leave anyway because punches were thrown..Takes a lot to get Funk riled,usually a walk away type guy, shocked the crap outta me when Funk took the guy down..
Not sure where you are going to find that much duct tape, but good luck!
You know it..I don't want none of him.

My apologies, Funky, for anything I might have said about you in the past, anything anyone has reported I have said about you in the past, or anything I might inadvertently say in the future that might offend you. I'm sure I speak for others as well. :flushed: