
My job: outside of normal, office cube shit... I get this issue thrown on my lap at 4:00 today.

One of my projects is converting the 100+ year old, 400,000sf marble New York Life building to luxury condos. On the 12th floor there's a clocktower terrace with 7' tall, 8000lb eagle statues placed atop posts. 10 total.

So, I get an email with a picture attached showing a crack monitor...

2 of these eagles are failing and may tumble onto the sidewalk below (150').

So, tomorrow I am going on site to formulate a strategy to stabilize the movement. I have to hurry.

Not much pressure. :grimace:

Do you build some kind of frame around those? Bunch of scaffolding? Completely out of my league. Maybe you should just get a crane and take them down.
Lee couldn't guard Valentine's jock strap. He would get two fouls in the first 2 minutes. Of course he usually does that anyway…but no way you put Lee on Valentine. Poythress maybe…but not Lee.

Call me crazy but if UK and MSU met up, I'd be giving Matthews a lot of minutes just to guard Valentine. He has the quickness and length to contain him. Of course you would be giving up a little scoring.
My job: outside of normal, office cube shit... I get this issue thrown on my lap at 4:00 today.

One of my projects is converting the 100+ year old, 400,000sf marble New York Life building to luxury condos. On the 12th floor there's a clocktower terrace with 7' tall, 8000lb eagle statues placed atop posts. 10 total.

So, I get an email with a picture attached showing a crack monitor...

2 of these eagles are failing and may tumble onto the sidewalk below (150').

So, tomorrow I am going on site to formulate a strategy to stabilize the movement. I have to hurry.

Not much pressure. :grimace:
Dude, that's awesome stuff. Good luck!
Do you build some kind of frame around those? Bunch of scaffolding? Completely out of my league. Maybe you should just get a crane and take them down.
Yes.... Plus cables, plus steel dunnage. Once secure install a scaffold & rig local winch to lift marble eagle sculpture, set it down onto girded deck to dissipate point load. Disassemble the the marble post, fix failing delaminated steel beneath... Reassemble marble post. Reinstall eagle.

We knew these were in poor condition, but they deteriorated quickly.
Yes.... Plus cables, plus steel dunnage. Once secure install a scaffold & rig local winch to lift marble eagle sculpture, set it down onto girded deck to dissipate point load. Disassemble the the marble post, fix failing delaminated steel beneath... Reassemble marble post. Reinstall eagle.

We knew these were in poor condition, but they deteriorated quickly.

Yep...Kooky knows his ish.

A little disappointed that you didn't work the Boscoe Effect into the mix somehow though. (I know it's not Boscoe…but I can't remember the name of the dude that fixed your water line problem at your crib…and Boscoe is close…I think).
Yes.... Plus cables, plus steel dunnage. Once secure install a scaffold & rig local winch to lift marble eagle sculpture, set it down onto girded deck to dissipate point load. Disassemble the the marble post, fix failing delaminated steel beneath... Reassemble marble post. Reinstall eagle.

We knew these were in poor condition, but they deteriorated quickly.
That's some cool stuff KK. I'm always amazed that someone figured out how to do stuff like that.
Hi guys/gals. Just a quick Hello.:)

Hope all is well with you/kiddos/families. Have not been on here forever, but excited about the tournament and cheering from Lake St Louis, Mo. (was kind of hoping that we would get put here in 1st round) but that ok too.

Will try to catch up, cannot believe this thread is still going? I think the last page I was on was around the 500 page?

Be good... and hope we do well in our games!!! How amazing is Ulis? I love him.
Hi guys/gals. Just a quick Hello.:)

Hope all is well with you/kiddos/families. Have not been on here forever, but excited about the tournament and cheering from Lake St Louis, Mo. (was kind of hoping that we would get put here in 1st round) but that ok too.

Will try to catch up, cannot believe this thread is still going? I think the last page I was on was around the 500 page?

Be good... and hope we do well in our games!!! How amazing is Ulis? I love him.
Welcome back, Blu. Wonderful seeing you again.

The D-League has slowed a little of late. At one time, we led Gyero by over 6,000 in post count, but they are closing.

Agreed, Ulis is truly amazing.
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Yes.... Plus cables, plus steel dunnage. Once secure install a scaffold & rig local winch to lift marble eagle sculpture, set it down onto girded deck to dissipate point load. Disassemble the the marble post, fix failing delaminated steel beneath... Reassemble marble post. Reinstall eagle.

We knew these were in poor condition, but they deteriorated quickly.
That's some cool stuff KK. I'm always amazed that someone figured out how to do stuff like that.

Many complex subsystems involved.
skipped the gym today to come home after work and mow the yard for the first time this year. Was high, front and back took over an hour on a riding mower. Cleaned up around the house. Wife and I had steaks and asparagus for dinner out on the picnic table on the back deck, then went and had frozen yogurt together. Then I fell asleep during the whole first half of the WSU/Vandy game. Completely exhausted.

One. More. Day. One day left without a kid. My life has come to this. Last day the rest of my life without a kid. Feels weird and don't know what to think about it. I'm happy and sad at the same time, more anxious to get it over with and meet her.

My last night with a good, long, full night's rest for a few months, apparently. Think I'll pop some benadryl and head to bed soon.
Yep. You're f'd.

Welcome to the club.
They could do yard work. There are like 6,000 yards in Funky's large village.
I always wondered what might happen if that neighborhood got all pissed off and Militia'd up. I'm just on the outskirts of it, so my little barrio would be one of the first to fall.

Also, you wouldn't believe how many lawn care 'businesses' originate from over here.
Awwwww, he thinks trailer parks have yards. No, son. That was just some astroturf your dad put down in the driveway before he left 'to pick up a pack of cigs'.

No, you've got it all wrong. My "dad" as you call him was fired from his job for stealing money, then turned to drugs and alcohol and became an abusive asshole. Then my "mother" left him and he lived on the streets in Lex for a year or two.
The dude in the trailer park was my step-dad, and I know that grass was real because I had to mow it.
Bless his heart. To this day, all the neighbors wonder why he plugs in the vacuum and stands out in the middle of the backyard ...

You must be retarded....see people age and grow up, and people with drive and ambition make it a gold to be better than how they grew up. See what I described was over 30 years ago. Do you understand? I would be happy to make you a common core special ed diagram for you if you don't.

Speaking of mowing. Mowed for the first time this year yesterday. I was hoping to hold off, but the old retired bastard next to me mowed so I had no choice. Oddly enough it felt good to mow again.