
Im that friendly stranger in the black sedan...I'll help you to your car..

Ides of March. I love days like this.

-Havent felt like posting too much lately. Not much to say. Anxious about this tourney, but I am every year. I am ok if we lose early. I feel like we have been blessed as a program, It sounds crazy, I know, but the Wisc. loss still haunts me, and yet, Im ok with not every game being life and death.

-Legs are sore from gym, good sign. Working out, just not dieting. Not gaining, so that is good.

-Wife and I doing date night this weekend. It is much needed. We hardly have time to ourselves with work, family, church, kid's schools, etc.

-NCAA hates us, but it is what it is. In my two brackets, I have UK winning and in other Mich St.

I agree. The NCAA bracket guys have to hate us. If Louisville had been playing they would have put them in our bracket too. What a bunch of pricks! FCC.
Group of spring breakers from University of Tenn at Chattanooga came in Saturday and are fired up about playing Indiana and maybe getting a chance at us. I will watch their game with them and root for the Mocs against the stinking Hoosiers. If they and I are sober enough to watch the game of course.
Put these events in order from first to occur to latest to occur. As always, you have two songs to complete your task...

  • The last presidential election with 60% voter participation
  • the Oakland As win their first World Series
  • Leonid Breshnev becomes leader of the USSR
  • Marshall University's football team has the tragic plane crash
Man I don't know any of that stuff. It was an interesting list to look up.
Put these events in order from first to occur to latest to occur. As always, you have two songs to complete your task...

  • The last presidential election with 60% voter participation
  • the Oakland As win their first World Series
  • Leonid Breshnev becomes leader of the USSR
  • Marshall University's football team has the tragic plane crash

Crap, this probably won't end well for me but....

Oakland As
I think the 5 of Ulis, Murray, Briscoe, Willis, Poythress MAY be good enough to pull it off but you can't have 2 of Poythress, Lee, Labissiere, and Humphries on the floor at the same time. Problem with that lineup, with the whole team really, is defensive rebounding and interior defense.

Damn thing is, our bigs can rebound, but I think they lack confidence in their physical strength. It's all mental.
I whole heartedly disagree with Jason and I hope his baby comes during the NC.

See, we've faltered in the last because we had subpar guards. We played college basketball backwards because of our personnel sometimes - wall and Harrison teams. The two teams that have broke my heart the most because the guards went full retard in crunch time. That's not happening this year, and bigs aren't that much of a factor period. You just have to not get totally slaughtered on the boards, and that's it. We can do that. If Humphries and Skal can give us all we need at times, which they have, that tells you all you need to know. We have never had a backcourt remotely close to Ullis, Murray, Briscoe, and Willis. That's a whole lot of college basketballs.

Don't come taking about no damn bigs. That's historically dumb argument. Especially in this case where we do have guys that are adequate. AP can play with anybody an he's good 50% of the time. Hump is good for one key game to step in and be big. Willis boards. Our guards board. Skal is useless, but he'll have one game. Lee is garbage, but he'll have a game or two. We're fine. You can find guys to fill space and grab boards, you cannot find veteran basketball minds like Ullis, Murray, Briscoe, and Willis. Those are the type of players we were missing with the Wall an Harrison teams.

Plus everybody sucks. UNC is by far the scariest team to me, and they suck. Kansas is the favorite and they are garbage.

If you're a UK fan honestly picking MSU, you need to go wash your pussy, imho. That's weak and lame and not based on much of anything. It's just a cute pick.

On a lighter note, today is national ice cream come day and DQ is giving away free cones all day. Go grab one and stick it up your pussy, Spears.

Really, when I think about it, Lee is the most disappointing player on this team. He's a "veteran" and doesn't have much more basketball sense than Skal, tbh. It's bad. If you could make money in volleyball he would be doing it. He's just so lost out there all the time. But it doesn't matter because bigs don't matter. TMFS. This is a guards game, and we got a butt-load of em.
<--- this guy

Knows Kentucky can win.
Thinks Kentucky is too unlucky to win this year.
Will not pick Kentucky for any money brackets because everyone else blindly will.

If Skal/Lee/Alex get early two fouls against IU, it might be ugly. Gotta have them in the game if shots aren't falling early.
That's not false.

I just feel like Tyler is such a good luck charm, and unlike any player Cal has had besides Knight, that he'll carry us. Add in Murray it's almost not fair. All we need is a Jorts. We don't have anything like that, but collectively, I think the bigs can do enough. Gd if we only had a Jorts. That's not asking a lot! We just don't have that heart down low. If only Dom was 6'10.