
Usually hot chicks roam the chip aisle to queef.

It's their thing. They won't queef around fresh food

Hmm. Makes sense on many levels.

The deal with blue bell is they are some bitches. They rolled out a twitter campaign to try and pacify the masses while they got their shit together. The twitter would inform people there shit was together and Blue Bell was coming to a city near you soon! They we're wrong. They lied. Last I heard BB was in some parts of KY...or so they said. Weeks passed. It's been a month or two since it was supposed to be in KY. They have a map on the website showing where Blue Bell is, but I can't bring myself to look at it. It just hurts. I'll know when Blue Bell is here. I'll smell it once it crosses Clays Ferry.
That story sounds like it's right out of a craigslist "Missed Connections" ad.

"Mash - seeking female

You were at the grocery store last night. So was I. I saw you in the chip aisle, looking all good. Embarrassed by my indecisiveness related to such a trivial decision, I fled in haste only to return soon after to make my were still in the chip aisle. I grabbed my BBQs and ran....again, frightened by your startling beauty and the prospect of looking like a p-boi. At checkout, I noticed you again as I threw my turk onto the conveyor. It's my protein, I work out often.

I want you to know I share your pain in this crazy, wild world filled with chip enigmas. Email me at <redacted> if you'd like to discuss.

p.s. Did you fart out of your vagina in that chip aisle? LMK ASAP, asking for a friend"
That story sounds like it's right out of a craigslist "Missed Connections" ad.

"Mash - seeking female

You were at the grocery store last night. So was I. I saw you in the chip aisle, looking all good. Embarrassed by my indecisiveness related to such a trivial decision, I fled in haste only to return soon after to make my were still in the chip aisle. I grabbed my BBQs and ran....again, frightened by your startling beauty and the prospect of looking like a p-boi. At checkout, I noticed you again as I threw my turk onto the conveyor. It's my protein, I work out often.

I want you to know I share your pain in this crazy, wild world filled with chip enigmas. Email me at <redacted> if you'd like to discuss.

p.s. Did you fart out of your vagina in that chip aisle? LMK ASAP, asking for a friend"

"How can I tell" if I will be a bad daddy......

LMFAO at gif [roll]
Science Break:

Runaway or hyper velocity stars can have a big impact on their surroundings as they plunge through the Milky Way galaxy. Their high-speed encounters shock the galaxy, creating arcs, as seen in this image.

HD 2905, center, is a massive, hot supergiant. But what really makes the star stand out in this image is the surrounding, streaky red glow of material in its path. Such structures are called bow shocks, and they can often be seen in front of the fastest, most massive stars in the galaxy. Speeding along at 2.5 million mph it makes the speed of our sun, 450 thousand mph, rather sedate. The shock wave is 4 light years ahead of the star as it moves through space.
I figgered I'd get a jump on all the nerds in the D and do a pre-emptive Pi day post. Enjoy.


Is that the new pi? After all I expect to memorize it and if you put in a wrong number it will really screw up my circumference.
  • Good mornin, DLeaguers.
  • 61°F in Johns Creek. VFR. Calm and not a cloud.
  • 2nd mug of Keurig Dark Magic going.
  • Got about half of the Tom Leach Show. Love those guys.
  • Mack Jones show going from Louisville.
  • Small headache going sucks.
  • We in tough damn bracket.
  • Thinking about Jason/wife and incoming female human. Finger crossed
  • Over.