
I have never had a student teacher (too much work), but they are swimming around this building like no one's business all year long. Most of them are just getting a degree and job until their future husband makes enough money so she can stay home with the kids.

I bet most of the ones at Jerry's school are dudes. Ha.

"Jerry's Kids"...hee hee
This was killer...

Sitting at lunch thinking get back...

How much pure ELATION would you have had if UK beat Wisconsin and was winning when the final horn sounded against Duke? That moment...sometimes I think about what it would've been like and get so happy I almost get tears in my eyes. National title. 40-0. Undefeated. What it would've meant. That would've been a record that likely wouldn't be topped in our lives and it's not often you can say that.

Then I get disappointed.

U just dropped the turd in my "punch bowl "day...thanks pal
I have never had a student teacher (too much work), but they are swimming around this building like no one's business all year long. Most of them are just getting a degree and job until their future husband makes enough money so she can stay home with the kids.

I bet most of the ones at Jerry's school are dudes. Ha.

I was a substitute teacher for a while. I was subbing for a 5th Grade class and was told I would have an assistant teacher that day, The first girl in class walked up the steps with a low-cut top on, exposing a rather large bosom. I thought, wow, that's a pretty risque outfit for an assistant teacher to be wearing.. I was shocked when I realized that it was a 5th Grade student.
Sitting at lunch thinking get back...

How much pure ELATION would you have had if UK beat Wisconsin and was winning when the final horn sounded against Duke? That moment...sometimes I think about what it would've been like and get so happy I almost get tears in my eyes. National title. 40-0. Undefeated. What it would've meant. That would've been a record that likely wouldn't be topped in our lives and it's not often you can say that.

Then I get disappointed.

Man shutup man!!!
Don, I calculated once that you are about 3 months older than me. I also was married in 1963. I was 19 and she was 18. I have never in the slightest ever wanted anyone else. My wife is old-school submissive by nature but I never took advantage of that. We've always been true partners. No one would ever believe it but we have never had an argument. I might try to argue with her but she would never argue back, which would only make me feel horrible if I tried to pursue it.
Nice duty.
Keepin' it real, my man.

Say that reminds me…D2 would make a nice addition to the D. Someone contact the recruiting department and have them send out the e-flyers, commandeer a donkey (preferably a live one this time) and assemble the hookers.
@d2atTech Hi. Look, we kinda like you, but only if you like us. Not in a gay kinda way, but if that suits you, maybe we can work something out. We dont want to make a big deal of all of this, cause you know, if you dont like us, then like, we dont like you, but if you do like, like us, then maybe, we can like each other. But if not, then its totally ok, and we were just like kidding around. Unless of course you like us too, then we werent. Like.
@d2atTech Hi. Look, we kinda like you, but only if you like us. Not in a gay kinda way, but if that suits you, maybe we can work something out. We dont want to make a big deal of all of this, cause you know, if you dont like us, then like, we dont like you, but if you do like, like us, then maybe, we can like each other. But if not, then its totally ok, and we were just like kidding around. Unless of course you like us too, then we werent. Like.

I wasn't recruited, I just barged in.
wonder what percentage of womens' basketball teams in the country are lesbian, including UK. Always heard that Makayla Epps liked to smear taco on her nose. I know when I was at Lindsey Wilson I was good friends with a couple chicks on the team and they would tell stories. I'd guess probably 4-5 of the players on that team were lesbo and there was even rumors about one of the assistant coaches (female) rubbing beavers with one of the players.

I would think the number would be higher than that. Let's go with 3/4 of the team and I'll buy it.
@d2atTech Hi. Look, we kinda like you, but only if you like us. Not in a gay kinda way, but if that suits you, maybe we can work something out. We dont want to make a big deal of all of this, cause you know, if you dont like us, then like, we dont like you, but if you do like, like us, then maybe, we can like each other. But if not, then its totally ok, and we were just like kidding around. Unless of course you like us too, then we werent. Like.

I love you guys, in the willy way. Let's make this shit happen. #nothavingtenkids