
I love that you slurp my nuts. Keep posting in my thread, it's nice having you as my bitch.

Cheat on your wife anymore you uneducated monkey? Oh, ymmot, you dumb cum guzzling clown, I own you. Completely.
Interesting reply, since you have me on "Ignore", how could you possibly know what I've said? I have no idea what Jason had said, because I've had him on ignore for three months.

You are an idiot and you have proved it many times. I will continue to eat at uou u
Interesting reply, since you have me on "Ignore", how could you possibly know what I've said? I have no idea what Jason had said, because I've had him on ignore for three months.

You are an idiot and you have proved it many times. I will continue to eat at uou u
You love my nuts in your mouth. You begged to be in this thread. You just keep coming back for more nut sandwich. I own you.

Also, I have smashed every dumbass argument you've ever made. Now, continue to beg to be here.

Like a dirty stray mongrel that comes back for table scraps.
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Kidneys. I never knew this... used to toss grapes at my pups and let em catch em in the air like a fancy trick. Read they can be toxic. No more.

So Tommy cheated on his wife? [laughing]

What a loser ass.

He won't read this. That's ok. Dude wants to talk shit about me outta nowhere but at least I love my wife enough to know I can say I wouldn't ever cheat on her.
It's why they're divorced. Right next to her. Yea, it's scummy.
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Don't go that route @ymmot31 you will get banned for challenging the great and powerful one. I see you have taken my place as public enemy number 1. But I'm ignoring all the baiting bs because there are some really cool posters here and I love their takes. It took me a yr to get back in. I'm glad to be back in da league!

Buddy I can't remember where I seen it, but I read somewhere on here that people on here were calling u an icon as a poster on here. That's a great compliment and I could see what they were saying. Your a top of the line poster on here

Don basically started it, so we have to tolerate him.

It is a bad thing but if we are not nice to Don he will take his marbles and go home. He has those nice cat eye marbles that we regulars don't have.
Austin, If I ever meet you, I would hope that you cut your hair first. If that is going to be a problem, let me know and I will reevaluate. yours in preconceived notions.

I could cut my hair as early as tomorrow because we have a new manager starting on Monday. You know what they say about first impressions. Must think about it. Probably not. May wait until end of April.
Ate grapes and raisins for a couple of days one time at a job in Maine. On the way to work I busted a little one bubble fart while I was driving my car. Had to roll the window down and stick my head out. Not before or since.

At work that night I eased out one and cleared the office. Boss got pissed and said whoever it was "don't do it again". Bout ten minutes later I dropped one and left the room. As they all filed out, each cussed me and he told me to go home. We got in quite a heated argument. He made a phone call and I got to stay, but I couldn't fart in the office anymore. Grapes make bad farts.
But, have you ever farted and made some one puke?
Contrary to what some of you may think, I like lek. He adds flavor to my Rivals experience. I am kind of let down that after all these years he figured out how the spell check works. It was so funny watching him butcher the English language. If you want to see who he really is, go back to his posts from about two months ago and back. His best work was "phallacy". [laughing] Still cracks me up. Thank you lek, for just being you.
Here's a little story. At my workplace, I believe we now have a new private security guard service. The former security service were all military veterans, but the new guard service is not. The guards check IDs, issue visitor badges and secure the facility. Two of the guards are also armed with Glock pistols. I worked on their computers yesterday, as scanning and imaging tickets also fall under my focus areas of responsibility.

Having spent nearly 18 months total in the Middle East, I also understand some spoken Arabic. All of the guards are either Pakistani or Egyptian or from the ME. At any rate, hearing the guards talk yesterday, it gives me the f*ckin' creeps these dudes are armed, carrying live ammo, and also talk about "Allah".

Hope I'm not overreacting or foreshadowing anything bad. We have open carry laws in Texas. I can get a CC, but I'd rather not go there.
Here's a little story. At my workplace, I believe we now have a new private security guard service. The former security service were all military veterans, but the new guard service is not. The guards check IDs, issue visitor badges and secure the facility. Two of the guards are also armed with Glock pistols. I worked on their computers yesterday, as scanning and imaging tickets also fall under my focus areas of responsibility.

Having spent nearly 18 months total in the Middle East, I also understand some spoken Arabic. All of the guards are either Pakistani or Egyptian or from the ME. At any rate, hearing the guards talk yesterday, it gives me the f*ckin' creeps these dudes are armed, carrying live ammo, and also talk about "Allah".

Hope I'm not overreacting or foreshadowing anything bad. We have open carry laws in Texas. I can get a CC, but I'd rather not go there.
Speaking of creeps the jehovah witnesses are out in full force trying to get people to come celebrate the resurrection of Christ since in their beliefs it's the only thing you can celebrate all year that includes Christmas, anniversarys, and birthdays. Like the Amish if you speak out against an elder not only does the church shun you, but your family as well. I don't plan on attending their celebration anytime soon.
Speaking of creeps the jehovah witnesses are out in full force trying to get people to come celebrate the resurrection of Christ since in their beliefs it's the only thing you can celebrate all year that includes Christmas, anniversarys, and birthdays. Like the Amish if you speak out against an elder not only does the church shun you, but your family as well. I don't plan on attending their celebration anytime soon.
Cool. How many of the bastards are armed and openly carrying? God damn it, I'll hang up and listen.
Contrary to what some of you may think, I like lek. He adds flavor to my Rivals experience. I am kind of let down that after all these years he figured out how the spell check works. It was so funny watching him butcher the English language. If you want to see who he really is, go back to his posts from about two months ago and back. His best work was "phallacy". [laughing] Still cracks me up. Thank you lek, for just being you.
I love when uneducated mooks pretend to be intellectuals. Good doggie.
Don basically started it, so we have to tolerate him.

It is a bad thing but if we are not nice to Don he will take his marbles and go home. He has those nice cat eye marbles that we regulars don't have.
Well, Don was also gone for 6 months at a time. KS, Mav, Funk, me, Ghost, Austin, Hero, FCC?, Mash and a few others kept it going for years. Only in last six-eight months did it really expand to what it is.

There would be months where it was just 4 or 5 of us posting.

Willy, ukgrad, kooky, Speers, 55, all came on board too. We've also had a bunch come and go.
Austin - keep your head on a swivel at work. Know their avenues of approach and plan your escape routes. Keep a few items on your desk that you can throw at them. It could buy you a second or two of distraction so you can escape when those guys go Allah Acbar.

Itchy - I itch like a m'fer. Shingles should be called Poison Ivy Sunburn Flu. Cause that is what it feels like.

Haircut for me this morning. I think about growing it long, but it hits a really fuzzy looking stage that I can't stand.