

So first I was Tommy, and now I'm somebody that goes by Memphis?? I've never been to Memphis and know nothing about the city other than it's a shithole.
Ate grapes and raisins for a couple of days one time at a job in Maine. On the way to work I busted a little one bubble fart while I was driving my car. Had to roll the window down and stick my head out. Not before or since.

At work that night I eased out one and cleared the office. Boss got pissed and said whoever it was "don't do it again". Bout ten minutes later I dropped one and left the room. As they all filed out, each cussed me and he told me to go home. We got in quite a heated argument. He made a phone call and I got to stay, but I couldn't fart in the office anymore. Grapes make bad farts.
Buddy I can't remember where I seen it, but I read somewhere on here that people on here were calling u an icon as a poster on here. That's a great compliment and I could see what they were saying. Your a top of the line poster on here
Yeah, yeah, whatever, Don can't begin to describe a fart like I can. He's a poser.