
I worked for J.Peterman retail store in Lexington for a year. Had a blast. Smokin bitches.

I went from security guard, to floor sales, to mgr.

Best job I ever had.

No way.

See, I didn't even know J Peterman was anything more than a Seinfeld character till about 3 Christmases ago. I flipped out when I found out Peterman was in lexington. They have office/warehouse somewhere out Leestown rd maybe. What a hoot. Peterman. Smh.
Was a close call this time with Aunt Mildred. She's lived so long, the only direct heir is her grandson in Atlanta. When her time comes, the only thing he'll do is sell the house as quickly as possible and blow through the money as quickly as possible. Her basement is LITERALLY frozen in time (the 70's). It was a rec room while Uncle Horace was still alive, and NOTHING has changed since he passed in '89. The poker table (with chips and cards) is still there. The old Zenith TV is still there. The bar is still there (booze ain't tho, but I'll probably find it if I seriously looked). I know some folks are really into vintage stuff, so it might be a good play for me if I offer Mychal a couple of hundred bucks for the stuff in the basement and really clean up selling the stuff I don't keep.
Ordered up a sweet pair of these today...


You rubes need to educate yourselves on classy sun protection.

Mine are the black frames, with dark lenses. Not bad glasses at all.
Was a close call this time with Aunt Mildred. She's lived so long, the only direct heir is her grandson in Atlanta. When her time comes, the only thing he'll do is sell the house as quickly as possible and blow through the money as quickly as possible. Her basement is LITERALLY frozen in time (the 70's). It was a rec room while Uncle Horace was still alive, and NOTHING has changed since he passed in '89. The poker table (with chips and cards) is still there. The old Zenith TV is still there. The bar is still there (booze ain't tho, but I'll probably find it if I seriously looked). I know some folks are really into vintage stuff, so it might be a good play for me if I offer Mychal a couple of hundred bucks for the stuff in the basement and really clean up selling the stuff I don't keep.
There is a little country house [Aunt Bobbie's, deceased] that contains a little bench seat with a back, built by Paw Paw's brother, that I used to sit on when I was a little boy, that I would love to have.Not fancy, just as country as the people that have owned it.
I like reading what all y'all have to say. It reminds me of hanging out at my dads shop back when I was a kid. There was always a group of guys that would stop in and shoot the shit. All kinds, just like here. Dad got along with everybody, even he knew that he thought were full of shit.
Did they drink any alcohol from bottles in paper bags? Daddy did that.
I think @-LEK- may get a timeout for eviscerating Alf. I hope not tho... It made me laugh pretty hard.

El Presidente stepped in there like the Donfather, offering sanctuary to the smooshed. What was that about... ?Someone has replaced Kaiser with Folgers crystals.

Really? I thought it was pretty obvious. Like Captain Obvious smack you in the face obvious even.

  1. I quoted your Alf pic in a post earlier in the thread and added one of these…[laughing].
  2. Then in the post which appears to defend him and his praise his son…I subtly but backhandedly called him: "Alf". And then I called his son: "Son of Alf".
  3. Then I told him to keep sticking up for his family. (because that's what he keeps chirping about and what will keep him engaged in the thread).

That entire post of mine was the old routine of appearing to take his side to make him think he has an ally and to encourage him to keep up the good fight…i.e.. keep the thread going. Nothing more. nothing less. Seemed really, really obvious to me. But hopefully it was more effective because it didn't come off as obvious???

Son of Alf still makes me laugh. Reminds me of a combination of Son of Sam and Alf. Nobody else thought that was funny?
93…Everyone who has had chicken pox has the shingles virus in their body. Just a crap shoot if it materializes into full blown shingles or not. But when shingles surfaces it is usually because of a weakening of the immune system for one reason or another.

Have you started any new meds recently? Had any increases in stress? Both can be a cause for it to surface. Also, it occurs when you get older because generally speaking your immune system gets weaker the older you get.
93…Everyone who has had chicken pox has the shingles virus in their body. Just a crap shoot if it materializes into full blown shingles or not. But when shingles surfaces it is usually because of a weakening of the immune system for one reason or another.

Have you started any new meds recently? Had any increases in stress? Both can be a cause for it to surface. Also, it occurs when you get older because generally speaking your immune system gets weaker the older you get.

Had chicken pox as a kid. Since both of my parents are gone, no kids, AND divorced...the main reasons for stress in my life are gone now. If my job gets stressful, I'll apply for retirement. So it looks like old age will be my main stressor for shingles going forward...and a bottle or three of Hennessy will take care of that!
Really? I thought it was pretty obvious. Like Captain Obvious smack you in the face obvious even.

  1. I quoted your Alf pic in a post earlier in the thread and added one of these…[laughing].
  2. Then in the post which appears to defend him and his praise his son…I subtly but backhandedly called him: "Alf". And then I called his son: "Son of Alf".
  3. Then I told him to keep sticking up for his family. (because that's what he keeps chirping about and what will keep him engaged in the thread).

That entire post of mine was the old routine of appearing to take his side to make him think he has an ally and to encourage him to keep up the good fight…i.e.. keep the thread going. Nothing more. nothing less. Seemed really, really obvious to me. But hopefully it was more effective because it didn't come off as obvious???

Son of Alf still makes me laugh. Reminds me of a combination of Son of Sam and Alf. Nobody else thought that was funny?
Re-read. Kudos and apologies.
I'm drunk.

Like this post.

Damnit, Speers!

Blatantly requesting that your own post be "liked" goes against the very concept upon which the D was founded. "Likes" are to be abundantly bestowed upon all posts without pride or prejudice. I would rather you just said thank you for the "likes" that you randomly receive and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you start a new thread and devise your own "like" posting system. Either way…I don't give a damn about the "likes" you think you are entitled to.

You weakened a D-League nation today, son.
93…Everyone who has had chicken pox has the shingles virus in their body. Just a crap shoot if it materializes into full blown shingles or not. But when shingles surfaces it is usually because of a weakening of the immune system for one reason or another.

Have you started any new meds recently? Had any increases in stress? Both can be a cause for it to surface. Also, it occurs when you get older because generally speaking your immune system gets weaker the older you get.
Probably stress. A lot going on at work plus my consulting work has been busy. I've never had a great immune system.

Consulting has me stretching into some things that I've never done before.
Mark the D down for another life saved. I went to the doctor this afternoon to get checked out. Couldn't put up with the nagging much more.


Got some medicine and told to stay away from work for a few days. Its so weird, I always thought shingles was an old persons disease, like something you get when you are 85 living in a nursing home. I'll probably end up with rickets, scurvy, and polio too.

So even though I have chest pain, it's not my heart.
Good to hear. Sorry about the Shingles, though.

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