
I'm banging bourbon with my brand new shpericak ice maker. I'm gong to drink until this bitch melts. Get one. They are good.

Shit man. I'd end up using it to brew green tea.. Not sure I could even keep hard liquor around with out the anxiety of going to jail. I'm 40, so the worry of jail is going down. But hard liquor always me makes me flip that switch
I went on a Willett tour last year around April. They sold me a bottle of Willett Family Resevere for a hundred dollars. It 's almost gone. Be damned if I"m gonna share this with anyone. I'm about 600ml in, I'm gonna finish it. lek sucks.
Shit man. I'd end up using it to brew green tea.. Not sure I could even keep hard liquor around with out the anxiety of going to jail. I'm 40, so the worry of jail is going down. But hard liquor always me makes me flip that switch

I CANT go to jail, I'm at home. When I was 4o I was growing white widow. Name a hash, I made it. Ordered the finest butane off the net for honey oil, Used Pure grain alcohol for a solvent distillation. Made sieves for making ice hash. Collected trichomes off trimmings and rolled up balls of goodness.

We should meet sometime and exchange thoughts.
It 's almost gone. Be damned if I"m gonna share this with anyone..

I CANT go to jail, I'm at home. When I was 4o I was growing white widow. Name a hash, I made it. Ordered the finest butane off the net for honey oil, Used Pure grain alcohol for a solvent distillation. Made sieves for making ice hash. Collected trichomes off trimmings and rolled up balls of goodness.

We should meet sometime and exchange thoughts.

Yeah, certainly. I'm always around.
I'm gonna beat this bitch. 750ml? Better come stronger than that. Bourbon got me throudh high school and I am going to win, I could have got a cheaper buzz at a bar, but the comfortably factor means a lot. This is , was, a very fine bourbon. It's not worth 5 times thw price of jim beam though.
I'm gonna beat this bitch. 750ml? Better come stronger than that. Bourbon got me throudh high school and I am going to win, I could have got a cheaper buzz at a bar, but the comfortably factor means a lot. This is , was, a very fine bourbon. It's not worth 5 times thw price of jim beam though.

Ya know Ymmot. I've always wanted to get a Buck Rogers technology that could let me see my innards on TV scan. Cut a bunch of jumbo. I bet my liver is the first to go. That will kill me. I'm game for good bourbon. Hope I die satisfied on that.
@jedwar @Bert Higginbotha : We're looking at the 18th or 19th of April for a possible get-together, if OK with you gents. I can pinpoint the dates more the closer we get. Plan is travel up to Anneta on April 17 in a rental car and party with cous'.

Looks good to me. My house is close to the middle between Anneta and Hardyville. (I just worry about Hart County folks Austin - you know how they are.)
Ok, ya'll. Those red panties have been like Poe's Tale Tale Heart for me. Knowing they are down there has been bothering me the last 2 days. Literally. So I'm a bit upset. I finally go down with my camera tonight to sniff them and take pictures, they are gone. Gonna be honest, not sure I'll get that opportunity again. I have heavily been contemplating my life back to my old days. Man, I had such vigor. Now, I'm just a shell of a guy who now "goes along with society". . Hell with it. Just a normal joe entering into a midlife crisis.
Willy, I have been dealing with some of this myself. I think its more that I see that life passing away in the rearview mirror. I think its just a sign that you are getting older. It isnt so much as maturing, as it is a cost benefit analysis. We can weigh our options better (some of us) the older we get. In the long run, it doesnt pay off to be a scum bag. When you weigh all the pros and cons, it just makes more "economical" sense.

There are certain rules that have been passed down since the dawn of man. Dont kill, dont commit adultery, dont steal, etc. While these are obviously the ten commandments, they actually make really good sense from a cost benefit analysis.

Doing crazy shit is fun, but everything has a cost.

I have been thinking about how life is lived in phases. Some phases are better than others, but you can never go back home. Going back to a phase, is a regression. While sometimes you need to push the reset button, a complete destruction may not be the answer. As someone who has lived a lot of phases in life with self-destruction and rock bottom as options, I understand this completely. I would say enjoy the phase you are in, and if you are ready to move on, make sure its a phase that will benefit you more in the long run. You have been down the previous road, and you know where it leads. Making a new path is usually better.
Willy, I have been dealing with some of this myself. I think its more that I see that life passing away in the rearview mirror. I think its just a sign that you are getting older. It isnt so much as maturing, as it is a cost benefit analysis. We can weigh our options better (some of us) the older we get. In the long run, it doesnt pay off to be a scum bag. When you weigh all the pros and cons, it just makes more "economical" sense.

There are certain rules that have been passed down since the dawn of man. Dont kill, dont commit adultery, dont steal, etc. While these are obviously the ten commandments, they actually make really good sense from a cost benefit analysis.

Doing crazy shit is fun, but everything has a cost.

I have been thinking about how life is lived in phases. Some phases are better than others, but you can never go back home. Going back to a phase, is a regression. While sometimes you need to push the reset button, a complete destruction may not be the answer. As someone who has lived a lot of phases in life with self-destruction and rock bottom as options, I understand this completely. I would say enjoy the phase you are in, and if you are ready to move on, make sure its a phase that will benefit you more in the long run. You have been down the previous road, and you know where it leads. Making a new path is usually better.

Actually I needed to read this. Thanks.

I'm having a really bad day.. I can't find my car keys inside a 700 square ft apartment. Here's the thing. I didn't leave my place after coming home from work yesterday.

But I did leave my apartment 1 time around 11 is or 12 ish last night. To sniff those panties. I can't rememebr if I took my keys with me. I know I took my cell phone camera. But I don't think I took my keys.

This is bad. Because I lost a $200 pair of glasses on Saturday. Dude. I only left last night to go down and sniff those panties because my conscience has been telling me that it would be a missed opportunity. And now I can't find my car keys to go to work. Have been looking for them for an over an hour. I'm stuck here. damn nation.
Actually I needed to read this. Thanks.

I'm having a really bad day.. I can't find my car keys inside a 700 square ft apartment. Here's the thing. I didn't leave my place after coming home from work yesterday.

But I did leave my apartment 1 time around 11 is or 12 ish last night. To sniff those panties. I can't rememebr if I took my keys with me. I know I took my cell phone camera. But I don't think I took my keys.

This is bad. Because I lost a $200 pair of glasses on Saturday. Dude. I only left last night to go down and sniff those panties because my conscience has been telling me that it would be a missed opportunity. And now I can't find my car keys to go to work. Have been looking for them for an over an hour. I'm stuck here. damn nation.
Holy shit, bro. Sorry to hear it. Is there anyone I can call?
Holy shit, bro. Sorry to hear it. Is there anyone I can call?

Dude, I'm still stuck at home. haha I can't believe it. I had to call my boss and explain to her that I can't go to work because I have no way of getting to work.

Here's the kicker. My spare car key is broke off in my car's ignition. So technically I don't need my car key to start my car, but I do need it to open up my car so I can use my spare key to start the car. hahhaa

Man, I know. I know. I know what you're thinking Austin. Dude, I'm a mess. But I did get drunk and have a good time last night
I have absolutely zero strength in my shoulders. Plus it's my left arm which is nearly worthless for anything other than light office work.
I hear ya. Over the years, I dislocated my left shoulder perhaps 10-12 times. Emergency room visits were required on at least 4 occasions to pop my arm back into socket . Dislocation is excruciatingly painful. These days, I must act very carefully when lifting heavy objects at certain angles or over my head. Then the strokes affected my right side. I can work okay, but must exercise caution.
Mind effin blown bro
Dude, not to sound cliche, but bad days make you realize what you got more.

I am in a grind phase. Kids, wife, family, work, church, friends, obligations, etc. Pretty much a grind, but I love it. Laying with my kids or playing with them, or seeing them grow is an awesome phase to be in right now. I will be sad when this phase passes. But I also realize, I cant go back to crazy nights out on the town, etc. I would lose all of it.

Man, enjoy the day off. Its bad, but shit happens. Maybe its something in the Universe (I know you dont believe in God) telling you that you need to take a day to get your mind right. Now it might take more than that, but maybe there is a reason you cant find your keys (besides they maybe stolen, or stuffed in a pillow because you thought it was a perfect place to put them and you would never forget.).
Power breakfast complete.

2 ea. Thomas' Mini Bagels, slathered liberally with store-brand cream cheese.
1 ea. medium Dole Guatemalan banana.
1 ea. fruit salad consisting of Mexican strawberries and small Mexican navel orange slices, Gala apple slices and California walnuts.

Today's agenda:

Hiking 2 miles to the grocery store soon.
Prepare lunch for tomorrow. Sauteed cabbage and carrots.
Hike to purchase clothes. I held off until today.

Back soon, Big-D.
Dude, not to sound cliche, but bad days make you realize what you got more.

I am in a grind phase. Kids, wife, family, work, church, friends, obligations, etc. Pretty much a grind, but I love it. Laying with my kids or playing with them, or seeing them grow is an awesome phase to be in right now. I will be sad when this phase passes. But I also realize, I cant go back to crazy nights out on the town, etc. I would lose all of it.

Man, enjoy the day off. Its bad, but shit happens. Maybe its something in the Universe (I know you dont believe in God) telling you that you need to take a day to get your mind right. Now it might take more than that, but maybe there is a reason you cant find your keys (besides they maybe stolen, or stuffed in a pillow because you thought it was a perfect place to put them and you would never forget.).

You're right. I am done getting pissed and will use it as a day relax and call Geico to open up my car and call the apartment complex to change my locks. Things could be a helluva lot worse.

93- I don't think so. Already talked to her. She doesn't have them.