
Bert is a very smart guy and he'll figure that out. He obviously hasn't gathered all the facts just yet. This is just me but I wish folks wouldn't be so hard on one another. Rodney King said it best.

I think Ms. Andrews might get more than 75 million. That's just my little pea brain thinking. FCC.

I don't agree with the $75 million at all. The dude only served 2.5 years in prison for a crime that she feels is worth $75 million? If I ever sue anyone I am asking for a Bazillion dollars.
So a woman, gets photographed against her will, and you think its stupid? What if it was your wife or daughter in law? Would you think it was stupid then? Last time I checked, it made her the victim.

Pretty sure UKGrad explained the liability from the hotel, i.e. by giving access to room next store via requests and breaking confidentiality records.

The video was seen at least 17 million times. So actually, Bert, it is worth money. Not $75 million obviously, but from having her image, loss of work, emotional scarring, etc. Its not like she begged to have it taken. But easily 10s of millions.

This isnt rocket science.
Several things here:

  1. Did the hotel break any privacy laws or ordnance?
  2. Did the hotel break its own privacy policy?
  3. Did the hotel have any reason to know what was being done?
Answering yes to 1&2 will have the hotel in trouble. Question #3 will likely help reduce the amount they have to pay. All just my opinion.
Lawyer to Willy: Willy, as my client, I must ask, when you sniffed those red panties, did you notice an immediate nasal burn or was it delayed?

Willy: Which answer will get me quicker to a Bazillion dollars?

Lawyer: Oh yeah! FCC.

hahaha sounds about right FCC! hahaha!!

Spears, never been farted upon by a homeless person. But I have been close enough to get a solid whiff of their pee stained clothes.
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I bet Spears had this expression.

Not trying to get political. Just had a question about primaries and stuff.

So let's say Trump messes around and wins the nomination. Then suddenly the big cats realize "OH CRAP. NONONONONONONONONO"

Is there legal recourse to just nominate another guy instead? I'm sure it would be lawsuit on top of lawsuit until November, but something tells me that could happen.
Idk, really. There is a prized historic painting depicting slavery on UK's campus. People got upset about it last year. They demanded Capilutou do something. He covered it up, assigned a "task force" to come up with a solution. They did not. People still upset. Then it turned into an entire racism on campus thing. Special groups were formed. Demands were made, and UK is expected to adhere to some or all of these demands.

They had a town hall meeting last night about it. UK basically has more quotas to meet, and they most stop racist micro aggressions....I still don't know what these are, but from what I gather, they gotta stop being so white, and make sure black people feel more comfortable. A poll revealed last night the overwhelming majority of black students on campus (70+%) do not feel comfortable on campus, and it's largely due to racist micro aggressions. A sense that not all are welcome, not all are equal.

I can see both sides. I never ever saw blatant racism till I went to UK. Micro aggressions, I guess. I'm just not sure what all these demands are about as of now. UK said today they are working towards building a "center for social justice" - a place where faculty can come and work on social equality and justice - which they say is already in place - this is just a new gathering place for them to operate and educate.

If you understand micro-aggressions then you are not bright enough to go to college. If 70% of the black students at UK feel uncomfortable then I suggest that they go back home and cuddle up in mom's arms as they are not adult enough to function in society.

You can stick "social justice" up your yingyang. A whole bunch of folks need to grow up.

Black and Native Americans are already “super” citizens based on the Civil Rights acts of 1964 & ’65. So it is time that those two groups preform, not demand more concessions.

I hate racism; however, it is time minorities stepped up to the plate and do their part and stop whining.

It is time we became brothers instead of looking for stupid MICRO AGRESSIONS. Stick MICRO AGRESSIONS!

My best friend on earth is a big black (6’8”) man and he is a UofL fan. He thinks this whimsies crap is a cop out and I agree with him. His son has MS and just graduated from Bellarmine. It took him ten minutes to walk (with a walker) to get his diploma last year, but the kid did it because he was taught not to give up. What if his dad had told him early in life to accept being disabled? What if he told him to be just dependent? What if he had taught him about being such a little pussie that he had to accept stupid MICRO AGRESSIONS.

So those little babies need to grow up. If you get knocked down get TFU.
Not trying to get political. Just had a question about primaries and stuff.

So let's say Trump messes around and wins the nomination. Then suddenly the big cats realize "OH CRAP. NONONONONONONONONO"

Is there legal recourse to just nominate another guy instead? I'm sure it would be lawsuit on top of lawsuit until November, but something tells me that could happen.

No recourse. We may end up with a Teddy Roosevelt instead of another wimp.

I am political. I held public office for 10 years. I don't know why political stuff should be shunned. Trump is a pure Capitalist. Sanders is a Communist. Hillary, Rubio and the others are somewhere in the middle.

I vote for freedom and capitalism.
I agree with most of that, Bert, but I also cringe while reading it because I am a product of society, and society don't play that much as I hate to say it. You go saying something like that on a college campus and you'd be on the news.

People need to mind their own damn business. Period. The amount of feelings that people catch today over trivial bullshit and opinions from complete strangers is troubling.

The ironic thing, imo, is these type of "social justice" warrior types are all about being worldly, and being like Europe, or whoever. Welp, we're headed there, you fn idiots. You do not know what you're asking for, but you're gonna get it.
I agree with most of that, Bert, but I also cringe while reading it because I am a product of society, and society don't play that much as I hate to say it. You go saying something like that on a college campus and you'd be on the news.

People need to mind their own damn business. Period. The amount of feelings that people catch today over trivial bullshit and opinions from complete strangers is troubling.

The ironic thing, imo, is these type of "social justice" warrior types are all about being worldly, and being like Europe, or whoever. Welp, we're headed there, you fn idiots. You do not know what you're asking for, but you're gonna get it.

Mash, I really don't understand what you just said.
More and less that today's millennials are self narcissists POSs.

I hope that is what he means.

There are some things that we learned in the last 10,000 years. I just don't understand why we have to forget what we have learned to get along in today's society.

In my chemistry and physics courses in college I got to understand all the learning that preceded me so I got the benefit of what had been learned. Now I am being told if I try to pass that along I am racist. Facts are facts. Screw the rest.
This conversation is making me uncomfortable....anybody know where I can find a "safe space"? [laughing]

I keep hoping that this PC, apologetic, me me me crap is just a generational thing and will only last about a decade. I mean today has a lot of similarities to the Woodstock hippie days, and that ran it's course once they realized they had to get a fckn job, right?
I hope that is what he means.

There are some things that we learned in the last 10,000 years. I just don't understand why we have to forget what we have learned to get along in today's society.

Read a study not too long ago about why humans left Africa. Apparently social cliques and bullyism was the cause. Interesting to say the least.