
Willy how are the bitches in Jax? Thinking about going somewhere different

Cause he ain't got $75 mil
This. Plus, it sounds like Marriot was basically enabling this guy. He would ask for the room next to hers and several times, he got it. Now, I'm not aware of your identity being protected when you check into a hotel room the way medical records or student records are, but I think there is a pretty reasonable expectation of privacy. I mean, if I check into a room and ask the desk who is in the room next they should not answer that question.
They have the dude, though. He confessed.

Oh, they're paying her money, especially after the tear-filled GMA piece. I just don't understand how the hell you blame a hotel. Oh my! They let this stranger stay in their room! They should have known dude had bad intentions!
Sounds like the problem is that in some cases, he specifically asked for the room next to hers. If that is true, and they accommodated his request, then they probably have some liability. She will get a settlement.
@JasonSpear : Hey Doc Pears, I think I have a pinched nerve in my left shoulder blade. I started feeling it in my left triceps a few days ago (sharp, burning pain), but last night it all seems to be under the shoulder blade. Can this be corrected by stretching or some kind of PT? Any recs, or is there some kind of alien creature moving around in there. TIA.
could be an entrapped nerve, but the more common problem and what I'd look for first is a trigger point. Trigger points in your shoulder blade muscles can refer pain up the neck and down the back and front of the arm. Does it follow this pattern where the 2 X's are on the shoulder blade?

It is similar to that. The pain started down my arm (between shoulder & elbow). Now, it is mostly under the shoulder blade. If I pull my shoulder blades together, that seems to give some relief. Range of motion is not affected. The pain never extended past my elbow. Irritating as hell.
Cats might win a tough one tonight or they may struggle. Depends on if UF is hitting 3's or not. So I'm going to pull a Speers here on my prediction...

UK will either win by 2 or we might win by 6…but there is a slight chance that UK will lose by 3…and if UF is really strokin' from 3 then we will lose by 9-12. And there is a 100% chance that i will hit 1249 of the 1250 three pointers I shoot during my 6 hour workout in the gym this afternoon.
Thoughts on the racism stuff at UK?

Sorry, I'm ornery today. Sick and mad about it, so I'm hating a lot.

But this stuff seems a bit hostile. I don't understand it, of course.

All I know is capilutou probably should have addressed the issue with the painting depicting slavery instead of throwing a damn white sheet over it.

UK faculty and staff will be taking "unconscious bias training" to help them not be unconsciously racist. I laughed pretty hard when I read that. I mean, wtf?
I'd try using a tennis ball and putting it over the most irritable area and leaning up against a wall and giving pressure to it for 20-30 secs at a time for 5-10 mins several times a day. See if that helps. No pain up the neck?

This, plus a foam roller. You can reach a lot of good spots this way. My right shoulder is F'd from baseball and I sleep all F'd up on it. My muscles get all knotted up behind the blade. I just raise my arms to expose the area a bit more and hit it with a tennis ball, and foam roller.

I also figure I should do exercises to strengthen and stabilize the muscles in that area. I'm too lazy for that. I've done enough damn PT for that shoulder. IDGAS. It's broke.

I tried to throw a ball recently. LOL. My arm doesn't work that way anymore. Made me sad. I used to could take it fromy glove, straight to my ear, and fire a laser in nanoseconds. Now I throw Dolly's ball underhand or submarine style like a bitch.
This, plus a foam roller. You can reach a lot of good spots this way. My right shoulder is F'd from baseball and I sleep all F'd up on it. My muscles get all knotted up behind the blade. I just raise my arms to expose the area a bit more and hit it with a tennis ball, and foam roller.

I also figure I should do exercises to strengthen and stabilize the muscles in that area. I'm too lazy for that. I've done enough damn PT for that shoulder. IDGAS. It's broke.

I tried to throw a ball recently. LOL. My arm doesn't work that way anymore. Made me sad. I used to could take it fromy glove, straight to my ear, and fire a laser in nanoseconds. Now I throw Dolly's ball underhand or submarine style like a bitch.
Just wait until you turn 72.
I'd try using a tennis ball and putting it over the most irritable area and leaning up against a wall and giving pressure to it for 20-30 secs at a time for 5-10 mins several times a day. See if that helps. No pain up the neck?
No pain up the neck. All under the shoulder blade, sometimes radiating to the upper arm. It started in the upper arm and occasionally went to under the shoulder blade, now it is mainly under the shoulder blade sometimes in the arm. Tennis ball sounds like a good idea.
This, plus a foam roller. You can reach a lot of good spots this way. My right shoulder is F'd from baseball and I sleep all F'd up on it. My muscles get all knotted up behind the blade. I just raise my arms to expose the area a bit more and hit it with a tennis ball, and foam roller.

I also figure I should do exercises to strengthen and stabilize the muscles in that area. I'm too lazy for that. I've done enough damn PT for that shoulder. IDGAS. It's broke.

I tried to throw a ball recently. LOL. My arm doesn't work that way anymore. Made me sad. I used to could take it fromy glove, straight to my ear, and fire a laser in nanoseconds. Now I throw Dolly's ball underhand or submarine style like a bitch.
I have absolutely zero strength in my shoulders. Plus it's my left arm which is nearly worthless for anything other than light office work.
Idk, really. There is a prized historic painting depicting slavery on UK's campus. People got upset about it last year. They demanded Capilutou do something. He covered it up, assigned a "task force" to come up with a solution. They did not. People still upset. Then it turned into an entire racism on campus thing. Special groups were formed. Demands were made, and UK is expected to adhere to some or all of these demands.

They had a town hall meeting last night about it. UK basically has more quotas to meet, and they most stop racist micro aggressions....I still don't know what these are, but from what I gather, they gotta stop being so white, and make sure black people feel more comfortable. A poll revealed last night the overwhelming majority of black students on campus (70+%) do not feel comfortable on campus, and it's largely due to racist micro aggressions. A sense that not all are welcome, not all are equal.

I can see both sides. I never ever saw blatant racism till I went to UK. Micro aggressions, I guess. I'm just not sure what all these demands are about as of now. UK said today they are working towards building a "center for social justice" - a place where faculty can come and work on social equality and justice - which they say is already in place - this is just a new gathering place for them to operate and educate.
I never really saw racism when I was at UK, but that was 25+ yrs ago and I was mostly busy doing my thing and hanging out with a bunch of do gooders. I do remember that black people seemed to stay in their own groups, which didn't seem unusual. Maybe it was always there & I just didn't notice.
They had a town hall meeting last night about it. UK basically has more quotas to meet, and they most stop racist micro aggressions....I still don't know what these are, but from what I gather, they gotta stop being so white, and make sure black people feel more comfortable. A poll revealed last night the overwhelming majority of black students on campus (70+%) do not feel comfortable on campus, and it's largely due to racist micro aggressions. A sense that not all are welcome, not all are equal.
I would suggest that the powers that be listen to the minorities and accomodate suggestions and demands within reason. This news has not made it down here. I'd like to hear updates as they come.
Law dogs, physical therapists, smart people, etc...

Erin Andrews is suing Marriot for 75million claiming they are responsible for dude filming her. Dude confessed and is open about it. Why isn't she suing the guy?

She can't get blood out of a turnip.

A nude picture of Erin Andrews is not worth $.75 much less $75,000,000. Plus how in hell is a hotel responsible for what happened?

so UK womens' basketball had a couple fine little faptastic hunnies this season. Maci Morris and Ivana Jakubcova. Both over 6'0". Both could be models. Makes me wish I would've tuned in and watched more often but then remembered it's still womens' basketball.

That pic is a little misleading. She's cute, but doesn't look like that pic very often, I would guess. Still, she's a women's basketball '8'.
She can't get blood out of a turnip.

A nude picture of Erin Andrews is not worth $.75 much less $75,000,000. Plus how in hell is a hotel responsible for what happened?

So a woman, gets photographed against her will, and you think its stupid? What if it was your wife or daughter in law? Would you think it was stupid then? Last time I checked, it made her the victim.

Pretty sure UKGrad explained the liability from the hotel, i.e. by giving access to room next store via requests and breaking confidentiality records.

The video was seen at least 17 million times. So actually, Bert, it is worth money. Not $75 million obviously, but from having her image, loss of work, emotional scarring, etc. Its not like she begged to have it taken. But easily 10s of millions.

This isnt rocket science.