
Never heard of a "piss totem pole". But the totem pole of shame is very much a real thing. And being peed on is at the bottom of it.

awww...the TP of S.....

Science Break:

In a blue mood is WR 31A at the center of this image. It is a Wolf–Rayet star about 30,000 light-years away in the constellation of Carina.

A blue bubble appears to encircle WR 31a, and its stellar sidekick. This is a Wolf–Rayet nebula or an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases. Very fast stellar winds interact with the outer layers of hydrogen ejected by Wolf–Rayet stars, creating these nebulae that are usually ring-shaped or spherical. Formed around 20,000 years ago the nebula is expanding at a rate of about 140,000 mph. Doom is in this stars future. WR stars are short lived. 1-2 hundred thousand years. At 20 times the mass of the sun it will eject its outer layers leading to a supernova explosion.
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ymmot is still alive?

I'll be shit.
I took him off ignore, seriously, every other post mentions me. It's in multiple threads. It's pretty creepy. It's like, dude, it's a message board, chill out.

He posted in gyero because they were telling a bad poster to post here. He didn't realize he was one of the posters they were making fun of. Almost feel bad for the guy, he always seems so behind.
Well, was taking red box movie back. Looked at store next to CVS and it was busy as hell. 7 p.m. wonder what was going on. Drove in front. GD Krispy Kreme

Who the hell eats donuts for dinner other than Mash.

I would imagine that a quick inspection of the patrons would produce results similar to:

20% - Obese people who have given up and accepted being obese and have no plans to change their eating habits.
10% - Cops.
70% - Stoned dudes.
[laughing]…Bill Walton is calling the Arizona vs. Colorado game tonight. That's Bill Walton…in Boulder, CO…on live TV. Should be in rare form.:pimp:

BTW…I know most don't…but i love Walton as an announcer. Sure, he gets annoying at times. But he is mostly hilarious without really trying to be funny. High entertainment value. (Pun intended)
[laughing]…Bill Walton is calling the Arizona vs. Colorado game tonight. That's Bill Walton…in Boulder, CO…on live TV. Should be in rare form.:pimp:

BTW…I know most don't…but i love Walton as an announcer. Sure, he gets annoying at times. But he is mostly hilarious without really trying to be funny. High entertainment value. (Pun intended)
He's a wild and crazy guy.