
[laughing]…Bill Walton is calling the Arizona vs. Colorado game tonight. That's Bill Walton…in Boulder, CO…on live TV. Should be in rare form.:pimp:

BTW…I know most don't…but i love Walton as an announcer. Sure, he gets annoying at times. But he is mostly hilarious without really trying to be funny. High entertainment value. (Pun intended)
Bill Walton is a hoot as an announcer. 2 seconds before John Stockton drained that trey against the Rockets sending the Jazz to the NBA finals, you could hear him say, "Uh oh!". He's quite a character.
Well, was taking red box movie back. Looked at store next to CVS and it was busy as hell. 7 p.m. wonder what was going on. Drove in front. GD Krispy Kreme

Who the hell eats donuts for dinner other than Mash.

Lolll man they don't last me till dinner.

@ymmot31 can you please stop mentioning me every 3rd post. However, continue to post in gyero. TIA and no need to reply, though you will.

These are the only good posts you make....about that guy fingering someone. You don't like talking about it, so you hint at it. Who's the chick? Pics? What's your interest in the fling?

You ever bought dinner from Krispy Kreme at 7 p.m?

No I'm in a coma by that point. Key me tell you how to buy donuts...

- you get up early
- you be stoned to the bone
- you go to the donut store
- you get about 4x what you need
- you eat them after every meal
- you eat them in between meals
- you win that day
*bonus points if you wonder into a bible study session asking where the donuts at
...that's where these came from. School
fundraiser, Delivered to your door! They are stale af, but IDGAS.

In other news, this college in Nebraska asked their students what restaurant they wanted on campus, Chic-Fil-A won landslide vote, gays cried, college BANNED CFA! LOLLLLL. FTBGE.
I quit drinking about a year ago, more thank likely it's water...although I don't like popcorn that much either. Hey, since you want to call me "pops" which is freakin hilarious seeing as how you are probably older than me, can I call you "my bitch", cuz "son" just doesn't work for me?
Boom. All roast u.

@Supreme Lord Z really needs to be in this thread now. It has evolved.
No idea who this Tommy person is. Must have been someone that took a beating from some of you and then fought back and made you guys cry. It'll be ok, I promise. Do you need a "safe space" maybe a group therapy session to get over your traumatic experience with this tommy character that you are hung up on?