
Game night!!! I little concerned that we won't have Willis, and maybe POY. Tip in 20 minutes.

Looks like some potentially bad weather headed our way. So damn ready for spring and some bass fishing.

I've had two people quit without notice in the past 3 weeks. (Different accounts/sites) I just don't get that, unless you just plan on lying about working while you worked for us, it will come back to bite you. Seems people now don't have any honor or ethics to them anyway.

Had a guy do that about two years ago, said he was going to a job making BIG money and HAD to take the position the next day or lose it. So, it was nice when, about 6-7 weeks later, after he'd been fired from the "big $$ job", ( I found out the day before he called me), he called me wanting to come back and I told him NO. I'd tried to talk him into giving a proper two week notice, but the dumbass wouldn't listen.

Let's Go Cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<> A win is a win is a blah blah blah.

<> Good to see Poythress back. Eff those of you who say they could care less if he plays. You hear that, Speers? Eff you! This team needs Poythress in the lineup. He plays…we got a shot at #9. He doesn't play…we don't. Pretty simple.

<> Ulis.

<> Humphries be ballin' yo! Stat sheet doesn't show the complete story on his game tonight. Decent game for him. He is finding a comfort zone on the court. Just needs to keep progressing.

<> The three headed beast of HumpSkaLee might just barely be enough of a combined inside presence to actually give us a chance. If nothing else…it gives us 5 more fouls at the center position.

<> SEC may only get 4 teams in the tourney. Possibility of getting 6 in…but the harsh reality may wind up being only 4.

<> Ridiculous stat of the day: Ulis has something like 65 assists vs. only 8 turnovers in the last 6 games. My numbers may be a bit off…but they are something close to that. Deal with it.


Hey ATC, how are you my friend? 40 here in the City. Been raining since about 9 last night. Looks like snow coming too on the radar. Slush at 40 degrees.

Yep, liked the win. Should have won by 40 with bamas field goal drought. Take it though. Murray and Ulis, would like to keep them and if not, then would like to be their agents next year. Like Avery, FCC.
Hey ATC, how are you my friend? 40 here in the City. Been raining since about 9 last night. Looks like snow coming too on the radar. Slush at 40 degrees.

Yep, liked the win. Should have won by 40 with bamas field goal drought. Take it though. Murray and Ulis, would like to keep them and if not, then would like to be their agents next year. Like Avery, FCC.
All is good, thanks. Yeah, definitely would like to represent those two young gentlemen as an agent.
Maybe the Millennials should host a professional identity convention.

Millennial doctors, lawyers, astronauts, rocket scientists, senators, CEOs from all across the land can come. If you want to be a doctor, you shouldn't let 20 years of schooling and countless certifications, degrees, and experience get in your way.

You can overcome. You can be a doctor or a senator or a Supreme Court Justice too......just BELIEVE and falsify.

I believe I am the man who runs the best cat house in Las Vegas and there are no STD's.
Folks I was unable to get on Cats Illustrated after noon yesterday until this morning. I don't know what it was. I could get on the nation board but not Cats Illustrated. I could see the treads but when I clicked on the thread I got a message to try again later.

It is 56 here and mostly cloudy. Got a big weekend planned when my daughter and son-in-law come down. Goin' to have some good drinks and food and fun.

Hopefully the Cats can whip the Commodores.

Did any of you see the Vandy shot at the end of the first half at Florida? It was about 85-90 feet.
Folks I was unable to get on Cats Illustrated after noon yesterday until this morning. I don't know what it was. I could get on the nation board but not Cats Illustrated. I could see the treads but when I clicked on the thread I got a message to try again later.

It is 56 here and mostly cloudy. Got a big weekend planned when my daughter and son-in-law come down. Goin' to have some good drinks and food and fun.

Hopefully the Cats can whip the Commodores.

Did any of you see the Vandy shot at the end of the first half at Florida? It was about 85-90 feet.
I think somebody at CatPaw kicked the plug out yesterday Bert.
down 27 lbs..averaging 9lbs a week...3 weeks post op today
had major probs with all three of my computers. Had mucho malware as well as some sorta a worm on my IP address. Thought the protection I bought would have stopped those things but the repair guys said this was beyond what my security protected..300.00 later all three repaired and are now ok with added security shit..
Rained like a mf'er last night /early morn, cracked my window to hear the rain thinking it would help me go to sleepville...worked
Cats looked good. I'm startin to like me some Humphries..Should he have had this playing time early on instead of Skal? Still, why no Tai?

Hope all you knuckleheads have a good one!
Happy Hump Day...


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I'm startin to like me some Humphries..Should he have had this playing time early on instead of Skal? Still, why no Tai?
We ****** up somewhat by not playing him more. He is much better than poor Skal. Oh, well, we know what to do now. I was thinking that last night's game was going to be a nailbiter. We were too good for Alabama at Rupp.

Hang in there on your health condition.
  • Morning, guys.
  • 58°F this morning in Johns Creek. VFR. Rain is gone. A few clouds up there.
  • Keurig Dark Magic going.
  • Tom Leach going.
  • The morning after a good win is a time for feeling happy and good.
  • Be glad when QB returns on Sunday. I miss her.
  • Hope everyone is well or getting well.
  • Tyler Ulis is the shiz.
  • Jamal is the shiz also.
  • Poy was very efficient last night. Good to get him back. Very athletic big man.
  • Coach Cal is the shiz.
  • Have a good hump day.
  • Over.
I've thought a lot about the Skal stuff recently, and this situation is just a perfect example of why Cal is such a great motivator/builder/player coach. It's why he's the best.

Skal sucks. He's embarrassingly bad. Cal is not stupid. He knows this, he knew this, and he's handling this better than anybody else could. Confidence is key. Humphries has confidence, and always has. He's pretty seasoned for a damn 17 year old - the national team, the way he carries himself, he speaks, the way he moves on the floor; the kid has it in terms of basketball maturity. So, Cal's got a very young "veteran" type and a very young "completely knew basketball player with little to no confidence and a world of potential" as his two options at C. He's got his work cut out for him, but if he could get this Skal kid to reach just 50% of his potential, coupled with our other options, we'd be alright. Who knows, maybe Skal messes around and picks things up pretty quick. So, he gives Skal way more leash than anybody on this planet would have. Skal develops some...a tad, but it's clear he sucks something awful. Boom. Insert Hump who has been whipping Skal's ass all year in practice (I assume), kicks our team up a notch down the stretch, and we're coming together right when we need to. It's f'n beautiful, and a perfect example of why Cal is better than you.

Imagine Skal at KU. He wouldn't play his sophomore year. Self would make him a 4 year player by refusing to play his awful ass - and I would to! I have no patience and would be awful at managing players. I want to win now! damnit! give me perfection! I don't want to watch the cake bake! I want to eat it now!

Thank God for Cal and bless these kids, man. They chose the right coach to play for. Skal, bless his heart. He really made a great decision. All hail Hump! That kid just gets it. Love this team. And Willis. Wow. This has the potential to be a very special year. Could be Cal's greatest work.

Let's just stay healthy.
I've thought a lot about the Skal stuff recently, and this situation is just a perfect example of why Cal is such a great motivator/builder/player coach. It's why he's the best.

Skal sucks. He's embarrassingly bad. Cal is not stupid. He knows this, he knew this, and he's handling this better than anybody else could. Confidence is key. Humphries has confidence, and always has. He's pretty seasoned for a damn 17 year old - the national team, the way he carries himself, he speaks, the way he moves on the floor; the kid has it in terms of basketball maturity. So, Cal's got a very young "veteran" type and a very young "completely knew basketball player with little to no confidence and a world of potential" as his two options at C. He's got his work cut out for him, but if he could get this Skal kid to reach just 50% of his potential, coupled with our other options, we'd be alright. Who knows, maybe Skal messes around and picks things up pretty quick. So, he gives Skal way more leash than anybody on this planet would have. Skal develops some...a tad, but it's clear he sucks something awful. Boom. Insert Hump who has been whipping Skal's ass all year in practice (I assume), kicks our team up a notch down the stretch, and we're coming together right when we need to. It's f'n beautiful, and a perfect example of why Cal is better than you.

Imagine Skal at KU. He wouldn't play his sophomore year. Self would make him a 4 year player by refusing to play his awful ass - and I would to! I have no patience and would be awful at managing players. I want to win now! damnit! give me perfection! I don't want to watch the cake bake! I want to eat it now!

Thank God for Cal and bless these kids, man. They chose the right coach to play for. Skal, bless his heart. He really made a great decision. All hail Hump! That kid just gets it. Love this team. And Willis. Wow. This has the potential to be a very special year. Could be Cal's greatest work.

Let's just stay healthy.

Best post of 2016. Good one Mash.

Hey, did you see Briscoe in pregame when all the Cats were in a circle. He stepped in and threw the ball down like Hump did at SC. They all laughed. It was gold. FCC.
That's the first post I've made from a keyboard in ages...

I've thought about that a lot, too. The invasion of smartphones and how it effects communication.

F em. F phones. They don't do us a bit of good, imho. It's a mirage.

...I'll be on my phone here in a bit.

*does anybody really know how these "free" smartphones work? Just curious because my town loves them to death. We have had 2-3 permanent free phone shops for almost 2 years now, and they rotate about 2-3 free phone tents all around the city. I'm always surprised, but mf'ers are always there getting these free phones, and some of them are younger college kids in nice ass cars and clothes. I don't understand the deal. The workers are almost always college kids, so maybe they're hooking friends up. Idk. I just wanna know what the rub is. I don't want one, I just want to know why someone is giving away free data and minutes and what they're getting in return. It can't be a business on the up-n-up. I didn't really see these places when I lived in Lexington. Probably just missed them, but in this small town they stick out like a sore thumb because they got a big android blowup doll waving around, and all kinds of awful loud signs, and they're doing business...and I just forgot Richmond is the perfect place to push free smartphones and stash tons of unstable killer mustard gas...