
I drove out to CA the first time in Nov 1975. I called my wife from Sunset Strip on Thanksgiving. It was about 90 degrees where I stood and was snowing where she was (90 degrees with no humidity is very comfortable). We moved to CA the next Spring. Spent the next 25 years in CA

Approaching retirement about nine years ago I was contemplating moving back to KY, TN or NC (the mountains). Went back in the summer and learned I couldn't bear the humidity. Returned in winter and couldn't stand the cold and gloominess. I wanted out of CA (which has turned into a third world country pretty much anywhere one not wealthy could afford to live). Settled in Phoenix outer suburbs (Phoenix is about 100 square miles). Eight months of almost perfect weather with very low humidity but four really hot months. Low cost-of-living. Hardly any crime in the outer suburbs where I live.
If QB would go for it, I would look for a 20-30 acre place in the Soldier area. Might put one of those log cabins on a tract like that. She would never agree.
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My main beef with rap and children today are their lack of imagination. If everybody ain't doing it, they ain't doing it. It's so pussy and generic. Nobody is taking chances because YOU MF'RS STEAL MUSIC AND ARTISTS CABT AFFORD TO MAKE ANYTHING THEY KNOW WONT SELL CRAZY ON DAY 1.

Like Rihianna set some sort of record for sales because her distribution bought up all the albums for a FREE STREAM RIRI'S ALBUM ON E-WEBSITE DE JOUR!!!!

And we're about to endure the worst rap week of the year when Kanye drops this fn ten (10!!!) track masterpiece that Zeus himself jizzed on and crowned the greatest thing since yesterday.

Ahhhh. It's enough to make me wanna pick up children as if I'm gonna dance with them and then abruptly drop them ok concrete steps and tell them to mind their damn ears.

Also nobody gives a F about production. Not exactly sure how that started. Probably around the time when everybody rapped on the same Mikewillmadeit for like 2-3 years. Then all that euro trap trash took over and we still ain't recovered. 808 Lordamercy.

It's enough to make me listen to country music, and I have been. Y'all pray for me.
Spa(n)ke does nothing for me, either. Bitches like her crawling all over Target. She ain't nothin special. Would wax, doh. Definitely ain't jerkin my pud to a .gif of her in white pants from 200 feet away. Would love if a "personal" video of her leaked, however.
Well ****, you're just a little kid. You'll change your tune in a few years, Romeo.
If QB would go for it, I would look for a 20-30 acre place in the Soldier area. Might put on of those log cabins on a tract like that. She would never agree.

Yep, that's a real problem for many people. One wants to go but the spouse doesn't want to. Usually one doesn't want to be that far from family. My wife has always been good about going anywhere I wanted. It was always something we both agreed upon. She was a stay at home Mom until the kids were grown so that made it easier to do.
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I'm a grown ass man with a hairy saggy nut sack. Maybe my testosterone hasn't dropped the required levels yet to be turned on by a 40 something year old MILF. I'll get there one day.

Eeew.. News Flash!!! 40 something MILFs are not interested in men in their 40s (unless they have money and power).. Plain ones are, but not the MILFs. They are are looking at 30 year olds. Sad fact of life.
at Mashburned: something different from the breakroom today. Browned some ground beef in the skillet with a diced onion, flour for thickening. Nuked some potatoes, scooped out the inside and made some mashed potatoes with that, Put the ground beef in the potato skin, covered the gb with mashed potatoes, coved that with some cheddar. Baked that until they all melted together. Served with mixed veggies and french bread. Pretty damn tasty.
My main beef with rap and children today are their lack of imagination. If everybody ain't doing it, they ain't doing it. It's so pussy and generic. Nobody is taking chances because YOU MF'RS STEAL MUSIC AND ARTISTS CABT AFFORD TO MAKE ANYTHING THEY KNOW WONT SELL CRAZY ON DAY 1.

Like Rihianna set some sort of record for sales because her distribution bought up all the albums for a FREE STREAM RIRI'S ALBUM ON E-WEBSITE DE JOUR!!!!

And we're about to endure the worst rap week of the year when Kanye drops this fn ten (10!!!) track masterpiece that Zeus himself jizzed on and crowned the greatest thing since yesterday.

Ahhhh. It's enough to make me wanna pick up children as if I'm gonna dance with them and then abruptly drop them ok concrete steps and tell them to mind their damn ears.

Also nobody gives a F about production. Not exactly sure how that started. Probably around the time when everybody rapped on the same Mikewillmadeit for like 2-3 years. Then all that euro trap trash took over and we still ain't recovered. 808 Lordamercy.

It's enough to make me listen to country music, and I have been. Y'all pray for me.

"Ran off on the plug twice" - these kids today think it's cool to run off on a dealer apparently. I don't know if the joke is on me and they all just think Plies sounds mentally handicapped and that's why it's funny, or if they actually think that line is legit. I can't tell anymore Mash.

Interested in this Kanye record in the same way I'm interested in watching a dancing man drop a young girl on her head at Rupp Arena. Hopefully it's on Apple Music because I've got a free trial going.
at Mashburned: something different from the breakroom today. Browned some ground beef in the skillet with a diced onion, flour for thickening. Nuked some potatoes, scooped out the inside and made some mashed potatoes with that, Put the ground beef in the potato skin, covered the gb with mashed potatoes, coved that with some cheddar. Baked that until they all melted together. Served with mixed veggies and french bread. Pretty damn tasty.
Plus blackberry cobbler with french vanilla.
Wow, Don,you continue to amaze me. Did you come up with that on the fly?

Idk either, Argubs. I just don't know. I was pretty much out of the game when it became fashionable for rich white bois to use the n-word. Hip hop really has become a caricature of itself and the people creating are gd retards with no respect for anything and they won't get off my lawn.
Agreed, been a good run out of the ol' gal.

Plasma screens usually don't give warning they are about to go. My friend has had horrible luck with them. At least with LED's you kinda know it's coming. Looks like pixels are missing in the picture, or a whole line of them go out.

If I get a new one, might go the 4K route. Haven't read up on it yet, so I don't know.
10 years out of anything electronic is a good run. My TV just turned 5, & no warning. It bothers me to throw away things that could possibly still be used.
I just turned an LG over to the garbage people. It nearly killed me to let it go because it still looked good. Everything is disposable. Rest easy. You will forget about it.
Throwboytees hooked me up with an awesome background for my new Twitter page, but I can't change it from my phone. So, sharing here for now


Alabama upset TA&M, but did their best to lose that game. A&M looked bad. 63-62. With less than 2 ticks on the clock A&M was shooting 2 fts trailing 62-63. Missed both.
Lotsa upsets last night. Tubby's TTU Red Raiders beat #14 Iowa State 85-82 in OT. Tulsa beat #16 SMU in Dallas.