
Cause he's really a Mooslam, duh.


Nice form, Barry. Retard.
If he was killed by meteorite splash and not the actual meteorite, does it still count?
Kind of tend to agree. First sentence of the article had us believing this dude had been headshot from the cosmos by a Krytonite bullet. Being killed by the impact, and not sniped by it is a universal let down.
I call bullshit on reason for the "tard ban",skeert he will have to KY again..

Hate to say it but I am a dukee fan tonight...I don't want gooievile to ever win another game,,
I'm the exact opposite. I want this to sting as much as possible. Losing now is just kicking a dog while it is down. Having them win, is a reminder after each victory, doesn't matter, this team ain't going anywhere. They get a slight joy of victory, and an overdose of agony of defeat all in one. Plus, if they were to win the ACC regular season, would be nice to add another * in the record books.

That said, I can't lose when they play from here on out. If they win, doesn't matter, whores. If they lose,

Also, whores.
Duke ground one out tonight. Gotta give em credit. Louisville made a run and put the screws to them late, and a couple of late buckets and FT's put em over.

Really wish these commentators would quit saying these players are innocent. We don't know that yet. The only innocent people that are known in this is the fans, but as much shit as that group of assholes have given us over the years,

KSR might break the radio tomorrow. Could see their interview hitting ESPN. Looking forward to it.

Anyone else getting the Law and Order feel on Pitino? What I mean by that, is that since this post season ban has come out he has done nothing but run his mouth proclaiming innocence, even though the school has asked him to keep shut, much akin to a suspect against the advice of their counsil on Law and Order. Plus, because he has not been interviewed by the NCAA, he has been told that no one can talk to him about what the NCAA has found. Much like the cops treat a suspect in Law and Order. Makes me wonder if the NCAA has found a smoking gun linking Pitino to the allegations, and want their facts straight before approaching him.
Duke ground one out tonight. Gotta give em credit. Louisville made a run and put the screws to them late, and a couple of late buckets and FT's put em over.

Really wish these commentators would quit saying these players are innocent. We don't know that yet. The only innocent people that are known in this is the fans, but as much shit as that group of assholes have given us over the years,

KSR might break the radio tomorrow. Could see their interview hitting ESPN. Looking forward to it.

Anyone else getting the Law and Order feel on Pitino? What I mean by that, is that since this post season ban has come out he has done nothing but run his mouth proclaiming innocence, even though the school has asked him to keep shut, much akin to a suspect against the advice of their counsil on Law and Order. Plus, because he has not been interviewed by the NCAA, he has been told that no one can talk to him about what the NCAA has found. Much like the cops treat a suspect in Law and Order. Makes me wonder if the NCAA has found a smoking gun linking Pitino to the allegations, and want their facts straight before approaching him.
If Johnny Cochran was still alive, Pitino would have hired him by now.
Boss: Have you look at your logo design from all angles?
Designer: No, but it will be aiight.
Upside down it totally looks like two chickens standing side by side flipping the bird, or a very bulky pissed off chicken with it's beak open giving the double bird.

Vertically, it looks like two birds ****ing.

Overall, it looks like a dog turd. It's like Sonic the Hedgehog, The Carolina Panthers logo, and the Detroit Lions logo all jizzed in a jar, shook it up, asked Ryu from Street Fighter to come in and hit it with a Hadouken to incubate it, and a retarded Thundercats logo with Fabio quality hair popped out.