
Down two scores, and punting with two minutes left?

Kind of crazy when you think about it. Indy kicks Peyton to the curb. He signs with Denver. He goes on to have one of the best years a QB has ever had numbers wise. And then goes on to win a SB for Denver. All while Indy and Luck had a shite storm of a horrible season.

Granted...Manning sucked this year and their defense won the SB.

But it still has to sting Indy fans. And that crazy pill popping owner of theirs.
Pretty much all of the SB commercials sucked. About 3 decent ones. That's it.

Happy for Peyton. Now retire already.

Carolina will be back. Probably win at least one SB in the next 3-5 years.
I heard ad spots this year went for $170,000 per second or $5 million per 30 second ad.

Audi commercial seemed pretty good.
I officially hate Cam Newton. He was my FF QB and I rode him to paydirt. Thought the guy had no flaws in his game.

I was convinced the dude was going to pick apart Denver. Carolina had no answers. Completely out coached.

Ted Ginn ran out of bounds when he had a chance to juke one guy for a score.

But Cam was awful. Overthrow here, misread D there.... Not diving on your own fumble? Inexcusable.

Then acting like a spoiled bitch in presser. Dab this, wussie.
Cam had always been a look at me when we're winning, but don't when we lose kinda player. It is who he is. Leopard doesn't change his spots.

That said, he isn't why Carolina lost. He made several throws that should have been completions, and his WR's let him down. Plus, as you stated, Ted Ginn Jr. was afraid to get hit. Several times if a player got within two yards of him he would step out of bounds. Hell, at one point in the game, I was wondering if a losing team's player could win MVP. Mid way through the 3rd, I felt he was the best player on the field, then Miller forced his second fumble and it was over.
Okay: win the Super Bowl "like" contest. What a bunch of funny posts Hero. You had me going. The White Bronco really was professional quality.

35 here. Calling for snow but I hope the temp stays up until after school. I have to go to get some stuff.............. no snow until I get back.............. please lord, please.

Yall have a good one.
Okay: win the Super Bowl "like" contest. What a bunch of funny posts Hero. You had me going. The White Bronco really was professional quality.

35 here. Calling for snow but I hope the temp stays up until after school. I have to go to get some stuff.............. no snow until I get back.............. please lord, please.

Yall have a good one.
47 F and windy here in ATX. Have a good one.