
Oh what a feeling
Hookers squirting to the ceiling

I need a straight-up no-shitter from you sons of bitches. No wisecracks, no smart-assed replies, and, for the love of all that is holy, NOTHING PROCESSED FROM ANYTHING THAT HAS PASSED THROUGH ANY ANIMAL'S GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT...

What is the richest, darkest, most flavorful, most robust, NON-Keurig coffee out there? Now I ain't no cheap-assed poor, but I'm also not stupid enough to drop a lot of dimes on a bag of pretentious ground-up beans either. I'm all about bang for the buck, e.g. the solid B-level porn star of coffees -- good-lookin', big-knockers, but not past her prime, worn out from years of donkey schlong abuse.

Try this and work backwards
I've had a girl squirt in my face. I doubt there are any chicks who can squirt to the ceiling. She got me good like a fire hose, but it wouldn' have hit the ceiling. I think Coach Mike was metaphorically speaking.
If the dorm room had a ceiling fan, I bet those bitches could make it rain.

Sweet Jesus, I know I don't talk to you as often as I should, and I know that in your eye, I am but a lost, humble sinner. But, thank you for giving us moments like today where a common whore who is taking down our rival school gets on the radio and gives us lines like squirt to the ceiling. It is moments like this that I know you truly do love us, and are a great Wildcat fan. Thank you, Amen.
Academic issues at the university don't directly violate NCAA rules. Paying for whore for recruits and current players violates about every amateurism, recruiting, and impermissible benefits rule in the book. Pretty simple really. Plus, NCAA is investigating them currently, so don't count them out of the woods yet.
Academic issues at the university don't directly violate NCAA rules. Paying for whore for recruits and current players violates about every amateurism, recruiting, and impermissible benefits rule in the book. Pretty simple really. Plus, NCAA is investigating them currently, so don't count them out of the woods yet.

I got a nice beach in Waco to sell you.
Academic issues at the university don't directly violate NCAA rules. Paying for whore for recruits and current players violates about every amateurism, recruiting, and impermissible benefits rule in the book. Pretty simple really. Plus, NCAA is investigating them currently, so don't count them out of the woods yet.
I got a nice beach in Waco to sell you.
Cal had a Final Four vacated at UMass for one whore for one player delivered unbeknownst by an agent.

UofL had the entire team and recruits serviced by an endless congaline of whores delivered by a coach to a dorm.
Exactly. A final four banner came down for one player with prostitutes delivered by an agent, and furthermore, acknowledging that the coach did not, and could not have known about the actions of Camby. NCAA has already set it's own precedent on the use of whores. If an entire team got a final four stripped because one player went rogue, then a championship team should get stripped when the whole team goes rogue, WITH THE HELP OF A COACH.