
I meant if all that happens I will feel it is not enough.
If all that happens, Louisville basketball is done. SMU football levels of done. No kid worth a piss, unless he grew up a UL die hard is gonna touch that program in those two to three years, and there's no way Pitino, Jurich, and Ramsey survive a hit that hard. The program would be in ruins. Would be more than enough, IMO.
It's Superb Owl Sunday, snitches!!!!!

Watching kids indoor soccer game... More like hockey. There's about to be a fight between coaches.

Note: I'm not a coach. But I'm going to dismember the other coach if this shit goes down.
About had a fight at my cousin's little league basketball game last weekend. One of the mothers got pissed that they were charging admission to the game. I asked her how she thought the funded the teams to get jerseys and gear for the kids, and was promptly told to get pumped by her. You would have thought she called my mother a whore. Every team mom there was on her with the wrath of Khan.

I'm calling an all out brawl by her before the season's end. She went to school with me, and she and her own mother have always had a reputation of being Bulldogs. Couple that with the fact she's one of "those moms" that think their kid is the Michael Jordan of the team. They've had problems out of her all year. Just a matter of time before I see her trying to deck the coach or a parent from the other team.
Katina Powell to be on KSR Tuesday. :popcorn:

To people saying they feel bad for Lee and Lewis; people are omitting one very important detail, the fact that this team may not be as innocent as Louisville talking heads and Pitino want you to believe. Two freshmen playing at other schools this season were names by Katina Powell. Blakeney and Lyles were both supposed parts of this hookergate, and Lyles reportedly confirmed Katina's accusations to the NCAA. Who knows if any other players at UL this season were involved. One of Katina's whores may have had a six-way with four white guys and an Egyptian for all we know. I'm not feeling sorry for any of them. To steal a line from their golden boy, Pat Forde, they made their bed, lie in it.
No different here with the typical ul fan. Back in the day I would see one of them sporting the colors and make a comment about their game that night and hear, "oh, do we play tonight? What channel is it on?"

As I knew yesterday, none of the ul fans that played golf with us said one word to me about the post season ban. I didn't mention it either, but we all knew what was up. I heard one of them in the parking lot after the round telling someone else, loudly, that nothing had been proven yet.
O.J. Simpson.
My hatred started when I lived down there. Their fans are just awful. During their first championship run, they played Kentucky in February, and I asked one girl who was a huge Florida fan if she was gonna watch the game that night. Her reply, "There's a football game in February?". Had no freaking clue her team was number one in the country and favored to win it all. Once She found out, then proceeded to give shit all year about how much greater they were.

A lot of their fans were like this. If it wasn't involving a football, they didn't care. However, after reading about a win in the paper, would ask if I watched the game, mispronounce their own players' names because they didn't have a clue. Just awful.

I love the hate Herod. Never let it die may man
Katina Powell to be on KSR Tuesday. :popcorn:

To people saying they feel bad for Lee and Lewis; people are omitting one very important detail, the fact that this team may not be as innocent as Louisville talking heads and Pitino want you to believe. Two freshmen playing at other schools this season were names by Katina Powell. Blakeney and Lyles were both supposed parts of this hookergate, and Lyles reportedly confirmed Katina's accusations to the NCAA. Who knows if any other players at UL this season were involved. One of Katina's whores may have had a six-way with four white guys and an Egyptian for all we know. I'm not feeling sorry for any of them. To steal a line from their golden boy, Pat Forde, they made their bed, lie in it.

I feel strongly that someone on THIS team is guilty of something. That is why they imposed the ban THIS year. Would be shitty for even a sleaze program like ul to play in the post season and knock someone out, all the while knowing they were playing an ineligible player. Whatever Ramsey was told Thursday was big news.

Edit: will be interesting to see if Lee plays the next game.
I feel strongly that someone on THIS team is guilty of something. That is why they imposed the ban THIS year. Would be shitty for even a sleaze program like ul to play in the post season and knock someone out, all the while knowing they were playing an ineligible player. Whatever Ramsey was told Thursday was big news.

Edit: will be interesting to see if Lee plays the next game.
I differ with you there. They couldn't give a shit less about playing an ineligible player, and knocking a deserving team out. They did that for over four years. Firm believer they did this move to save their own ass.

I will agree, whatever Ramsey found out Thursday must have been damning. Damning enough that the trio of terror are visibly shaken and scared. Enough that Pitino is finger pointing Jurich, who is finger pointing Ramsey, who is finger pointing at both of them. This self imposed ban is an attempt to save their asses, a piss poor attempt. This is to try and save face with the NCAA, that hey, we'll sacrifice this team that had hopes of doing some March damage to show we are sorry, and we won't do it again. Meanwhile, if it works, they try to save face with their fans that it could have been much worse, and they will do all they can to make sure it doesn't happen again. In reality, it's a ploy to get the damage over now, and keep together the recruiting class they have coming in.

Just my opinion, could be wrong. I just don't trust a thing those assholes do at face value.
Evening all. Going to watch the SB; hoping Denver's D can win the game, but fully expecting Carolina to win.

My son and I worked on some of his basketball moves today for about an hour and a half. Knees are killing me now but he's worth it.

Spent some extra dough and cooked us an excellent filet mignon dinner. Damn it was good.

We went to the cemetery today; only stayed about 15 minutes. It was just to much for my little buddy. He misses his big brother badly. Today was the day we buried him one year ago. They say time heals all wounds; I sure hope so, for my little one's sake. (Not going to bring this up again; I know people get tired of hearing about stuff like this. Maybe it's just my way of releasing a little, not really sure).

Let's watch some football!!!!!!!!

Hope y'all are all doing well.