
Mornin' to the D. Yesterday not good. 11 hours at work, then my car broke down going home. Got back and running this morning tho. Gotta put out a newsletter this afternoon. Yesterday at work was bittersweet...EVERY office had EW&F blasting which was great. Even the talk radio stations here had some MW tunes for bumper music. Tried going to a different bar with the guys last night. It sucked. Had the ladies,but they were either with their significant other or were just dancing with each other. In years past I would have broken up the herd, but it ain't worth it now.
Mornin' to the D. Yesterday not good. 11 hours at work, then my car broke down going home. Got back and running this morning tho. Gotta put out a newsletter this afternoon.

God was punishing you for your Vols beating the Cats.

If you Vols screw around with mother nature you have hell to pay Ghost. Really! [winking]
So, the NCAA apparently were able to prove the texts did come from McGee, and according to Jones, there was new info we haven't heard yet that proves Katina's words were as pure as a driven snow. Can we please make her the Y at a home game? She can stand on her hands and spread her legs to make it. Make it happen, Meetch!
If this creature actually exists, what do you do? We need a D league ruling here!
So, the NCAA apparently were able to prove the texts did come from McGee, and according to Jones, there was new info we haven't heard yet that proves Katina's words were as pure as a driven snow. Can we please make her the Y at a home game? She can stand on her hands and spread her legs to make it. Make it happen, Meetch!
Should do this for the Louisville game. Would be awesome.
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That's a good question. How many p***ys are there? Wouldn't that be the thing to count?
It's a fine line. Technically, it's two people there. I think that would be a qualifier.

Fun fact, there's actually women that do not have vaginas. Not that uncommon either. About 1 in 5000 women have it.

What would be the interesting question, if one felt it up the vag, and the other felt it up the pooper.

This is why I come to the D. Stimulating conversation to figure out the enigmas of humanity. Also, whores.
Woman at work told me she knows some gal that is divorcing her husband and hooking up with her fil. They have young kids, so it will be grandpa dad. That stuff creeps me out.
Stuff like that goes on more than you know. Still creepy. That thanksgiving table is gonna be awkward.

I know of a girl who divorced her husband and married his brother. Didn't have kids, but couldn't imagine them trying to comprehend having an Uncle Daddy.
Meh. I'm holding true on my promise to take the Joker Phillips approach to this team. When other than Ulis shows signs of caring, I will too. Oh well, at least we don't have to worry about whores.

Nebraska player carted off the court. Fell on his upper back hard and it knocked him out. Says he had movement in all limbs, but looked scary as hell.
No Poythress = not good. We need his inconsistency.

Ready for this season to be over.
As far as I am concerned, it is. Resigned myself to accepting a few more losses equals NIT, and if not, at best a one and done run in the big one. Just taking happiness in the fact that as bad as it is here, Doomsday is happening in Louisville, and enjoying every second of it.

It's sad that the highlight of the season is enjoying the misery of your opponent. Guess that's what it's like to be a Louisville fan.