Craft Jet On the Move

There would be total revolt.
Well it is heading directly for F-burgh.

More likely to be DC for lobbying trip, or taking Brooks back home after a few days of on-campus recruiting.

Odd thing again, though - no destination is showing on the flight plan. They did this yesterday after the first Temple flights and it was everywhere that fans were tracking.
I can't watch movies on planes. Watching the built-in flight tracker is all I can manage. So, I guess what I'm really curious about is when the drinks cart is going to come by.
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Headed to VA to interview Tony Bennett
Nope, it's turning more back to the east. I'd bet it's starting it's landing pattern into DC. A political trip, more than likely.

Edit: But the altitude hasn't changed, and he's way the fuhk up there. Maybe not DC?