
Well folks
This is very hard for me to relate

The info I got this morning was from Cindy’s boyfriend. He, understandably, believed that her breathing on her own meant she was going to recover. The poor man was almost desperate in his hope and belief that Cindy would recover. Because I was so very hopeful myself , I made a huge mistake in not talking to Angela directly. The following more accurately describes what is going on:
Yes Cindy is breathing on her own, and her vitals are somewhat stabilized. However, due to hepatic encephalopathy there is irreversible brain damage; organs are slowly shutting down. She will not be waking up without a major miracle. As soon a room opens, Cindy will be transferred to hospice to be kept as comfortable and pain free as possible

I’m so very sorry for raising everyone’s hopes. All I can say is I wanted so badly for my friend to wake up.
No one ever needs to apologize for bringing hope to the world, Bev. We'll all continue to pray for her until that hope is extinguished, then if that is His will, we'll pray for her family.
@Bkocats don’t feel bad for being optimistic that a miracle could happen, we will all pray daily that if it’s GOD’s will that she will recover. Never falter in your faith of the power of GOD. If she doesn’t make it I hope she goes peacefully without pain.

If she doesn’t make it, and the time comes, I think it would be cool if the family would allow us to have a memory board on rafters.

They could print off the memories and condolences of this board to post at the funeral. It would give those who couldn’t go a chance to say goodbye to our online friend of many years.
@Bkocats don’t feel bad for being optimistic that a miracle could happen, we will all pray daily that if it’s GOD’s will that she will recover. Never falter in your faith of the power of GOD. If she doesn’t make it I hope she goes peacefully without pain.

If she doesn’t make it, and the time comes, I think it would be cool if the family would allow us to have a memory board on rafters.

They could print off the memories and condolences of this board to post at the funeral. It would give those who couldn’t go a chance to say goodbye to our online friend of many years.
I think that's a good idea. That way the family would know just how much she was loved and respected on here (if they don't know already).
@Bkocats don’t feel bad for being optimistic that a miracle could happen, we will all pray daily that if it’s GOD’s will that she will recover. Never falter in your faith of the power of GOD. If she doesn’t make it I hope she goes peacefully without pain.

If she doesn’t make it, and the time comes, I think it would be cool if the family would allow us to have a memory board on rafters.

They could print off the memories and condolences of this board to post at the funeral. It would give those who couldn’t go a chance to say goodbye to our online friend of many years.

Excellent idea...@bkocats... thank you for being there for Cin and us...much aloha to you...I will continue to lift Cin up.. and pray for a miracle...

hey folks
I have some very bad news regarding Cindy

I’ve been speaking to her sister. Cindy has brain damage due to lack of oxygen in relation to complications from cirrhosis.
She’s currently sedated and on a ventilator; the doctor does not expect her to make it.

If you would keep her and her family in your prayers: she has two sons, ages 21 and 14 and a young grandson.

My heart is breaking. I miss my friend
I am very sorry to hear this, Bko :cry:
Well folks
This is very hard for me to relate

The info I got this morning was from Cindy’s boyfriend. He, understandably, believed that her breathing on her own meant she was going to recover. The poor man was almost desperate in his hope and belief that Cindy would recover. Because I was so very hopeful myself , I made a huge mistake in not talking to Angela directly. The following more accurately describes what is going on:
Yes Cindy is breathing on her own, and her vitals are somewhat stabilized. However, due to hepatic encephalopathy there is irreversible brain damage; organs are slowly shutting down. She will not be waking up without a major miracle. As soon a room opens, Cindy will be transferred to hospice to be kept as comfortable and pain free as possible

I’m so very sorry for raising everyone’s hopes. All I can say is I wanted so badly for my friend to wake up.
You have nothing to apologize for. What a blessing for Cindy to have those that love her near.
Prayers for all. I've had to say this line too often recently, but it is still true. The worst thing is not the last thing. Life is eternal, just in a different place.
God's peace
Well folks
This is very hard for me to relate

The info I got this morning was from Cindy’s boyfriend. He, understandably, believed that her breathing on her own meant she was going to recover. The poor man was almost desperate in his hope and belief that Cindy would recover. Because I was so very hopeful myself , I made a huge mistake in not talking to Angela directly. The following more accurately describes what is going on:
Yes Cindy is breathing on her own, and her vitals are somewhat stabilized. However, due to hepatic encephalopathy there is irreversible brain damage; organs are slowly shutting down. She will not be waking up without a major miracle. As soon a room opens, Cindy will be transferred to hospice to be kept as comfortable and pain free as possible

I’m so very sorry for raising everyone’s hopes. All I can say is I wanted so badly for my friend to wake up.
I didn't want to burst anyone's bubble or hope, but I thought this might be the case. Before we removed life support from my daughter, my wife (a nurse) and some of the other medical team explained this to me. We were told that death could occur very quickly (a few hours) or a few days. It is possible that her body is hanging on for some of her loved ones. My daughter did not pass until I left the room. I believe the bond was that strong. I had to trust that the Lord was waiting there to greet her as I let go.

My heart breaks for Cindy's family as they go through this. May the Lord grant them peace and strength in the days to come.
I didn't want to burst anyone's bubble or hope, but I thought this might be the case. Before we removed life support from my daughter, my wife (a nurse) and some of the other medical team explained this to me. We were told that death could occur very quickly (a few hours) or a few days. It is possible that her body is hanging on for some of her loved ones. My daughter did not pass until I left the room. I believe the bond was that strong. I had to trust that the Lord was waiting there to greet her as I let go.

My heart breaks for Cindy's family as they go through this. May the Lord grant them peace and strength in the days to come.
God bless you, man.
I didn't want to burst anyone's bubble or hope, but I thought this might be the case. Before we removed life support from my daughter, my wife (a nurse) and some of the other medical team explained this to me. We were told that death could occur very quickly (a few hours) or a few days. It is possible that her body is hanging on for some of her loved ones. My daughter did not pass until I left the room. I believe the bond was that strong. I had to trust that the Lord was waiting there to greet her as I let go.

My heart breaks for Cindy's family as they go through this. May the Lord grant them peace and strength in the days to come.
I think that’s the worst part
I did know better; have been in this situation before.
My heart still hurts for you too, my friend and your family are still in my daily prayers
My daughter did not pass until I left the room. I believe the bond was that strong. I had to trust that the Lord was waiting there to greet her as I let go.
Being the father of a daughter (grown woman now) eyes misted reading this. Same would be true for my sons. Stay strong 93..I can't imagine how hard it has been.
I've been lurking on here since the days of the door. I have never been compelled to open an account until now. So I could express my prayers for Cindog. Prayers from my family to yours. Thanks BKO for keeping us up to date. It's amazing what moves the human spirit.

May God's grace shine on Cindy, her family, and friends.