Change of scenery for Adou


Aug 18, 2004
It's hard to really keep much of a connection with the players who followed Cal to Arkansas. If it was a scenario where Cal was doing well, sure, I'd get it. But they really followed this guy who didn't play the right guys. Adou even said how hard Cal was on him (and not in a very positive way).. so he follows him to Arkansas? Which in turn makes me think "Was staying at UK to help Pope get his feet on the ground THAT big of an ask?"

I get the players following the coach.. but after the year we had, I don't know why anyone other than Wagner would have followed him.
Screw him. Cal treated him like crap and the idiot still followed.

This. Same with Big Z. Cal totally wasted both players at UK and yet they have some sort of bizarre loyalty to him. Adou’s father had a weird, misplaced grudge with the fans even though we were the ones calling for his son to play more and play his natural position all along. The whole state of Kentucky saw what Adou was after the Kansas game. Bill Self saw it too… saw our whole team for who they were. The only one who didn’t see it was dumb shit Cal.
I hate that he didn't feel the love to stay at UK. Adou was someone that I liked and wished he would have finished his career in a Kentucky jersey. I believe Coach Pope would have improved his shot and percentages of hitting three pointers.

Adou Thiero talks Arkansas, John Calipari, development and more
Adou's decision to follow Cal after what he did to him suggest that he isn't smart enough to play at UK. I am glad he made the decision to go. Reed is the only player Cal signed who came to Kentucky because of the name. The rest came because of Cal, so I good that they went with him.
This. Same with Big Z. Cal totally wasted both players at UK and yet they have some sort of bizarre loyalty to him. Adou’s father had a weird, misplaced grudge with the fans even though we were the ones calling for his son to play more and play his natural position all along. The whole state of Kentucky saw what Adou was after the Kansas game. Bill Self saw it too… saw our whole team for who they were. The only one who didn’t see it was dumb shit Cal.
It was Z’s handlers that were bizarrely loyal to Cal . The decision was made for him before he even spoke with Pope .
I just want to thank everyone who goes the extra mile to post on Rafters everything related to Kentucky’s former coach who people say they are glad is gone and yet can’t let him go.

We may still talk about him, but we were calling for his job for the last half decade, while you will always be remembered as someone who stuck your head in the sand and slurped him till the end.
People say they are glad the former Kentucky coach is gone, and yet every word uttered about him and his former players is dragged here for debate and dissection.

As far as I’m concerned good riddance to him and everyone who followed him to that squalid pig wallow where he went. You know what would bug him the most? If every Kentucky fan completely ignored him, and when he snuck a peek at this board he saw no mention of him or his new gig.
Yes, we are glad he is gone. The only thing that would make it better is if you go too.
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No one knows what goes on behind the scenes. Cal may have done a lot of work to get Z eligible and so the appreciation of that effort could be the reason for the loyalty. Plus, Cal may have been communicating with Z's family even before he came so again for a foreign player he was the connection. Yes, Cal didn't use him correctly and from Cal's statement now at Arkansas it sounded like that will continue. It may be another Skal in the making and would have driven the fans here insane so let Arkansas fans have that pleasure. Also wasn't Adou's father a former player for Cal or somehow connected?

A major difference I see so far is Pope is selling the program and Cal always was selling Cal. So, the lack of program appreciation for those players falls back again on Cal. Hope he continues to perform like he did for us the past few years.
Who cares, he left for a rival with a coach that never really gave him a chance. Being part of uk is about family & Pope understands that & has embraced the belief, if they don’t want to be part of it then it’s their decision but I wish we would stop talking about those guys. They could have transferred to any other school across the country but yet stayed in the sec with him.
No one knows what goes on behind the scenes. Cal may have done a lot of work to get Z eligible and so the appreciation of that effort could be the reason for the loyalty. Plus, Cal may have been communicating with Z's family even before he came so again for a foreign player he was the connection. Yes, Cal didn't use him correctly and from Cal's statement now at Arkansas it sounded like that will continue. It may be another Skal in the making and would have driven the fans here insane so let Arkansas fans have that pleasure. Also wasn't Adou's father a former player for Cal or somehow connected?

A major difference I see so far is Pope is selling the program and Cal always was selling Cal. So, the lack of program appreciation for those players falls back again on Cal. Hope he continues to perform like he did for us the past few years.
I agree with what you said except the hard work to get Z in. He was paid 9 millliiiooon dollars a year to work hard to get guys eligible.
This. Same with Big Z. Cal totally wasted both players at UK and yet they have some sort of bizarre loyalty to him. Adou’s father had a weird, misplaced grudge with the fans even though we were the ones calling for his son to play more and play his natural position all along. The whole state of Kentucky saw what Adou was after the Kansas game. Bill Self saw it too… saw our whole team for who they were. The only one who didn’t see it was dumb shit Cal.

Wonky first time I heard about this "weird, misplacsd grudge with the fans..." regarding Adou's Father. Can you elaborate further on this scenario?