In light of the alleged crimes by Diddy, would you...


Mar 22, 2003
Take a bribe from a Famous actor, singer, or athlete to not report abuse to their wife or girlfriend if you witnessed it. Let's say you worked in a hotel and you saw someone slap or punch their wife or girlfriend, then they offered you $10.000 to just walk away and not tell anybody what you saw. Would you do it? Could you do it? How much money would it take for you to say, "I didn't see anything"?

I couldn't do it for any amount of money. No matter how bad I could use the money.
Take a bribe from a Famous actor, singer, or athlete to not report abuse to their wife or girlfriend if you witnessed it. Let's say you worked in a hotel and you saw someone slap or punch their wife or girlfriend, then they offered you $10.000 to just walk away and not tell anybody what you saw. Would you do it? Could you do it? How much money would it take for you to say, "I didn't see anything"?

I couldn't do it for any amount of money. No matter how bad I could use the money.

In this specific example..

Punch? No.
Slap? Eh..

I've witnessed plenty of guys getting absolutely verbally assaulted by their women. Probably saying things that are absolutely soul-crushing. If they snapped and gave this girl a slap, and they wanted to pay me $10k to not say anything over a slightly red cheek for the next few hours? Yeah, here's my venmo.
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I still contend Ray Rice’s wife would be better off if no one saw that video. She is still married to him, but they made about $14M less because that video went public. Half of that would technically be hers.

Am I excusing domestic violence? No. But it’s complicated as shit because punishment of the man hurts the entire family.

So back to the OP’s question. I’m reporting it if I think the woman’s life is in danger. Ray Rice’s wife qualifies for that as she was knocked unconscious. But a slap? Probably not. But not gonna take the money either.
I couldn't do it for any amount of money. No matter how bad I could use the money.

Same. Though TucsonCat's suggestion is tempting -- what's the legality of taking the bribe and then going to the cops? Would you be able to keep the money?