As a UK Basketball fan


Dec 30, 2002
Where do you currently stand on the results of this season and the current state of the UK program?

I see posters comments that are all over the place which made me think of how people handle grief. There are 5-7 steps in dealing with loss, depending on which psychiatrist's book you read.

Based on comments I have read, I am going with 6. Where are you on accepting the loss of this basketball season?
1. Shock. How many are just shocked by the results of this season?

2. Denial. How many refuse to accept the reality that is Cal and UK basketball right now ?

3. Anger. How many are just pi$$ed off at everything you see and hear from Cal and this team's performance this year?

4. Bargaining. How many of you are trying to convince yourself that everything is ok with Cal and the basketball program and we will get up one morning and all will be peaches and cream in UK basketball again?

5. Depression. How many of you are actually depressed at what you see and what you hear concerning the winningest basketball program in history?

6. Acceptance. This is the final step in restoring sanity and normalcy to your own life. Let it go. Accept that Cal has created a mess this year that he can't fix THIS YEAR. It is yet to be determined whether he will fix it next year or just dig in and try to prove his system works like it did in the years before 2016.

7. I probably should add a 7 that says I am at all of the above from time to time. Especially when I am actually watching a game or listening to a Cal presser.

What number(s) are you currently at in dealing with this fiasco.

P.S. This is just for fun so please don't go all Psycho on me. Thanks. 🙃