Alec Baldwin Charged (again) with Manslaughter

So if they can't convict ole Alec, who has enough money and fame to get away with murder, they went after someone who couldn't wiggle out of it.
Exactly. Just like everyone who wanted Rittenhouse in jail were lefties.... Except he was 100% within the law... on video. Baldwin gave an interview after the shooting in which he lied about the facts.... I dislike him as a human despite his politics... I don't like people who mistreat women and children... BUt anyone who did what he did would go to court. Why is his politics a protection from just generally accepted law?
I don’t think it has anything to do with his politics as much as he’s rich and famous and well-connected. That happens no matter which side you’re on politically.

I don’t know honestly if everyone would go to court for this either. It’s weird. You're an actor, someone trained hands up a supposedly unloaded out loaded with blanks pistol and you fire it which kills someone.

Send like just a long line of mistakes and screw ups, nothing someone going to jail would help anyone in this situation.

I honestly feel It’sa big accident unless there’s something I don’t know which is highly possible since I don’t give a shit about this entire case. Much more important stuff out there and I don’t care about it that much either…

@Creed Bratton isn’t it the armorer’s “fault” technically?
I don’t think it has anything to do with his politics as much as he’s rich and famous and well-connected. That happens no matter which side you’re on politically.

I don’t know honestly if everyone would go to court for this either. It’s weird. You're an actor, someone trained hands up a supposedly unloaded out loaded with blanks pistol and you fire it which kills someone.

Send like just a long line of mistakes and screw ups, nothing someone going to jail would help anyone in this situation.

I honestly feel It’sa big accident unless there’s something I don’t know which is highly possible since I don’t give a shit about this entire case. Much more important stuff out there and I don’t care about it that much either…

@Creed Bratton isn’t it the armorer’s “fault” technically?

Makes sense. Gross negligence with a firearm on a large enough scale someone dies and we’re good calling it an accident and moving on?

I’m sure zero consequences like you point out here will definitely deter this behavior in the future 🤡. I mean it’s not like the point of consequences is to prevent future negligence.

I’d literally bet my life that if I accidentally shot someone in this same manner, id be in jail in a heartbeat and no one would even blink. The ONLY reason Baldwin will get away with it is because of the multi tiered justice system. It’s a system everyone should be terrified of as those in power don’t have to live within in. That kind of caste system is very dangerous to those of us on the wrong side.
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Makes sense. Gross negligence with a firearm on a large enough scale someone dies and we’re good calling it an accident and moving on?

I’m sure zero consequences like you point out here will definitely deter this behavior in the future 🤡. I mean it’s not like the point of consequences is to prevent future negligence.

I’d literally bet my life that if I accidentally shot someone in this same manner, id be in jail in a heartbeat and no one would even blink. The ONLY reason Baldwin will get away with it is because of the multi tiered justice system. It’s a system everyone should be terrified of as those in power don’t have to live within in. That kind of caste system is very dangerous to those of us on the wrong side.
I’m going to guess with these EXACT circumstances, you too would probably be hard to convict that you did it on purpose.
Lol... ol' gal got cleaned up for court. I guess a manslaughter charge will convince you to hide your tats and go natural with your hair.

Gettin cleaned up makes judges lose their ability to decipher evidence and rationale. Good move IMO.
isn’t it the armorer’s “fault” technically?

Baldwin wasn’t just a rando actor in this movie. He was a producer. He was cutting corners at every opportunity, including hiring this inexperienced armorer.

He had numerous unioned production staff walk off of that set that very morning because they felt it was unsafe.

If you and I are involved in an auto accident that you caused and I die, it’s going to depend on how reckless you were as to you being changed with manslaughter. Were you drunk, texting, or 20mph over and weaving through traffic?

You didn’t set out to kill anyone, but you did.

Baldwin was about as negligent as anyone could be. All that’s missing from Baldwins case is an “under the influence”.
I don’t think it has anything to do with his politics as much as he’s rich and famous and well-connected. That happens no matter which side you’re on politically.

I don’t know honestly if everyone would go to court for this either. It’s weird. You're an actor, someone trained hands up a supposedly unloaded out loaded with blanks pistol and you fire it which kills someone.

Send like just a long line of mistakes and screw ups, nothing someone going to jail would help anyone in this situation.

I honestly feel It’sa big accident unless there’s something I don’t know which is highly possible since I don’t give a shit about this entire case. Much more important stuff out there and I don’t care about it that much either…

@Creed Bratton isn’t it the armorer’s “fault” technically?
Agreed except for the interview he gave afterwards where he lied. If he hadn't done something he was worried about then why lie?
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Makes sense. Gross negligence with a firearm on a large enough scale someone dies and we’re good calling it an accident and moving on?

I’m sure zero consequences like you point out here will definitely deter this behavior in the future 🤡. I mean it’s not like the point of consequences is to prevent future negligence.

I’d literally bet my life that if I accidentally shot someone in this same manner, id be in jail in a heartbeat and no one would even blink. The ONLY reason Baldwin will get away with it is because of the multi tiered justice system. It’s a system everyone should be terrified of as those in power don’t have to live within in. That kind of caste system is very dangerous to those of us on the wrong side.

Sadly and disgustingly, if it were a staunch conservative that did what Baldwin did, he'd be thrown away for a long long time. Baldwin does a good Trump impersonation so he'll never see a day behind bars.
Sadly and disgustingly, if it were a staunch conservative that did what Baldwin did, he'd be thrown away for a long long time. Baldwin does a good Trump impersonation so he'll never see a day behind bars.
Sadly, yes. It always comes down to conservatives and Donald Trump being victims and we must think of these poor folks daily and understand the struggles they go through simply being conservatives. Silenced and punished, always and forever.

I don’t think it has anything to do with his politics as much as he’s rich and famous and well-connected. That happens no matter which side you’re on politically.

I don’t know honestly if everyone would go to court for this either. It’s weird. You're an actor, someone trained hands up a supposedly unloaded out loaded with blanks pistol and you fire it which kills someone.

Send like just a long line of mistakes and screw ups, nothing someone going to jail would help anyone in this situation.

I honestly feel It’sa big accident unless there’s something I don’t know which is highly possible since I don’t give a shit about this entire case. Much more important stuff out there and I don’t care about it that much either…

@Creed Bratton isn’t it the armorer’s “fault” technically?
I guess if a bartender can be found guilty when a drunk driver kills someone then she is also responsible if she was the one who loaded the gun but shouldn't the guy who actually aims the gun and pulls the trigger also be responsible like the drunk driver?
I guess if a bartender can be found guilty when a drunk driver kills someone then she is also responsible if she was the one who loaded the gun but shouldn't the guy who actually aims the gun and pulls the trigger also be responsible like the drunk driver?
I was getting ready to say the same thing as Col Angus.

100s of DUIs happen every day, name ONE time you know of a bartender getting in trouble for it…. I’ll wait.

I’ve been slinging booze to people for almost 20 years and I’ve never once seen a bartender in trouble because some idiot drove after asking to get drunk.

Stop with the 80s DARE stories Creed.
I was getting ready to say the same thing as Col Angus.

100s of DUIs happen every day, name ONE time you know of a bartender getting in trouble for it…. I’ll wait.

I’ve been slinging booze to people for almost 20 years and I’ve never once seen a bartender in trouble because some idiot drove after asking to get drunk.

Stop with the 80s DARE stories Creed.

I can find an unlimited number. I gave 5 despite you implying there isn’t even one.

I knew a bartender in college arrested after over serving and then the patron killing someone driving home that night. Can’t find an article, which means I must be getting old. It’s most definitely a thing.
I said you know of, anyone can google, you named one but can’t find the article…

You produced 5 out of 100 million people getting inebriated weekly at bars and driving home. And 4 were in Texas lol.

I know there are plenty you can find I’m saying it’s super rare and absolutely ridiculous, do you charge the liquor store clerk for selling a bottle of vodka to them?

And sure the bartender is responsible like the person who loaded the gun, if the bar patron asked for NA piña coladas and you’re sliding her doubles the whole time when she’s not expecting that.
I've been defending Baldwin thinking he was the victim of a political witch hunt by a publicity driven AG, but the stuff about the armorer having cocaine and staff walking out the night before due to safety concerns...I dunno... Sounds like he does have some culpability.
I said you know of, anyone can google, you named one but can’t find the article…

You produced 5 out of 100 million people getting inebriated weekly at bars and driving home. And 4 were in Texas lol.

I know there are plenty you can find I’m saying it’s super rare and absolutely ridiculous, do you charge the liquor store clerk for selling a bottle of vodka to them?

And sure the bartender is responsible like the person who loaded the gun, if the bar patron asked for NA piña coladas and you’re sliding her doubles the whole time when she’s not expecting that.
So I am confused. You say it is "technically" the armorers fault for giving him a loaded gun but now you are defending them? You say find one example and then when 5 are given you say well sure if you google you can find one. You are all over the place on this argument. 🤣🤣
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I think I’ve said it’s the armorer’s fault the whole time not necessarily Baldwin’s. Why the surprise here?
So the guy who pointed the gun at someone who wasn't an actor in the scene and pulled the trigger has no fault? Wow that is even more surprising.
I don’t know if he’s an actor or the janitor for the movie. But no, if he’s expecting a paid professional to have an unloaded guns at their disposal or blanks then no I don’t see why he’s responsible for her death.

If your son or daughter or friend went to a friends house and then friend said all the guns are unloaded and then someone shoots someone else screwing around, I don’t think they’re responsible for any type of murder, do you?

Of course they’re all really dumb but no I don’t think anyone should go to prison as there was zero malicious intent.

What about if your son is driving and gets in a wreck speeding and his buddy dies, does your son deserve prison time and murder charges?
I don’t know if he’s an actor or the janitor for the movie. But no, if he’s expecting a paid professional to have an unloaded guns at their disposal or blanks then no I don’t see why he’s responsible for her death.

If your son or daughter or friend went to a friends house and then friend said all the guns are unloaded and then someone shoots someone else screwing around, I don’t think they’re responsible for any type of murder, do you?

Of course they’re all really dumb but no I don’t think anyone should go to prison as there was zero malicious intent.

What about if your son is driving and gets in a wreck speeding and his buddy dies, does your son deserve prison time and murder charges?
If he points a gun at someone and pulls the trigger then yes he deserves time. I don't have son's but all 3 of my daughters know that is rule number one with any gun. You always treat it as if it's loaded and never point it at anyone you don't intend on shooting. If he is negligent in his driving whether it's a DUI or just driving like a fool and kills someone he deserves time. Would I be disappointed in my kid for that decision? Heck yes but rules are rules for my kid or Alec Baldwin.

If your 15 year old daughters 40 year old teacher was having an affair with her should he go to jail? I mean he didn't do anything malicious if she was cool with it so I guess not according to your logic. The only time it's a crime is if it's malicious I guess. 😂 If nobody went to jail unless their was "malicious intent" then they would be putting up vacancy signs outside the prisons.
If he points a gun at someone and pulls the trigger then yes he deserves time. I don't have son's but all 3 of my daughters know that is rule number one with any gun. You always treat it as if it's loaded and never point it at anyone you don't intend on shooting. I mean if your 15 year old daughters 40 year old teacher was having an affair with her should he go to jail? I mean he didn't do anything malicious if she was cool with it so I guess not according to your logic. If nobody went to jail unless their was "malicious intent" then they would be putting up vacancy signs outside the prisons.
Vacancy at prisons wouldn’t be the worst thing since we imprison like 8 billion times as many people as the rest of the world and do it for profit<—that’s a different story conversation.

Well, I think he should walk free as should anyone in that situation. Two wrongs don’t make a right and whatnot.

If this was your daughter you’d be practicing circus mind tricks on yourself to convince yourself she’s not deserving of prison time and that’s a fact.

I think Fauci should be I prison before him. At least Baldwin’s was an accident.
Vacancy at prisons wouldn’t be the worst thing since we imprison like 8 billion times as many people as the rest of the world and do it for profit<—that’s a different story conversation.

Well, I think he should walk free as should anyone in that situation. Two wrongs don’t make a right and whatnot.

If this was your daughter you’d be practicing circus mind tricks on yourself to convince yourself she’s not deserving of prison time and that’s a fact.

I think Fauci should be I prison before him. At least Baldwin’s was an accident.
You have no idea what I would do if my kid was in that situation. So to think you know enough about me, based on my message board comments, how I would act is a bit arrogant on your part and that is a fact.
You have no idea what I would do if my kid was in that situation. So to think you know enough about me, based on my message board comments, how I would act is a bit arrogant on your part and that is a fact.
It’s not just arrogance my friend, it’s flat out hubris bro, I know everything about you just like I know how’d I’d act if your daughters were around me…
I said you know of, anyone can google, you named one but can’t find the article…

You produced 5 out of 100 million people getting inebriated weekly at bars and driving home. And 4 were in Texas lol.

I know there are plenty you can find I’m saying it’s super rare and absolutely ridiculous, do you charge the liquor store clerk for selling a bottle of vodka to them?

And sure the bartender is responsible like the person who loaded the gun, if the bar patron asked for NA piña coladas and you’re sliding her doubles the whole time when she’s not expecting that.

Let’s practice, repeat after me…

“I was wrong, and im sorry for taking such a hard stance on numerous issues I know nothing about. I’m not the expert I pretend to be”.

Say this over and over until you believe, then you may become a better and less obnoxious person.
Let’s practice, repeat after me…

“I was wrong, and im sorry for taking such a hard stance on numerous issues I know nothing about. I’m not the expert I pretend to be”.

Say this over and over until you believe, then you may become a better and less obnoxious person.
Nah then I’d be like you and be a pussy.
See you’re the weirdo that thought about sexual things with your kids, I was thinking about being a real man and showing them protection, encouragement, strength etc but here you are thinking of your daughters getting dicked down by a tatted up 40 year old in Florida.

I mean it’s happened to other people’s daughters for SURE in the Keys, but I highly doubt they were yours.
Instead you’re just a complete idiot. Sounds like you’re a lifetime bartender. Makes sense…
Yes making great money and having no responsibilities is AWFUL. I wake up every day and just wonder wtf do I feel like doing today?

How much do you think bartenders make in resort towns bubba? You think we’re making less than desk jockeys like bank tellers or nurses at doctors offices?

We’re not, you’re thinking of your Applebees bartender Katie Jo in Possum Foot, KY that has 3 kids and walks with $84 on a Saturday.

What’s it like hoping to get approval for your vacation? I wouldn’t know. I just tell them how long I’m going to be gone for and then come back to the same gig.

I can literally live anywhere and go anywhere I want any time. Tell me how awful that life is again please?
Yes making great money and having no responsibilities is AWFUL. I wake up every day and just wonder wtf do I feel like doing today?

How much do you think bartenders make in resort towns bubba? You think we’re making less than desk jockeys like bank tellers or nurses at doctors offices?

We’re not, you’re thinking of your Applebees bartender Katie Jo in Possum Foot, KY that has 3 kids and walks with $84 on a Saturday.

What’s it like hoping to get approval for your vacation? I wouldn’t know. I just tell them how long I’m going to be gone for and then come back to the same gig.

I can literally live anywhere and go anywhere I want any time. Tell me how awful that life is again please?
🤣 you do you. Sounds like a man who never made anything of himself. I’d love to know what “great money” is to you though.

For the record, I don’t need to ask for approval to go on vacation and I can also literally live anywhere I want.
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🤣 you do you. Sounds like a man who never made anything of himself. I’d love to know what “great money” is to you though.

For the record, I don’t need to ask for approval to go on vacation and I can also literally live anywhere I want.
Wasn’t comparing you, see your ability to cognitively think isn’t great, I compared myself to desk jockeys and doctors office nurses, not whatever an mdnerd does.

And six figures is great money to me my friend. When the only expenses I have are my rent, bills and my dog with zero debt (besides my house), six figures is a LOT of money amigo.

See that’s “old man/old world” mentality. If you don’t have a title you’re a no one. See I had a title, ICU RN, but I like living however I want and not have to listen to anyone or request time off or worry about if I want to go to Tahiti in a week, versus having a title that society can determine my value with.

I much more value experiences like travel, living in exotic places (compared to KY), meeting new great people, eating great food and building myself into as indestructible a human as possible.

But we each have our own ways to do things, yours is just boring, old and judgemental and likely coming from someone I would see as a gross human being, so I couldn’t give less a touch what you think Pookums. 😃

I hope Alec Baldwin and you hangout together with plenty of guns around soon 🤠.
Wasn’t comparing you, see your ability to cognitively think isn’t great, I compared myself to desk jockeys and doctors office nurses, not whatever an mdnerd does.

And six figures is great money to me my friend. When the only expenses I have are my rent, bills and my dog with zero debt (besides my house), six figures is a LOT of money amigo.

See that’s “old man/old world” mentality. If you don’t have a title you’re a no one. See I had a title, ICU RN, but I like living however I want and not have to listen to anyone or request time off or worry about if I want to go to Tahiti in a week, versus having a title that society can determine my value with.

I much more value experiences like travel, living in exotic places (compared to KY), meeting new great people, eating great food and building myself into as indestructible a human as possible.

But we each have our own ways to do things, yours is just boring, old and judgemental and likely coming from someone I would see as a gross human being, so I couldn’t give less a touch what you think Pookums. 😃

I hope Alec Baldwin and you hangout together with plenty of guns around soon 🤠.

You are a special person. That’s really all I have left to say about this. Good luck to you.
Didn’t figure you’d come back from my answers to your questions mdnerd. I guess 100K and no responsibility doesn’t sound all that bad to you either huh bubba?

Another day another win. Thanks for letting me destroy you all out of boredom while I was destroying these weights like your offsprings’ vaginas gang, keep up the good work and sending those young ladies to Florida for vacation! We appreciate them and the tip money you gave them to have fun with aka give to us. 😉
Didn’t figure you’d come back from my answers to your questions mdnerd. I guess 100K and no responsibility doesn’t sound all that bad to you either huh bubba?

Another day another win. Thanks for letting me destroy you all out of boredom while I was destroying these weights like your offsprings’ vaginas gang, keep up the good work and sending those young ladies to Florida for vacation! We appreciate them and the tip money you gave them to have fun with aka give to us. 😉

I’ve got a beautiful wife, 3 awesome kids, a 7 figure home, boat, 2 nice cars, and a career I love that gives me just as much freedom as you claim to have and at least 4 times the money. If take my life over yours any day.

So I’m good man, thanks. You just aren’t worth my time anymore.