Alec Baldwin Charged (again) with Manslaughter

I vaguely remember that story. The Baldwin case is just nuts. Why in the world would live ammo be in there? He may be an actor but he's been in plenty of movies where he used firearms.
There are 2 main actors unions. I don't have the link handy, but their own union has safety rules. One of the main ones states if the actor is not comfortable with a firearm, he should ask for more training.
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I vaguely remember that story. The Baldwin case is just nuts. Why in the world would live ammo be in there?

If I recall correctly the armorer and some extras were shooting cans or something similar between takes and she didn't do a proper check to make sure the gun didn't have live ammo in it before she handed it to Baldwin.

The entire scenario just blew my mind because in this day and age I can't even begin to understand why a real gun would be necessary for a film.
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I can't stand Alec but criminal charges for this is just wrong. It was a terrible accident but just that, an accident - at least with what we know at the moment.

The real issue at hand is the live round. Were there more, when was it loaded into the gun and by whom.
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Letting Hollywood; to include actors, directors, producers etc. have actual functioning weapons anywhere around them is criminal on it's face.

You might as well throw a fully loaded, semi-auto pistol (with the slide back/cocked) into a monkey cage and see what happens.
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I can't stand Alec but criminal charges for this is just wrong. It was a terrible accident but just that, an accident - at least with what we know at the moment.

The real issue at hand is the live round. Were there more, when was it loaded into the gun and by whom.
Negligence, maybe. Accident no. By his own unions safety standards, he was supposed to check the weapon personally. If he didn't know how, he was supposed to ask for more training. He pulled the trigger to make the weapon fire and it was pointed at someone.
I can't stand Alec but criminal charges for this is just wrong. It was a terrible accident but just that, an accident - at least with what we know at the moment.

The real issue at hand is the live round. Were there more, when was it loaded into the gun and by whom.
I don't see how the armorer can escape this. It's ultimately her responsibility to make sure those weren't live rounds.
I can't stand Alec but criminal charges for this is just wrong. It was a terrible accident but just that, an accident - at least with what we know at the moment.

The real issue at hand is the live round. Were there more, when was it loaded into the gun and by whom.
Completely wrong. The real issue was the man pulling the trigger didn’t check his weapon. Movie sets don’t operate under different laws. Responsibility is always with the person holding the gun.
May be her job, but the responsibility ALWAYS falls on the person pulling the trigger.
But how does Baldwin know they are live or not. He has responsibility to bear though. He said he never had his finger on the trigger and the hammer fired the gun. He's either lying or it was a faulty firearm. That hammer will not slam fire the gun unless his finger was on the trigger. In regards to the blank rounds, I've never seen or shot one. Is there a noticeable difference? The only responsibility, as I see it, that Baldwin has is the same as any gun owner.
But how does Baldwin know they are live or not. He has responsibility to bear though. He said he never had his finger on the trigger and the hammer fired the gun. He's either lying or it was a faulty firearm. That hammer will not slam fire the gun unless his finger was on the trigger. In regards to the blank rounds, I've never seen or shot one. Is there a noticeable difference? The only responsibility, as I see it, that Baldwin has is the same as any gun owner.

He needs to check and clear any weapon he holds. Once you put a gun in your hands, it’s 100% your responsibility to use it safely and no one else’s.

The whole not pulling the trigger is a bunch of BS that no one believes. Pretty ridiculous.

If any “gun owner” pulls the trigger thinking the gun is not loaded and kills someone, thats automatic manslaughter and prison. The only thing different here is Baldwin is rich and famous. Quite literally the only difference and why he’s not in a jumpsuit.
He needs to check and clear any weapon he holds. Once you put a gun in your hands, it’s 100% your responsibility to use it safely and no one else’s.

The whole not pulling the trigger is a bunch of BS that no one believes. Pretty ridiculous.

If any “gun owner” pulls the trigger thinking the gun is not loaded and kills someone, thats automatic manslaughter and prison. The only thing different here is Baldwin is rich and famous. Quite literally the only difference and why he’s not in a jumpsuit.
I have weapons that I know are loaded or unloaded but when I handle them I check it. And then check it again. It's just 2nd nature to me. Always check the weapon while pointed down range or away from any person. Never put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire. What I want to know is, being that he was ready to fire what he thought were blanks, even if he checked it would he be able to differentitate a blank from a live round, because SOMETHING is in the cylinder. There's a ton of unanswered questions about this case.
I have weapons that I know are loaded or unloaded but when I handle them I check it. And then check it again. It's just 2nd nature to me. Always check the weapon while pointed down range or away from any person. Never put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire. What I want to know is, being that he was ready to fire what he thought were blanks, even if he checked it would he be able to differentitate a blank from a live round, because SOMETHING is in the cylinder. There's a ton of unanswered questions about this case.
Yeah, common sense thinking for MOST PEOPLE, but we're talking Alec Baldwin here so...
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I have weapons that I know are loaded or unloaded but when I handle them I check it. And then check it again. It's just 2nd nature to me. Always check the weapon while pointed down range or away from any person. Never put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire. What I want to know is, being that he was ready to fire what he thought were blanks, even if he checked it would he be able to differentitate a blank from a live round, because SOMETHING is in the cylinder. There's a ton of unanswered questions about this case.
From the rear of the cylinder, it might be difficult to tell the difference in a live round or a blank, though there is a difference. From the front view, the blank should be crimped without a projectile on it. The thing is, don't point the weapon at someone unless you plan to shoot them.

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If you go to a gun show you won’t see a lot of people pointing and pulling the trigger at other people and it’s fairly safe to assume every gun on display is unloaded. It’s basic safety. Don’t point a gun at something unless you intend on shooting it.
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I don't see how the armorer can escape this. It's ultimately her responsibility to make sure those weren't live rounds.

The person with the gun in their hand is the only one that can pull the trigger, and is the one responsible for making sure it's not loaded, and/or not pulling the trigger, and/or not pointing it at a living person.

It may be grounds for firing the armorer. It may be grounds for a civil suit. The shooter is the one responsible for taking a life.
The person with the gun in their hand is the only one that can pull the trigger, and is the one responsible for making sure it's not loaded, and/or not pulling the trigger, and/or not pointing it at a living person.

It may be grounds for firing the armorer. It may be grounds for a civil suit. The shooter is the one responsible for taking a life.
That it is. I just wonder, as I've said earlier in here, is that how would he know the difference between a blank round and a live one? Supposedly he was practicing a cross draw and the gun went off. Say that never happened. "Action" was called by the director, and he still shot somebody. He was under the impression he had blanks. Even given he should've checked the gun and not pointed it at anyone for safety sake, he still had to point it at SOMEBODY for the shot ( no pun intended). Just a lot of unanswered questions here and I'm not trying to sound like I'm defending Baldwin. I'm just trying to get a hand on the situation that transpired. He was going to point that gun at someone eventually. It was a movie full of gunplay.
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That it is. I just wonder, as I've said earlier in here, is that how would he know the difference between a blank round and a live one? Supposedly he was practicing a cross draw and the gun went off. Say that never happened. "Action" was called by the director, and he still shot somebody. He was under the impression he had blanks. Even given he should've checked the gun and not pointed it at anyone for safety sake, he still had to point it at SOMEBODY for the shot ( no pun intended). Just a lot of unanswered questions here and I'm not trying to sound like I'm defending Baldwin. I'm just trying to get a hand on the situation that transpired. He was going to point that gun at someone eventually. It was a movie full of gunplay.

If you've never filmed/directed/recorded a scene, I could see why that assumption (had to point it at someone) would be made. There are ways to film things without a working weapon being pointed at anyone. Laziness, greed, or negligence csn easily get in the way, though.

I get what you're saying and where you're coming from, but this should have been avoided and there are guidelines to do so that were ignored. Bad sht happens when we make bad choices and cut corners, as they did in this situation
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Those are movie set regulations, not actual laws. In real life, the person holding the gun is responsible for it. Someone died, this is real life now…
My comment was supposed to go to Bernie. I apparently clicked on the wrong poster.
I don't know which post or what part you are responding to, but an expert has tested the revolver in question and stated it was functioning properly and the trigger had to be pulled to fire.
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I don't know which post or what part you are responding to, but an expert has tested the revolver in question and stated it was functioning properly and the trier had to be pulled to fire.
The whole argument about not pulling the trigger is just downright idiocy. That’s what a person who knows he’s guilty would say.
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Baldwin is a great actor but a horrible person. It's been known for years he has serious anger issues. His daughter recorded a few of these phone calls where he just berates her. The one where he was calling her a fat little pig... pretty hard to justify a parent doing that to their child.
He’s not going to prison nerds. God you all are sad. “I hate anyone with differing political views and more money than me!!!” Wahhhhhhhhh
"I hate anyone with differing political views and better looks than me!!!" - Alec Baldwin, referring to Sarah Palin
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"I hate anyone with differing political views and better looks than me!!!" - Alec Baldwin, referring to Sarah Palin
Exactly my point, do you want to be like that? I sure don’t. So many people on both sides just point out what the other side does that’s not “right” and then do it themselves once they’re in power until it swaps again, constantly rationalizing their every fluctuating positions on everything.

It’s like so many can’t see the huge game of 3 card monte going on in front of their faces and they’re always surprised when the ball isn’t under the card they picked… but keep screaming at each other over drivel and nonsense and flip topics by the day like squirrels with ADD, you’ll all convince each other one day, I’m sure of it. 😃
Exactly my point, do you want to be like that? I sure don’t. So many people on both sides just point out what the other side does that’s not “right” and then do it themselves once they’re in power until it swaps again, constantly rationalizing their every fluctuating positions on everything.

It’s like so many can’t see the huge game of 3 card monte going on in front of their faces and they’re always surprised when the ball isn’t under the card they picked… but keep screaming at each other over drivel and nonsense and flip topics by the day like squirrels with ADD, you’ll all convince each other one day, I’m sure of it. 😃
Does he get away with pointing a gun at a womans face and shooting her in that face just because some of us disagree with him politically? Given current political... I mean legal rulings, it would seem he totally needs to go through the court system since the facts of the case are that he shot a girl in the face.....

I just want him to stand trial. It's weird that you seem to think that's excessive. You seem to think if you have a certain political leaning then you can shoot girl in the face and just say "ooops"... and it's all good.

But you're the rational one and I"m crazy thinking you can't just shoot a girl in the face and have to go to court.
Okay he’ll get convicted of firearm negligence or discharging a firearm illegally or something and what does that do? Waste court time and money?

He’s not going to spend one day in prison so why are you wasting your time is my point?

I don’t care what the politics are, AT ALL, but 99% of the people on here getting irate and wanting him in jail are 90% doing it because he’s a lefty, let’s be real.
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I don’t care what the politics are, AT ALL, but 99% of the people on here getting irate and wanting him in jail are 90% doing it because he’s a lefty, let’s be real.
I personally don’t give a shit what hand he throws or wipes his ass with.
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I personally don't care what his political affiliation is. What I do care about is why or how, in this country, a person who commits a negligent homicide can get away with it because of his social and economic status. It wouldn't matter to me if it was Alec Baldwin, Lebron James, Donald Trump, Barrack Obama or Taylor Swift, I would feel the same way.
I personally don't care what his political affiliation is. What I do care about is why or how, in this country, a person who commits a negligent homicide can get away with it because of his social and economic status. It wouldn't matter to me if it was Alec Baldwin, Lebron James, Donald Trump, Barrack Obama or Taylor Swift, I would feel the same way.
It’s a multi tier justice system with countless examples. This is just the next in line.
Okay he’ll get convicted of firearm negligence or discharging a firearm illegally or something and what does that do? Waste court time and money?

He’s not going to spend one day in prison so why are you wasting your time is my point?

I don’t care what the politics are, AT ALL, but 99% of the people on here getting irate and wanting him in jail are 90% doing it because he’s a lefty, let’s be real.
Exactly. Just like everyone who wanted Rittenhouse in jail were lefties.... Except he was 100% within the law... on video. Baldwin gave an interview after the shooting in which he lied about the facts.... I dislike him as a human despite his politics... I don't like people who mistreat women and children... BUt anyone who did what he did would go to court. Why is his politics a protection from just generally accepted law?
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Lol... ol' gal got cleaned up for court. I guess a manslaughter charge will convince you to hide your tats and go natural with your hair.

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