Alec Baldwin - UPDATE

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Actually I just disagree with 90% of the posters on here. That’s not baiting. You all are so used to being around people who agree with you that you can’t take someone that doesn’t. Every time someone on here disagrees with me it validates my beliefs.
I have no problem with the many friends I have with whom I disagree. They are not woke stereotypes who like to bait, but rather people who can discuss issues without ad hominem generalizations.

I have no doubt that disagreement with people that you have mischaracterized or do not understand confirms to you your beliefs. That is a sad admission.
Assuming that we don't know the entire situation, what I'm trying to say is that anything could have happened during the filming of the movie. He could have been told that it was a fake or a prop. He could have been told that it was cold. Its not the first time someone has ever had a gun pointed at them on a movie set. Where do we draw the line between accident and murder? Would you charge the guys who controls the rig on a bungee jump with murder if they hooked someone up and didn't check the rig and the cord broke? No one would get charged with murder. The family would sue the company...and thats where I think this ultimately ends up. Baldwin will get sued out of the ass.
Thats the point though. You can be charged for firing a gun you thought was empty. People get charged for that all the time... and not just with guns. If you do something that causes death through your negligence, you get charged for some form of negligent homicide or manslaughter. Circumstances matter and that is why him acting like an a-hole and being pissed at the woman matters. That's why people walking off the set matters. That's why his pr firm completely lying about all the facts the day this happened matters.
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Assuming that we don't know the entire situation, what I'm trying to say is that anything could have happened during the filming of the movie. He could have been told that it was a fake or a prop. He could have been told that it was cold. Its not the first time someone has ever had a gun pointed at them on a movie set. Where do we draw the line between accident and murder? Would you charge the guys who controls the rig on a bungee jump with murder if they hooked someone up and didn't check the rig and the cord broke? No one would get charged with murder. The family would sue the company...and thats where I think this ultimately ends up. Baldwin will get sued out of the ass.
I'm not suggesting he should be charged with murder. I'm suggesting he was negligent and should bear some responsibility for that. I don't know how that translates to what his legal responsibility would be, criminal or civil, or both. I doubt he intended to kill her, but it seems if he had taken reasonable safety precautions she would still be alive. Is that reckless homicide? I'm not an attorney so I have no idea.
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I'm not suggesting he should be charged with murder. I'm suggesting he was negligent and should bear some responsibility for that. I don't know how that translates to what his legal responsibility would be, criminal or civil, or both. I doubt he intended to kill her, but it seems if he had taken reasonable safety precautions she would still be alive. Is that reckless homicide? I'm not an attorney so I have no idea.
He will face some charge. And he should. But people act like he meant to kill her. I can’t believe that for one second. He will be sued civilly and pay millions. He will never set foot in prison and from what I’ve read he shouldn’t. Now something could come out that would change my mind but from what I’ve read it was an accident.
I bet I don't even have facebook and have never used twitter.... but you are just wrong again so not surprising. Just look up stuff instead of just assuming.
Out of curiosity where do you get your news? And good for you on Facebook. I spend a crazy amount of time convincing my mom something she saw on Facebook Is bull
But people act like he meant to kill her.
I think that is more your perception or wish than reality. I know I am not one of those people. I only think he should be charged if the evidence demonstrates facts supporting a crime. And, I believe that investigation should be thorough, because a woman died because he shot her. It’s important and is not political. That said, any objective person can see the hypocrisy in Baldwin’s shear ugliness. It’s just a fact. I am sure he does not want his daughter treated like he treated Liz Cheaney.
I think that is more your perception or wish than reality. I know I am not one of those people. I only think he should be charged if the evidence demonstrates facts supporting a crime. And, I believe that investigation should be thorough, because a woman died because he shot her. It’s important and is not political. That said, any objective person can see the hypocrisy in Baldwin’s shear ugliness. It’s just a fact. I am sure he does not want his daughter treated like he treated Liz Cheaney.
So you hold trump to the same standard of how he has treated people? His shear ugliness towards women. His stirring up people to attack the capital. A full investigation then charges if needed?
Your standard is to bring ORANGE MAN BAD into everything. Sad how we have to bring politics into everything today. A guy pointed a gun at and then shot and killed someone, that's literally it. He should face some serious consequences, 99% of us can agree on that.
Everything is political. Even sports.
"What is Involuntary Manslaughter?
Involuntary manslaughter is usually charged when someone kills someone unintentionally while acting completely recklessly. The conduct must be beyond an ordinary mistake. If it's just a mistake, often there are no criminal charges filed whatsoever. However, if you shoot your gun near a crowd of people and someone accidentally gets killed, those kinds of facts give rise to an Involuntary Manslaughter charge. In situations where a person's reckless conduct causes a death, absent any aggravating factors, Involuntary Manslaughter is a Class 3 felony and probation is an alternative to a jail sentence. The reason that the law doesn't mandate jail for involuntary manslaughter is that although there is a death, there was no specific intent to kill anyone."

The politics come in because, while jail time is not mandated, it can still happen. Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder and sentenced to 22 1/2 years for killing George Floyd, even though every intellectually honest person knows he didn't intend to kill him - in order to avoid the riots that were sure to come if they didn't. That was poIitics - and cowardice. I think, because this is a high profile case, Baldwin will probably have to be charged but will get probation. Then he will be sued in civil court. I think we have seen the last of him in the entertainment business.
"What is Involuntary Manslaughter?
Involuntary manslaughter is usually charged when someone kills someone unintentionally while acting completely recklessly. The conduct must be beyond an ordinary mistake. If it's just a mistake, often there are no criminal charges filed whatsoever. However, if you shoot your gun near a crowd of people and someone accidentally gets killed, those kinds of facts give rise to an Involuntary Manslaughter charge. In situations where a person's reckless conduct causes a death, absent any aggravating factors, Involuntary Manslaughter is a Class 3 felony and probation is an alternative to a jail sentence. The reason that the law doesn't mandate jail for involuntary manslaughter is that although there is a death, there was no specific intent to kill anyone."

The politics come in because, while jail time is not mandated, it can still happen. Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder and sentenced to 22 1/2 years for killing George Floyd, even though every intellectually honest person knows he didn't intend to kill him - in order to avoid the riots that were sure to come if they didn't. That was poIitics - and cowardice. I think, because this is a high profile case, Baldwin will probably have to be charged but will get probation. Then he will be sued in civil court. I think we have seen the last of him in the entertainment business.
Chief nailed it.
Keep the morons happy with bullshit. Sounds like another Pulitzer award is in order.

Trump could be identified by over 80 million Americans plus probably half of the rest of the world. Congrats.

Trump was on a flight manifest. Pretty sure he admitted to it. Went somewhere once and never did it again iirc. It wasn't 13 times though, which even the hard core liberal should have a problem with, but won't.

They're fine with people being slaughtered by those in the middle east and China for being different, but outraged if some of those can't get a cake in the US. They're fine with slaves in southeast Asia today as long as they can get cheap Pokémon shirts, but are outraged that their own ancestors had slaves during an Era of acceptance over 150 years ago. They're fine with the molestation and abuse of people anywhere as long as the perps are Dems advancing their narrative and doling out cash from others' pockets. The rampant hypocrisy of their own lives is what makes them project their self hatred onto others. We get it

*and not all of those whove voted D are liberals like those I describe
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I spend a crazy amount of time convincing my mom something she saw on Facebook Is bull
So, your mom has you and Facebook for her “news?” Oh oh
So you hold trump to the same standard of how he has treated people? His shear ugliness towards women. His stirring up people to attack the capital. A full investigation then charges if needed?
yes. If Trump or Biden or Clinton shot an innocent woman, I would want them prosecuted to the full extent of the law and when you said the same, I would feel no need to mention Baldwin to you, because that would be asinine.
Trump could be identified by over 80 million Americans plus probably half of the rest of the world. Congrats.

Trump was on a flight manifest. Pretty sure he admitted to it. Went somewhere once and never did it again iirc. It wasn't 13 times though, which even the hard core liberal should have a problem with, but won't.

They're fine with people being slaughtered by those in the middle east and China for being different, but outraged if some of those can't get a cake in the US. They're fine with slaves in southeast Asia today as long as they can get cheap Pokémon shirts, but are outraged that their own ancestors had slaves during an Era of acceptance over 150 years ago. They're fine with the molestation and abuse of people anywhere as long as the perps are Dems advancing their narrative and doling out cash from others' pockets. The rampant hypocrisy of their own lives is what makes them project their self hatred onto others. We get it
Trump is up to 7-8 verified trips. Once with Eric in tow. 🤔🤔🤔
Seems you're trying to cast a gay sur by using his real name. You're such a sad excuse for whatever it is you are
How is that a slur? That’s his name. His given name. Are you saying if a man is named Marion he is gay? Sure seems so. He gave the interview where he supported white supremacy and had homophobic thoughts. Not me. But if you support him that’s your business.
How is that a slur? That’s his name. His given name. Are you saying if a man is named Marion he is gay? Sure seems so. He gave the interview where he supported white supremacy and had homophobic thoughts. Not me. But if you support him that’s your business.
Nah. You refused to call him John, because you thought Marion sounded gay. Then, when recognized, you try make it sound like the other person did what you intended. I am not sure there is much honest about you.
If you get new brakes put on your car do you inspect them before you drive? If you get a prescription do you check to see you got the correct medicine? He will have some responsibility. Financially of course. But your dream of him being put in prison is just not going to happen.
You don't even care that someone is dead from Baldwin's actions. Her family is devastated and you are lost.
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Nah. You refused to call him John, because you thought Marion sounded gay. Then, when recognized, you try make it sound like the other person did what you intended. I am not sure there is much honest about you.
Nah. His momma named him Marion, I’ll call him Marion.
How is that a slur? That’s his name. His given name. Are you saying if a man is named Marion he is gay? Sure seems so. He gave the interview where he supported white supremacy and had homophobic thoughts. Not me. But if you support him that’s your business.
DO you call all actors and entertainers by their real names? You were trying to be coy about it, but like everything else you do on here, it was a fail.

All your liberal heroes were gainst gay marriage until a couple of years ago when it became politically expedient. Jod Biden is the most racist POTUS in my lifetime.
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