“Pastor” is a con artist.

Sure it is. When those "pastors" who are supposed to lead their church do stuff like this, it opens the door for doubt. Pastors are supposed to be the examples that others follow in their religion. They aren't on a pedestal at all. However, when they do stuff like this (and even more importantly don't own up to but rather try to dismiss their behavior), people rightfully question Christians and Christianity. That doesn't even bring into consideration people like Kim Davis who use religion as an excuse for hate and bigotry.

You're entire post is another example of why you shouldn't be commenting on any subject related to Christianity. You are clueless.
You're entire post is another example of why you shouldn't be commenting on any subject related to Christianity. You are clueless.
Not clueless at all. You just don’t like my thoughts because you don’t agree with them. I guess that makes you clueless. You should probably just go back to commenting on how awful Elly De La Cruz is. You are clueless there too. It’s ok. Just use your Christianity as an excuse for your cluelessness. You would just be following the lead of this and many other “pastors”.
Yes "holy men" sin but how many fleece their congregation of 1.3 million dollars and then basically say God told me to do it. Don't act like this guy is guilty of eating a few grapes in the grocery store prior to weighing them and paying for them. Not all sin is the same.
That’s not what I’m saying or said. I said nothing about him in particular. But people are throwing blanket statements about Christians/Christianity because of a few people like him. Just like with any blanket statement, they’re not true and bs.

He should go to prison probably.

But as someone else said, if a few doctors get sued for malpractice are you giving up western medicine completely? Are you turning to sage and essential oils forever now?
That’s not what I’m saying or said. I said nothing about him in particular. But people are throwing blanket statements about Christians/Christianity because of a few people like him. Just like with any blanket statement, they’re not true and bs.

He should go to prison probably.

But as someone else said, if a few doctors get sued for malpractice are you giving up western medicine completely? Are you turning to sage and essential oils forever now?
It seems those Christians gave up on western medicine because of Covid. If a doctor in my doctors office or my town were sued for malpractice, I’d have a lot more questions than I would if they hadn’t been. The difference though is malpractice while the doctor may be guilty could have been a simple human error. If my doctor was sued for malpractice, I would be a lot more skeptical of all doctors and definitely would no longer be his patient. Someone taking 1.3 million from his congregation because God told him to wasn’t human error. It was a choice.

I haven’t seen any blanket statements. A blanket statement would be all pastors are awful because 1 stole 1.3 million dollars. No one has said that. All that was said was his actions and others like him open Christianity and Christians to questions and doubts.
Again, so if one doctor gets sued in your town, do you start asking your doctor questions about it? Do you actually know if your doctor hasn’t been sued for malpractice? My dad was twice and was thrown out both times by the judge. Lots of doctors get sued.

The AMA states 1 in 3 doctors has been sued.

So you said you’d leave your doctor if he was sued. Might want to ask him some questions bud.

Also, isn’t a human error, an incorrect or poor choice as well?
Again, so if one doctor gets sued in your town, do you start asking your doctor questions about it? Do you actually know if your doctor hasn’t been sued for malpractice? My dad was twice and was thrown out both times by the judge. Lots of doctors get sued.

The AMA states 1 in 3 doctors has been sued.

So you said you’d leave your doctor if he was sued. Might want to ask him some questions bud.

Also, isn’t a human error, an incorrect or poor choice as well?
In my hometown, it would be known. I would ask questions about my care to make me feel comfortable in his care. It isn’t about being sued either tbh. It is about being sued on merits. Anyone can sue anyone for any reason but it doesn’t actually mean it was legit or had merit.

Human error can be a choice. I don’t think conning people out of 1.3 million dollars and using some of that money for home renovations meets the standard for human error. That gets into deliberate misconduct and that is more than human error.
Sin is sin. Kind of like the Bubble Boy cannot be connected to any pathogen, regardless of its strength, all sin is an anathema to God and separates us from Him. Ranking sin is a mistake.

If this guy is a reflection to some about all Christians, you must also say Jesus is a reflection of all Christians. Generalize the bad, as well as the sinless. That is probably a more accurate mix. :)
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Sin is sin. Kind of like the Bubble Boy cannot be connected to any pathogen, regardless of its strength, all sin is an anathema to God and separates us from Him. Ranking sin is a mistake.

If this guy is a reflection to some about all Christians, you must also say Jesus is a reflection of all Christians. Generalize the bad, as well as the sinless. That is probably a more accurate mix. :)
I would if lived during Jesus time or he was alive today. As it is, you have Christians in another thread on here that can’t even agree if the Bible should be taken literally. Some say the “stories” are just used to be teaching tools and shouldn’t be taken literally like they actually happened. Others that argue those stories, like Jesus rising from the dead and Jonah being swallowed by the whale, literally happened and are real events.
I would if lived during Jesus time or he was alive today. As it is, you have Christians in another thread on here that can’t even agree if the Bible should be taken literally. Some say the “stories” are just used to be teaching tools and shouldn’t be taken literally like they actually happened. Others that argue those stories, like Jesus rising from the dead and Jonah being swallowed by the whale, literally happened and are real events.
Wow wow wow now!!!! Are YOU telling ME that religious people interpret their religions DIFFERENTLY???? Wow sir, that’s a bold claim.

Of course they do. That’s why there’s 8,000 different types of all the major religions. Shia and Sunni Muslims fight each other all the time. Jews disagree on many things, orthodox can look down upon less orthodox and the teachings of which rabbi they follow.

But boy oh boy, if you’re incredulous about the interpretation of the biblical documents, I can’t wait for you to discover this document we call “The Constitution”. It’s WILD!
As it is, you have Christians in another thread on here that can’t even agree if the Bible should be taken literally. Some say the “stories” are just used to be teaching tools and shouldn’t be taken literally like they actually happened. Others that argue those stories, like Jesus rising from the dead and Jonah being swallowed by the whale, literally happened and are real events.
Does anyone know the price of milk in China?
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Wow wow wow now!!!! Are YOU telling ME that religious people interpret their religions DIFFERENTLY???? Wow sir, that’s a bold claim.

Of course they do. That’s why there’s 8,000 different types of all the major religions. Shia and Sunni Muslims fight each other all the time. Jews disagree on many things, orthodox can look down upon less orthodox and the teachings of which rabbi they follow.

But boy oh boy, if you’re incredulous about the interpretation of the biblical documents, I can’t wait for you to discover this document we call “The Constitution”. It’s WILD!
Your lecture should go to Caveman since he was the one who assumed religious superiority (which is an ongoing issue with most Christians) to tell me that there is no difference in sins. I mentioned it to him because of that statement. He appears to be the one that isn’t accepting of the many different beliefs of various religions in his multiple ramblings.
A fair reading of a couple of current threads, including this thread, will show that you have claimed religious superiority.
Except I haven’t. The only time I have even my beliefs was to call you out on your assumption that I was an atheist. I’ve never once said my beliefs were better than anyone’s. Show my where I said that my beliefs were superior to yours. Questioning your beliefs doesn’t mean I think mine are superior.

If you interpret my words as saying my beliefs are superior, that’s a you problem and has nothing to do with me.
Your lecture should go to Caveman since he was the one who assumed religious superiority (which is an ongoing issue with most Christians) to tell me that there is no difference in sins. I mentioned it to him because of that statement. He appears to be the one that isn’t accepting of the many different beliefs of various religions in his multiple ramblings.
He is, as are you, allowed to think however he chooses. I’m fine with that.
I would if lived during Jesus time or he was alive today. As it is, you have Christians in another thread on here that can’t even agree if the Bible should be taken literally. Some say the “stories” are just used to be teaching tools and shouldn’t be taken literally like they actually happened. Others that argue those stories, like Jesus rising from the dead and Jonah being swallowed by the whale, literally happened and are real events.

Who gives a damn what they say - stop using them as an excuse.

"I would if lived during Jesus time or he was alive today"
^^This is so weak^^

It's your own responsibility to find out the truth. Stop blaming others and stop making excuses and you might get somewhere. It's clear you've not taken that step. Probability says you never will. Just stay mad and keep blaming everyone else - look around you will find a metric shyt-ton of excuses.

As a Christian, the "pastor" in the OP is absolutely one of the worst type of people alive., makes me sick to my stomach to listen to this absolute fool.

His idiotic behavior excuses neither me nor you.
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I think it's nuts to give anything to a mega church or tv pastor. Even if they started out with their heart in the right place, they eventually at some point cross a threshold where they're just another marketer, except their product is jesus.
A couple of years ago I was speaking with a non-believing friend in government who said that SE Christian is an important partner with the city of Louisville because of how much good they do. I don’t know if the pastors there have abandoned their first love, but it seems the church does a lot of good.
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Your lecture should go to Caveman since he was the one who assumed religious superiority (which is an ongoing issue with most Christians)

Again, this is your perception, which is incorrect and displays your inability to grasp the concept of faith, trust, and spiritual guidance. I am no better a person than you or anyone else, but my faith allows me to experience things you can't comprehend. So rather than make an ignorant statement like you did, my advice would be to stand aside and deal with your own issues.
And by default Christians because he is supposed to be that example of Christianity. Then throw in that he is attempting to excuse his behavior by saying "God told him to do a home remodel".
He can say anything he wants. That doesn't reflect on other people in any way. That same logic is used by racists to say the actions of one person, or several people, reflect the character of the entire race. It's just poor logic.
He can say anything he wants. That doesn't reflect on other people in any way. That same logic is used by racists to say the actions of one person, or several people, reflect the character of the entire race. It's just poor logic.
It is sad that people will generalize in this manner, especially when they already harbor a bias and the subject behavior appears to support that bias. That judgmental anecdotal condemnation is the foundation for racism and similar ugliness.
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Who gives a damn what they say - stop using them as an excuse.

^^This is so weak^^

It's your own responsibility to find out the truth. Stop blaming others and stop making excuses and you might get somewhere. It's clear you've not taken that step. Probability says you never will. Just stay mad and keep blaming everyone else - look around you will find a metric shyt-ton of excuses.

As a Christian, the "pastor" in the OP is absolutely one of the worst type of people alive., makes me sick to my stomach to listen to this absolute fool.

His idiotic behavior excuses neither me nor you.
I am not blaming anyone nor am I making excuses. I just stated a fact about someone who said I should look to Jesus as an example and what my reasons to do so would or would have been
He can say anything he wants. That doesn't reflect on other people in any way. That same logic is used by racists to say the actions of one person, or several people, reflect the character of the entire race. It's just poor logic.
I never said it reflected on anyone else. I said it created questions about Christianity and Christians in general which it does.
Again, this is your perception, which is incorrect and displays your inability to grasp the concept of faith, trust, and spiritual guidance. I am no better a person than you or anyone else, but my faith allows me to experience things you can't comprehend. So rather than make an ignorant statement like you did, my advice would be to stand aside and deal with your own issues.
In my experiences and interactions with many Christians, they have talked down to non-Christians with a sense of superiority. As a college student, I waited tables in a fairly popular restaurant in Lexington. The "church crowd" was the absolute worst group of people to deal with. Rude, arrogant, and didn't tip for shit. In my discussions with waiters today, it still the same. They argue that God needs to be let back into schools but in my interactions with them, they only mean their God. They don't want any other God to be there such as Islam, Muslim, Jehovah Witness, etc. When asked if they would be ok with all religions being in that school, they say they mean only the christian god. Talk about freedom of religion and they mean only freedom of the Christian religion. Again, this is my own personal experience with many Christians. They aren't nearly as accepting and open to other beliefs as you seem to think they are. Which is why I say that is a problem with most Christians because in my experience it has been. Maybe you or others you don't know, have had different experiences and I genuinely hope you have. My experience and many others that I know explain why the actions of one (like this pastor) create questions regarding the entire denomination.
Stalin, Mao, and countless other significant atheists mudered ~100 million people in the 20th century. So atheists are despicable murders.

Thems the rules for this thread.
It seems those Christians gave up on western medicine because of Covid. If a doctor in my doctors office or my town were sued for malpractice, I’d have a lot more questions than I would if they hadn’t been. The difference though is malpractice while the doctor may be guilty could have been a simple human error. If my doctor was sued for malpractice, I would be a lot more skeptical of all doctors and definitely would no longer be his patient. Someone taking 1.3 million from his congregation because God told him to wasn’t human error. It was a choice.

I haven’t seen any blanket statements. A blanket statement would be all pastors are awful because 1 stole 1.3 million dollars. No one has said that. All that was said was his actions and others like him open Christianity and Christians to questions and doubts.
Instead of worrying about fake Christians and their awful representation of Christ, why don't you highlight all the wonderful things Christians have done in the name of Jesus Christ, that are a great representation of Christ and His ministry on Earth.

Do those not hold enough weight for you because of the stupid actions of fake Christians?

Would you ever post anything about them? Or just the ones that give Christians a bad name. Maybe that isn't a juicy enough storyline for you.

I do find it ironic as well...when Christians do not follow what the Bible instructs, they are instantly called hypocrites and serve as a representation for all Christians. Yet, when Christians do follow what the Bible teaches, they are called homophobes, transphobes, misogynistic.. etc.

Kind of screwed either way. Very interesting to me.
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Instead of worrying about fake Christians and their awful representation of Christ, why don't you highlight all the wonderful things Christians have done in the name of Jesus Christ, that are a great representation of Christ and His ministry on Earth.

Do those not hold enough weight for you because of the stupid actions of fake Christians?

Would you ever post anything about them? Or just the ones that give Christians a bad name. Maybe that isn't a juicy enough storyline for you.

I do find it ironic as well...when Christians do not follow what the Bible instructs, they are instantly called hypocrites and serve as a representation for all Christians. Yet, when Christians do follow what the Bible teaches, they are called homophobes, transphobes, misogynistic.. etc.

Kind of screwed either way. Very interesting to me.
The thing is there is a difference between following what the bible teaches and being a homophobe etc. First of all, the bible teaches love the sinner hate the sin yet we see many "christians" only exhibit the hate portion of that teaching. Secondly, Jesus would dine with the Lepers and interact the with sinners. In my experience, Christians do anything and everything they can to exclude people who are gay, trans, etc. I am sure there are plenty of wonderful Christians on this Earth but the ones who use their faith to hate and exclude are much louder. If you want those wonderful Christians to be the example, they need to make sure they drown out the ones who aren't so wonderful. They don't seem to be doing a very good job of that in my experience.
The thing is there is a difference between following what the bible teaches and being a homophobe etc. First of all, the bible teaches love the sinner hate the sin yet we see many "christians" only exhibit the hate portion of that teaching. Secondly, Jesus would dine with the Lepers and interact the with sinners. In my experience, Christians do anything and everything they can to exclude people who are gay, trans, etc. I am sure there are plenty of wonderful Christians on this Earth but the ones who use their faith to hate and exclude are much louder. If you want those wonderful Christians to be the example, they need to make sure they drown out the ones who aren't so wonderful. They don't seem to be doing a very good job of that in my experience.
Really? Do a Google search for the great things Christians are doing in this world. Then post about those. Instead of lamenting the actions of fake Christians (that are louder according to you) and causing more division, why don't you post from one of the million awesome things Christians have done in the past year...maybe try to bring ppl together instead of posting something that you know will lead to division.

Second, what world are you living in? As a Christian, it is next to impossible to tell someone that homosexuality or abortion is a sin. You can do it in the most loving way and love the person as much as you want but it doesn't matter, you are ridiculed and canceled in a second. Are you not living on planet Earth right now?

BTW, not only did Jesus love the sinner, but he called out their sin and told them to repent. If I do that, I am ridiculed and canceled in a second...
Really? Do a Google search for the great things Christians are doing in this world. Then post about those. Instead of lamenting the actions of fake Christians (that are louder according to you) and causing more division, why don't you post from one of the million awesome things Christians have done in the past year...maybe try to bring ppl together instead of posting something that you know will lead to division.

Second, what world are you living in? As a Christian, it is next to impossible to tell someone that homosexuality or abortion is a sin. You can do it in the most loving way and love the person as much as you want but it doesn't matter, you are ridiculed and canceled in a second. Are you not living on planet Earth right now?

BTW, not only did Jesus love the sinner, but he called out their sin and told them to repent. If I do that, I am ridiculed and canceled in a second...
Because other than starting this thread about a pastor in CO which I thought was funny when he said because God told him to do the home reno, I have based all of my comments solely on my personal interactions with Christians. I completely disagree with the statement that you can't tell someone (in your belief) that homosexuality is a sin. You absolutely can tell them that. What you can't do is take it further than that. What you can't do is refuse to issue a marriage license to them. I have never seen a person "cancelled" for simply saying homosexuality is a sin. They get "cancelled" for going further than that and attacking (physically, verbally, or mentally) and persecuting them. They get "cancelled" for using their faith as an excuse to not provide them a service simply because they are homosexual. That is discrimination. Show me where in the bible it says that a Christian can't bake a wedding cake or provide a website for a gay marriage. Providing a good or service doesn't mean you support someone elses choices. Using religion as an excuse is just a way to cover up and excuse bigotry. I have seen it plenty of times in my own interactions with Christians.
In my experiences and interactions with many Christians, they have talked down to non-Christians with a sense of superiority. As a college student, I waited tables in a fairly popular restaurant in Lexington. The "church crowd" was the absolute worst group of people to deal with. Rude, arrogant, and didn't tip for shit. In my discussions with waiters today, it still the same. They argue that God needs to be let back into schools but in my interactions with them, they only mean their God. They don't want any other God to be there such as Islam, Muslim, Jehovah Witness, etc. When asked if they would be ok with all religions being in that school, they say they mean only the christian god. Talk about freedom of religion and they mean only freedom of the Christian religion. Again, this is my own personal experience with many Christians. They aren't nearly as accepting and open to other beliefs as you seem to think they are. Which is why I say that is a problem with most Christians because in my experience it has been. Maybe you or others you don't know, have had different experiences and I genuinely hope you have. My experience and many others that I know explain why the actions of one (like this pastor) create questions regarding the entire denomination.
In other words, your generalization in the OP was used as confirmation bias, because you generally have a disdain for Christians. It’s fair for people to realize that, although it may have been assumed.
Because other than starting this thread about a pastor in CO which I thought was funny when he said because God told him to do the home reno, I have based all of my comments solely on my personal interactions with Christians. I completely disagree with the statement that you can't tell someone (in your belief) that homosexuality is a sin. You absolutely can tell them that. What you can't do is take it further than that. What you can't do is refuse to issue a marriage license to them. I have never seen a person "cancelled" for simply saying homosexuality is a sin. They get "cancelled" for going further than that and attacking (physically, verbally, or mentally) and persecuting them. They get "cancelled" for using their faith as an excuse to not provide them a service simply because they are homosexual. That is discrimination. Show me where in the bible it says that a Christian can't bake a wedding cake or provide a website for a gay marriage. Providing a good or service doesn't mean you support someone elses choices. Using religion as an excuse is just a way to cover up and excuse bigotry. I have seen it plenty of times in my own interactions with Christians.
You want me to show you in the Bible where it says not to bake a cake for a gay marriage?

That is your takeaway from all this?

God, and in turn the Bible, is very clear on homosexuality. So yes, I would not issue a same sex couple a marriage license. Nor would Jesus, btw, as that would be affirming sinful behavior. The Bible is very clear on marriage being between a man and woman. I will follow what the Bible says, not what a state/federal government says.
Im good. Especially since you failed to quote my entire post. Nice try.
I quoted precisely what I intended, which was your direct contradiction of yourself.

Your whole premise is a direct contradiction. Jesus didn’t tell his followers to scam or steal. Why, then, would Christianity be responsible for the immorality of someone who calls themself a Christian?

You are making an inane argument.
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“Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭ESV‬‬
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You want me to show you in the Bible where it says not to bake a cake for a gay marriage?

That is your takeaway from all this?

God, and in turn the Bible, is very clear on homosexuality. So yes, I would not issue a same sex couple a marriage license. Nor would Jesus, btw, as that would be affirming sinful behavior. The Bible is very clear on marriage being between a man and woman. I will follow what the Bible says, not what a state/federal government says.
Then don’t run for an elected position which would require you to issue a marriage certificate. Furthermore, that marriage certificate is issued by the government not the church. It’s a civil document not a religious one.
Then don’t run for an elected position which would require you to issue a marriage certificate. Furthermore, that marriage certificate is issued by the government not the church. It’s a civil document not a religious one.
You are all over the place in this thread, my friend. Best of luck in whatever you are trying to accomplish.

By the way, if you ever have time to read the Bible, I would read through the books of Matthew and Luke. See how Jesus lived, how he rebuked sinful behavior, and how He calls us to live. Make that your standard, not idiotic "pastors."
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“Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Then don’t run for an elected position which would require you to issue a marriage certificate. Furthermore, that marriage certificate is issued by the government not the church. It’s a civil document not a religious one.

Hell would be sitting in a room in between the both of you.
You are all over the place in this thread, my friend. Best of luck in whatever you are trying to accomplish.

By the way, if you ever have time to read the Bible, I would read through the books of Matthew and Luke. See how Jesus lived, how he rebuked sinful behavior, and how He calls us to live. Make that your standard, not idiotic "pastors."
I was responding to you who said you wouldn't issue a marriage license/certificate.

I have read the bible cover to cover. My ex wife was a born again Christian so I read the bible during that marriage. I got the same out of it as I did Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales.
Everyone, calculate your pRoGrEsSiVe DEI (Division, Exclusion, Insanity) score and post it so Commissar TCurtis75 can personalize his reeducation training.

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Everyone, calculate your pRoGrEsSiVe DEI (Division, Exclusion, Insanity) score and post it so Commissar TCurtis75 can personalize his reeducation training.

I imagine T Curtis being Curtis Pulley. Doesn't look too bright, does he?
