“Pastor” is a con artist.

My confession: I like when you act like a 14 year-old, because it makes everyone who debated you appear to be even more correct than they did by their own words.
You assume I care what you or others on here think about me...I lose no sleep over it especially since most of them are Trump supporters...tells me all I need to know about them and the validity of their opinion...People who show me respect get the same from me...You have never shown anyone here that disagrees with you the slightest amount of respect so your opinion and existence is nary a concern...I just like watching you whine about things I say and do since you seem to care so much about me and my posts. So keep posting excerpts from your jewish book of fairy tales and I will continue to laugh at you.
We all believe differently. I’m a faithful Christian that sins daily.

I personally don’t believe the Bible is clear on homosexuality or marriage only being a man and a woman only.

I’m fine with gays and them getting married. Not my life.

I’m fine with abortions and think women should have access to them.

I don’t think saying Goddamnit (guilty as f**k with that daily as well as Jesus Christ), is as bad as raping or murdering someone.

I know the Bible says all sins are equal but I’ll be honest, I’ll take my chances saying GDit but doing most everything else by the book.
Sorry my cannot be a faithful Christian when they expressly affirm gay marriage and abortion. The Bible is incredibly clear on homosexuality, God's definition of marriage, murder, and using the Lord's name in vain.
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You assume I care what you or others on here think about me...
No, I don’t. My confession is that I care what others think, not you. I like that readers see you melt down and behave like a child. I admit that I care what they think about you. That is why it’s MY confession.
Sorry my cannot be a faithful Christian when they expressly affirm gay marriage and abortion. The Bible is incredibly clear on homosexuality, God's definition of marriage, and murder.
What about divorce? The Bible is clear on it as well? Do you apply that same reasoning in it as well? Or are you a hypocrite?
Sorry my cannot be a faithful Christian when they expressly affirm gay marriage and abortion. The Bible is incredibly clear on homosexuality, God's definition of marriage, and murder.
”“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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No, I don’t. My confession is that I care what others think, not you. I like that readers see you melt down and behave like a child. I admit that I care what they think about you. That is why it’s MY confession.
You and I have different definitions of melt down. I’m completely calm. You on the other hand seem a little bit ruled up.
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100%. Divorce is a sin. The Bible is clear as well. Not sure what kind of gotcha you are looking for..
do you offer that same lecture to them. Do you condemn those divorced like you do gay people? I would venture to guess you should start lecturing many who agree with you about gay marriage.
100%. Divorce is a sin...except in the case of infidelity. The Bible is clear as well. Not sure what kind of gotcha you are looking for..
”Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭8‬-‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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do you offer that same lecture to them. Do you condemn those divorced like you do gay people? I would venture to guess you should start lecturing many who agree with you about gay marriage.
I have never condemned a gay person in my life. Nor have I condemned a divorced person in my life...not sure what type of fishing expedition you are trying to go on, but it isn't working.
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100%. Divorce is a sin...except in the case of infidelity. The Bible is clear as well. Not sure what kind of gotcha you are looking for..

I’m not trying to get you in a gotcha or say anything one way or the other. But do you feel someone that committed adultery multiple times and had five different spouses and children from different marriages but at the end of their life they repented and said sorry or what have you would receive a better reward than someone that was in a monogamous and stable and happy homosexual relationship for 40 years? Or are both viewed the same way?
I have never condemned a gay person in my life. Nor have I condemned a divorced person in my life...not sure what type of fishing expedition you are trying to go on, but it isn't working.
Ok. Above you said one can’t be a faithful Christian if they affirm gay marriage. Obviously one can’t be a faithful Christian if they are gay either in your views. What about those that affirm divorce or are divorced? Can they be faithful Christians? Are you going to offer them the same lecture?
Ok. Above you said one can’t be a faithful Christian if they affirm gay marriage. Obviously one can’t be a faithful Christian if they are gay either in your views. What about those that affirm divorce or are divorced? Can they be faithful Christians? Are you going to offer them the same lecture?
First, I don't think you understand what the word lecture means. I don't lecture anybody in life.

And yes, if any Christian affirms divorce outside of infidelity (or physical violence), they are not a faithful Christian. They are affirming sinful behavior.
First, I don't think you understand what the word lecture means. I don't lecture anybody in life.

And yes, if any Christian affirms divorce outside of infidelity (or if the physical violence), they are not a faithful Christian. They affirming sinful behavior.
Telling someone what is or isn’t a faithful Christian is a lecture. It’s not your place to judge anyone for their faith and that is exactly what you are doing.
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I’m not trying to get you in a gotcha or say anything one way or the other. But do you feel someone that committed adultery multiple times and had five different spouses and children from different marriages but at the end of their life they repented and said sorry or what have you would receive a better reward than someone that was in a monogamous and stable and happy homosexual relationship for 40 years? Or are both viewed the same way?
Well it is not how I is what God's Word says.

That is the ultimate standard in life.

If someone genuinely repents (which means change, not just asking for forgiveness) of their sin, places their faith in Jesus' work on the cross, then they now have a relationship with God.

Same applies to someone who has been divorced 5 times as it does to someone who was in a homosexuality marriage for 40 years.

It's simple, genuinely repent, surrender your heart, and place your faith in Christ, and you will be in the most joyous relationship in this life with God.
Well it is not how I is what God's Word says.

That is the ultimate standard in life.

If someone genuinely repents (which means change, not just asking for forgiveness) of their sin, places their faith in Jesus' work on the cross, then they now have a relationship with God.

Same applies to someone who has been divorced 5 times as it does to someone who was in a homosexuality marriage for 40 years.

It's simple, genuinely repent, surrender your heart, and place your faith in Christ, and you will be in the most joyous relationship in this life with God.

Is there ever a situation where repenting doesn’t overshadow actions? Like a serial killer or nazi that ran a concentration camp or something like that? Again, just curious as it’s not really possible to have these questions IRL without it getting awkward.
Telling someone what is or isn’t a faithful Christian is a lecture. It’s not your place to judge anyone for their faith and that is exactly what you are doing.
I thought you said the read the Bible cover to cover. Matthew Ch 18 and James 5 (among others) is very clear about rebuking those in the Christian faith. I would read those again.
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Well it is not how I is what God's Word says.

That is the ultimate standard in life.

If someone genuinely repents (which means change, not just asking for forgiveness) of their sin, places their faith in Jesus' work on the cross, then they now have a relationship with God.

Same applies to someone who has been divorced 5 times as it does to someone who was in a homosexuality marriage for 40 years.

It's simple, genuinely repent, surrender your heart, and place your faith in Christ, and you will be in the most joyous relationship in this life with God.
People say they have read scripture. You cite what scripture says. They accuse you of lecturing.

I feel like this may be a Beatitude moment. :)
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Is there ever a situation where repenting doesn’t overshadow actions? Like a serial killer or nazi that ran a concentration camp or something like that? Again, just curious as it’s not really possible to have these questions IRL without it getting awkward.
This, I think, is the essence of Jesus’s don’t judge others comment. It is not about discussing or helping to reveal sin in someone’s life, but rather exclaiming what the ultimate result of that sin will be.
I thought you said the read the Bible cover to cover. Matthew Ch 18 and James 5 (among others) is very clear about rebuking those in the Christian faith. I would read those again.
But not judging them and you very much are judging them.
But not judging them and you very much are judging them.
Dude, I am giving direction, expressly from the Bible, on how Christians are to deal with either sin in the church and with other Christians. I am 100% right biblically. Not sure what else you want from me.
Is there ever a situation where repenting doesn’t overshadow actions? Like a serial killer or nazi that ran a concentration camp or something like that? Again, just curious as it’s not really possible to have these questions IRL without it getting awkward.
This message board isn't real life (haha, just kidding)?

First, the Bible says that God is just and righteous. If he wasn't, I sure as heck wouldn't worship Him. I have full faith that God will handle everybody's afterlife fairly and in accordance with His Word that he gave us to live by. If He didn't, He couldn't be the God of the Bible.

Second, God will judge all the people and all the nations based on their works. Remember, God is just and righteous.

Third, God knows who genuinely has given their hearts to Him, fully has accepted Jesus as their Savior, and have repented from their sin.

If you believe the God of the Bible is true and that God is 100% just and righteous (which I do), nobody is going to get into heaven accidentally, or hell accidentally. God knows what He is doing.
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I read the Bible cover to cover twice and my understanding was poor, so I bought a set of Bible Commentaries and through them read it a third time. My knowledge is still woefully lacking. If I had to narrow it down to one comment, it would be that one can not put his faith in mankind. The very best of us are sinners. Jesus is our only hope.
Dude, I am giving direction, expressly from the Bible, on how Christians are to deal with either sin in the church and with other Christians. I am 100% right biblically. Not sure what else you want from me.
Bruh don’t tell me if I’m a faithful Christian by YOUR standards, couldn’t give a flying f**k about your standards as a Christian. We’re different and see things different, that’s okay as well.

But it’s 100% not your business or realm of authority to tell any Christian if they’re being faithful in YOUR eyes or not. That’s gods call bubba.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” And further it says don’t forget when you get to heaven god will judge you as harshly as you judged others irregardless of how “good” a Christian you think you were.

Don’t judge the speck in my eye when there’s a whole damn plank in yours.

In all honesty, I think people that believe/think like you do on a high horse is the reason why so many younger people aren’t in church these days and have left the community.

Younger people are fine with abortion and gays and live and let live, they don’t want to be preached down to by someone who is also sinning every day but in a way they’re okay with I guess 🤷‍♂️, not sure why you’re holding on to the 1950s so much but it’s not working if you’re trying to spread the gospel.
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Bruh don’t tell me if I’m a faithful Christian by YOUR standards, couldn’t give a flying f**k about your standards as a Christian. We’re different and see things different, that’s okay as well.

The objective is the text. We should look to the text and seek God’s word, rather than our interpretations or attempts to lawyer the word.

But it’s 100% not your business or realm of authority to tell any Christian if they’re being faithful in YOUR eyes or not. That’s gods call bubba.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” And further it says don’t forget when you get to heaven god will judge you as harshly as you judged others irregardless of how “good” a Christian you think you were.

Don’t judge the speck in my eye when there’s a whole damn plank in yours.

A lot of references there. By pointing out what God’s word describes as sin, a believer is not making a call, but pointing out a fact. I am not sure how sin can be viewed as being loyal to God, admitting we all sin. Being faithful would seem to require the desire to honor God and repent, attempting not to sin.

And, as stated above, the judging in the “judge not” is not explaining to people their sin. Jesus said to the woman to be stoned that he was not judging her, BUT that she should leave her life of sin.

As to the plank quote that is a favorite, Jesus said look in the mirror and get your act together, but did not say you should not help your brother who is sinning.

”“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭41‬-‭42‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In all honesty, I think people that believe/think like you do on a high horse is the reason why so many younger people aren’t in church these days and have left the community.

Younger people are fine with abortion and gays and live and let live, they don’t want to be preached down to by someone who is also sinning every day but in a way they’re okay with I guess 🤷‍♂️, not sure why you’re holding on to the 1950s so much but it’s not working if you’re trying to spread the gospel.
Adam and Eve were fine with their decisions. Solomon, as well. Being fine with something the Bible describes as sin is not okay, if being faithful is your desire. Preaching the Bible is not “preaching down,” as you suggest. Watering down the Bible is doing harm to others, not honoring God, and appears from Scripture to be the sort of thing that will be judged.

I think we walk a perilous path if we decide to treat the Bible like a cafeteria line, picking and choosing what we like and don’t like. That does not mean that all Biblical laws stated, as many atheists like to ignorantly pretend, apply today, but it should give us pause before we state that we should ignore Scripture to cater to the desires of young people, or anyone.
Bruh don’t tell me if I’m a faithful Christian by YOUR standards, couldn’t give a flying f**k about your standards as a Christian. We’re different and see things different, that’s okay as well.

But it’s 100% not your business or realm of authority to tell any Christian if they’re being faithful in YOUR eyes or not. That’s gods call bubba.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” And further it says don’t forget when you get to heaven god will judge you as harshly as you judged others irregardless of how “good” a Christian you think you were.

Don’t judge the speck in my eye when there’s a whole damn plank in yours.

In all honesty, I think people that believe/think like you do on a high horse is the reason why so many younger people aren’t in church these days and have left the community.

Younger people are fine with abortion and gays and live and let live, they don’t want to be preached down to by someone who is also sinning every day but in a way they’re okay with I guess 🤷‍♂️, not sure why you’re holding on to the 1950s so much but it’s not working if you’re trying to spread the gospel.
Unfortunately, my standard is the Bible, which as I have already provided biblical evidence, is clear on dealing with sin in the church and our fellow Christian brothers/sisters.

The Bible is clear on homosexuality, murder, using the Lord's name in vain, say you are a Christian, yet affirm all of this sinful behavior.

Biblically, I am 100% right in calling a fellow Christian out in their sin. People have done the same to me, and I am grateful for their biblical honesty.
Show me where in the bible it says that a Christian can't bake a wedding cake or provide a website for a gay marriage.
Romans 1:32

“Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.“
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Unfortunately, my standard is the Bible, which as I have already provided biblical evidence, is clear on dealing with sin in the church and our fellow Christian brothers/sisters.

The Bible is clear on homosexuality, murder, using the Lord's name in vain, say you are a Christian, yet affirm all of this sinful behavior.

Biblically, I am 100% right in calling a fellow Christian out in their sin. People have done the same to me, and I am grateful for their biblical honesty.
So you and your friends walk around pointing out other people’s sins? That’s pretty self aggrandizing eh? Do you feel moral superiority doing that? I don’t know these peoples lives or what their day was like so I don’t tend to point out to people every time I think they’re doing something they shouldn’t.

And you can take the Bible literally, I don’t completely. I don’t think anyone was 1000 years old, I doing think Eve came from a rib, or that Adam and Eve were the first two humans on earth that we all descended from, that’s not how evolution works. And yes I think God designed evolution.

Do you treat your body as a temple? I doubt it. I bet you’re BMI is cruising in the 30s.

Do you wear clothes of differing materials? Bible says you shouldn’t…

And yes, I sin, using the lord’s name and whatnot. So do you, just because you’re on here pretending you’ve got Christianity down to a T doesn’t mean shit.

Quit preaching at others man you have no right, nor even compunction in doing so it seems.

You’re literally the reason people don’t like, are pushed away and annoyed by Christianity.

You’re being a holier than thou know it all which literally means you’re likely ignorant and vexatious, you’re likely not helping God out basically. You make people think, “if that’s being a Christian I don’t want to be one.”

Congrats. 👏
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Romans 1:32

“Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.“
Providing a service doesn't mean I approve of the choices they make. So again, show me in the bible where it says that.
So you and your friends walk around pointing out other people’s sins? That’s pretty self aggrandizing eh? Do you feel moral superiority doing that? I don’t know these peoples lives or what their day was like so I don’t tend to point out to people every time I think they’re doing something they shouldn’t.

And you can take the Bible literally, I don’t completely. I don’t think anyone was 1000 years old, I doing think Eve came from a rib, or that Adam and Eve were the first two humans on earth that we all descended from, that’s not how evolution works. And yes I think God designed evolution.

Do you treat your body as a temple? I doubt it. I bet you’re BMI is cruising in the 30s.

Do you wear clothes of differing materials? Bible says you shouldn’t…

And yes, I sin, using the lord’s name and whatnot. So do you, just because you’re on here pretending you’ve got Christianity down to a T doesn’t mean shit.

Quit preaching at others man you have no right, nor even compunction in doing so it seems.

You’re literally the reason people don’t like, are pushed away and annoyed by Christianity.

You’re being a holier than thou know it all which literally means you’re likely ignorant and vexatious, you’re likely not helping God out basically. You make people think, “if that’s being a Christian I don’t want to be one.”

Congrats. 👏
God's Word doesn't change.

Just because society now affirms homosexual relationships, abortion, etc does not change the Lord's Word.

There is nothing figurative or metaphorical in the Bible when it comes to God's design for marriage, His condemnation of homosexuality and the sexually immoral. Also, the Bible is very clear in calling out sin in other Christian's lives. I am sorry you don't want to live that out, but God is clear.

You as a Christian should be affirming God's Word to help those who are lost find and follow Jesus, not affirm and support what is sinful in the Lord's eyes.

Christians job is to speak the Lord's truth, not affirm what society says is their truth.
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People don’t like their sin pulled out into the light. They would rather have people condone their sin or let it remain hidden. So much so that they will preach against and condemn those who reveal God’s word about sin.
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”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.“
‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭21‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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As a Christian I have many friends who aren't. I know I'm supposed to be a witness for Christ but I guess I just care what others think about me and I don't want to come off as pointing my finger at them. So I try to be a good example but a lot of times even that is hard to do. I feel like Paul and the war being waged on his mind in Romans 7:15-20. It's also hard to be a good example to others on a message board with no face to face social interactions because nobody on here truly "knows" anyone for the most part. Thats no slight towards @Caveman Catfan or @mcnicKY91 as they speak truth. They're just more bold than I am. Maybe I'll get to the point where I can be as bold. I guess my point is that it's easy for someone to take their words as finger pointing when it's on a message board. I'd bet if you guys were around them in person that your view of them you have here would change considerably.
As a Christian I have many friends who aren't. I know I'm supposed to be a witness for Christ but I guess I just care what others think about me and I don't want to come off as pointing my finger at them. So I try to be a good example but a lot of times even that is hard to do. I feel like Paul and the war being waged on his mind in Romans 7:15-20. It's also hard to be a good example to others on a message board with no face to face social interactions because nobody on here truly "knows" anyone for the most part. Thats no slight towards @Caveman Catfan or @mcnicKY91 as they speak truth. They're just more bold than I am. Maybe I'll get to the point where I can be as bold. I guess my point is that it's easy for someone to take their words as finger pointing when it's on a message board. I'd bet if you guys were around them in person that your view of them you have here would change considerably.
Thank you for your generosity and honesty.
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As a Christian I have many friends who aren't. I know I'm supposed to be a witness for Christ but I guess I just care what others think about me and I don't want to come off as pointing my finger at them. So I try to be a good example but a lot of times even that is hard to do. I feel like Paul and the war being waged on his mind in Romans 7:15-20. It's also hard to be a good example to others on a message board with no face to face social interactions because nobody on here truly "knows" anyone for the most part. Thats no slight towards @Caveman Catfan or @mcnicKY91 as they speak truth. They're just more bold than I am. Maybe I'll get to the point where I can be as bold. I guess my point is that it's easy for someone to take their words as finger pointing when it's on a message board. I'd bet if you guys were around them in person that your view of them you have here would change considerably.
My man...similarly to the passage you just quoted in Romans that Paul was speaking on, I am reminded of Jesus' words in Matthew 26: "The spirt is willing, but the flesh is weak."

I think your passage and the one I just quoted perfectly sum up the tug of war in believers' hearts. So often, we want to please the Lord, follow his commands, share Christ with others, walk in obedience to Him, but man, our sinful flesh/desires rule the day.

Every single believer, including the great Apostle Paul who authored so much of the New Testament, share this same struggle.

The only ways (that I know of) to combat these struggles is through continued prayer, and time in God's Word. Doesn't mean they go away, but gives us strength through Him to know that His power is made perfect in our weakness.