Can we reverse the all-too-often giving up early points every single game this year?

Seems like last year especially, we gave up a scoring drive within the first 10 minutes of the game in addition to badly mishandling the 'middle eight' (last 4 minutes of the 1st half and first 4 minutes of 2nd half) more times than not and a few games that we gave up late scores (some didn't cost us, some did). Can we reverse that trend and score first consistently this year? Part of that, I think, was on the offense but part was on a defense that looked to me to be very passive and vanilla their first 2-3 series most games and we inevitably gave up points early thus putting more pressure on our slow-as-molasses offense last year.

Am I remembering incorrectly? I recall being behind early almost every game whether by 3 or 7. Then, we absolutely crapped the bed multiple games in the middle 8. Hope we can reverse those trends.

I'd really like to see our defense, right from the opening kickoff, being aggressive and attacking without taking ridiculous risks. Laying back in soft zones and giving up 3-5 yards on easy plays early seemed like a strategy we employed way too often for my tastes. Only after we got down a score did it seem like we switched things up to combat the opponent. Seems like we were always adjusting to what the offense was doing and not making THEM adjust to what we were doing on defense.
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Some takeaways from 1760 mile drive cross country

Just moved from Denver area to the Jacksonville area and drove 1760 miles. Takeaways:
1. Astounding how much emptyness/farmland there is across eastern CO, all of Kansas, much of MO, and chunks of TN and GA. Not much of anything to see for miles and miles.
2. Saw many, many billboards across KS and MO for churches and Jesus 'sayings'.
3. Very few political signs but 100% were Trump.
4. No traffic problems until St. Louis (minor), Nashville (awful at 12:30 on a Friday) and Atlanta (pretty easy as we went thru on Saturday morning around 8:15 am). Planned around those cities on purpose.
5. In every larger city there were the few idiots driving 15+ mph faster than the traffic, weaving in and out, tailgating, etc. Idiot, impatient drivers are everywhere, evidently.
6. A lot more state patrol presence on the interstates than I expected.
7. A ton of road construction in every state we drove thru (CO, KS, MO, IL, KY, TN, GA).
8. Drivers on I-95 are in a HURRY. Speed limit of 70 is close to the minimum for most drivers. Set cruise on 75 and stayed way to the right.
9. Hawks are extremely plentiful across the middle states - probably saw > 100+ over the course of 26 hours of driving.
10. Getting way too old to drive 7+ hours, not including stops, for multiple days. Back and butt gave up the ghost just a bit earlier every day.

BVG Question

Would love to hear insiders opinions here:

From what we’ve heard, it seems as if BVG is easily likable and a natural leader thus far. However, we haven’t heard much in terms of on-field play regarding accuracy, decision-making, etc.(other than him running the ball).

Is this purposeful or just a coincidence to this point? Last year, we heard about Leary everyday on the field. We’re hearing as much if not more about Wimsatt too.

A tad concerning but also understand that the jury could still be out.
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Stock Advice Thread

Let's start a Stock Advice thread where posters can drop stock tips for each other and dissect each others investments. I will start.

For all you value investors out there, there is a really good play in Gilead Sciences GILD. They are currently trading at only 7.2X their earnings. They have a dividend yield of 2.3%. The payout ration is tiny at 15% so the dividend is more than safe. Their Hepatitis C business is declining, but it will be a cash cow for years to come. They have new HIV drugs in the pipeline and a possible cure for non-alcoholic fatty liver coming as well.

This is not a buy and sell soon, this is something to add to your IRA and set on it for 10 years. Good luck and do your own research before buying!!!

In this piece, Coach White Sounds very Confident in Childress and Afari.

There is no question that much is expected of Pop Dumas-Johnson and D’Erick Jackson entering ‘24. Both have tons of experience, and are physical specimens.

Coach White highlights the growth and versatility of Childress and Afari, noting their increased abilities in both run and pass settings,

