Too 10 this week

1 beat #15 and survived @ #23
2 lost @ unranked team and beat #9
3 beat two unranked teams
4 lost to #21, won @ #8
5 lost to unranked team (probably ranked next week) and beat unranked team
6 lost to unranked team and beat #23
7 lost at two unranked teams
8 (UK) lost to #4 and beat #11
9 lost @ #2 and beat unranked team
10 beat unranked team and survived @ unranked team

Looking at this (only 1, 3 and 10 didn’t lose) the following makes sense on Monday:
1 stays 1 (Auburn)
3 moves to 2 (Duke)
4 moves to 3 (Alabama)
2 moves to 4 (Iowa St)
8 moves to 5 (UK)
6 stays at 6 (Tennessee)
5 moves to 7 (Florida)
10 moves to 8 (Houston)
9 stays 9 (Kansas)
12 moves to 10 )Michigan St)
7 drops below 10 (Marquette)

11,13,14,15 also all lost, so only 4 of the top 15 didn’t lose this week

Caleb Wilson will commit in 01/23

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I think he is UNC to lose and just use UK for attention. This is my gut feeling.

UNC may actually be the leader since last year. He is just using UK to make some smoke

He will make commitment in 1/23 actually
