1 beat #15 and survived @ #23
2 lost @ unranked team and beat #9
3 beat two unranked teams
4 lost to #21, won @ #8
5 lost to unranked team (probably ranked next week) and beat unranked team
6 lost to unranked team and beat #23
7 lost at two unranked teams
8 (UK) lost to #4 and beat #11
9 lost @ #2 and beat unranked team
10 beat unranked team and survived @ unranked team
Looking at this (only 1, 3 and 10 didn’t lose) the following makes sense on Monday:
1 stays 1 (Auburn)
3 moves to 2 (Duke)
4 moves to 3 (Alabama)
2 moves to 4 (Iowa St)
8 moves to 5 (UK)
6 stays at 6 (Tennessee)
5 moves to 7 (Florida)
10 moves to 8 (Houston)
9 stays 9 (Kansas)
12 moves to 10 )Michigan St)
7 drops below 10 (Marquette)
11,13,14,15 also all lost, so only 4 of the top 15 didn’t lose this week